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Hottest FE guys

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I think Karel's a pretty studly guy. :lol:


Want. XD

one name: Karel(fe7, not fe6).

FE6 Karel is a cutie too. :P

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*goes to see if there are any new people since her last list*

Wait... Did I mention Eliwood or not in my last post? I can't go check right now!!! D=... Well actually I can, but... Don't feel like it =D

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@ the Karel picture: That's a pretty cool Karel pic, I wonder who drew that...?

Not me, sadly. But it's always been a favorite of mine. :3 (If anyone knows the artist, PM me!)

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Oh my...there are too much to choose! *and most of my choice are -coughbishiescough-*

FE03: Maric

FE04: Azel <3, Arthur <3, Yurius <3, Mideel.

FE05: Seluf, Finn, Delmud

FE06: Klein, Percival

FE07: Pent, Lucius

FE08: Knoll, Ephraim, Leon

FE09/10: Soren, Reyson, Zihark, Rajaion, Sephiran

And Sothe looks kind of cool; I would so include him to my list, if not for his outfit. -_-;;;;;

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Here's a list of all the men I'm jealous of because they're better lookin' than me and they always get the ladies.

FE1- Oguma, Marth, Naravee

FE2- Quit playing the game after Chapter 1.

FE3- Iguma Naravee

FE4- Levin, Young Alvis, Azel

FE5- Shiva

FE6 - Klein, Dorothy

FE7- Pent

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From FE10...

-Tibarn (You can't get any manlier than this)

-Stefan (Irresistable charm. also, hot)

-Naesala (Not really my type, but he's a player and has some epic fashion sense)

-Soren (The only one I'm really gay for)

-Volug (Really hot, and he's the Queen's boytoy. Shame you have to make him transform)

Honourable mention: Sothe (He's got a nice body, but everything else is just blegh)


I may have revealed a bit too much here, but w/e

Also, there is no way in HELL I'm tapping Lucius. If I wanted a guy, why would I want a...chick?

And I loathe Ike. Mass of muscles, and looks dumb as hell. Also, earrings? Ew. And FE9 Ike is too adorable.

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-Soren (The only one I'm really gay for)

You win~


Again, Tanith is a girl. :(

Also, there is no way in HELL I'm tapping Lucius. If I wanted a guy, why would I want a...chick?

But Lucius can be handy if you decide to swing both ways. :mellow:

And I loathe Ike. Mass of muscles, and looks dumb as hell. Also, earrings? Ew. And FE9 Ike is too adorable.

Soren is hurt. You just insult his taste.

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But Lucius can be handy if you decide to swing both ways. :mellow:

Swing both ways? So you mean I should pretend I'm tapping a chick while he's actually got manparts? If I want to do both at the same time, I'll have a threesome. Which I don't want to. Androgyns = fail in my book.

Also, I obviously wasn't serious about Manith.

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Here's a list of all the men I'm jealous of because they're better lookin' than me and they always get the ladies.

wouldn't that be everyone?

This topic crawled back from the dead?

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Because of the vague title of the topic, I am going by strictly 'hot' only. And before anything, SIGURD is the hottest of them all.

FE1/3/11: Marth, Navarre, Oguma, and Etzel (Marich would go under cute, not hot.)

FE2: Alm and Force

FE4: Number one, first and most importantly: Sigurd.

Alvis, Kult, Azel, Lex, Cuan, Finn, Midayle, Holyn, Levin, Claude, Celice, Rodlevan, Saskasha, Tristan, Delmudd, Arthur<333--To hell with this--EVERYONE in Seisen no Keifu.

FE5: Finn, Othin, Shanam, Sleuf, Cyas, Shiva, Sety, and Homeros

FE6: Deik, Shin, Hugh, Echidna, Geese, and Karel (I like this Karel more.)

FE7: Rath, Heath, Karel, Pent, and Canas

FE8: Ephraim, Kyle, Knoll, Saleh, Orson, Lyon, and Valter.

FE9: Keiran, Sephiran, Oliver, Reyson, Nasir, and Stefan (I do not find Zirhark attractive in the least.)

FE10: Same as above with added Boyd, Oscar, Volug, Ike, Kisa, Pelleas, Zelgius, and Raphiel

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