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Support convos/paired endings that should have been in this game!

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Yeah, we all talk about how IS dropped the ball here, but how about we get specific this time?

Which specific detailed support conversations and paired endings would YOU like to have seen? And what do you imagine they'd be like?

I would have liked to seen the following:

Edward x Leonardo: I'd use the conversations to explain the backstory behind their friendship and I'd even give them a friendship-based paired ending. I'm aware of outside materials explaining it, but I'd prefer that kind of character development to be in the game, not outside sources.

Edward x Zihark: Edward becomes wowed with Zihark's swordsmanship and decides to become his pupil. This would play out similarly to Guy x Karel's support conversations in FE7 except Zihark isn't as much of a violent psychopath.

Nolan x each Dawn Brigade member: Basically him giving fatherly advice to each one. Dunno who he could have a paired ending with. Maybe Micaiah to match the WTF Factor that Serra x Oswin had.

Zihark x Illyana: It really looked like they'd get a paired ending. Even without a transferred PoR A support, they're first conversation when they meet up again is surprisingly intimate and another one (forgot when it occurs) has Zihark telling Illyana that he feels like he's known her longer than the others. I also don't see why they didn't get a default Bond support that didn't require transfer data if they were gonna have them interact like that.

Zihark x Meg: Why not? She's convinced he's her true love so it'd be funny to see her trying to convince him and Zihark evading her.

Also Zihark should also have paired endings with Lethe, Lyre, and Vika just to remind everyone at the end of the day, he's still a furry.

Lucia x Elincia: The game just gives us "they're closer than sisters!" and leaves it at that. Like Ed x Leo, I'd like to have learn the "how" in that other than just "they grew up together". Probably should have been covered in PoR, but they didn't have to waste the opportunity twice.

Lucia x Mia: They REALLY missed an opportunity here in PoR. A "dashing swordsman in flowing white robes"? Lucia fits Mia's description of her long-awaited rival very closely and Mia should have jumped on that. They could have even had a paired ending where they had Mia's most desired Duel at Dawn and even left it ambiguous as to who won (especially if it was a duel to the death!).

Aran x Laura: They screwed with Fire Emblem tradition. How could they be childhood friends and not want to bone each other? It's probably a first for the series.

Rolf x Mist: Isn't it obvious? And definitely should have gotten a paired ending.

Shinon x Leonardo: It would consist entirely of Shinon laughing at Leo's crappy archery skills.

Shinon x Lethe: Laguz bigot vs. Beorc bigot? Probably would have been better in PoR since Lethe cooled down a bit in RD, but I still think it would've been amusing. For extra lulz, they could even fall in love in the end. :awesome:

Soren x Stefan: It'd be a continuation of their conversations in PoR, with Stefan checking up on Soren and see how he's adjusting with the knowledge of his being Branded after 3 years.

Soren x Micaiah: I just think it'd be interesting seeing them interact after their battle conversations.

Soren x Pelleas: They share the same marks, but are completely different. During their battle conversation in Chapter 3 Endgame, Pelleas said their was much he wanted to ask him, but Soren was like "LOLZNO! i ki77 y00!" It could have been alternate way to reveal

Soren is Almedha's son, not Pelleas

without having jump through all those crazy hoops you have to do now.

Marcia x Sigrun: We saw how she was with Tanith in PoR. Would have like to see how she was with Sigrun to compare.

Marcia x Kieran: A continuation of their PoR supports, especially since Marcia ended up in Crimea, not Begnion. How would they be interacting now? Maybe a paired ending where Marcia realizes she kinda likes the meathead? Especially since she criticizes Astrid and Makalov when Kieran isn't that much better.

Marcia x Haar: I want to see how far their Falco/Dracoknight rivalry goes.

Tanith x Oscar: Does she still wish to bring Oscar back to Begnion with her, if you know what I mean? =D

Kieran x Skrimir Who out-hotbloods whom?

Oscar x Illyana How did we not get this in PoR? Oscar the chef versus Illyana the human tapeworm? There's plenty of comedy potential there!

Sothe x Volke: Sothe pesters Volke to teach him how to become an assassin to better protect Micaiah. Volke just says "50,000" which is Volke-speak for "No, because you suck."

Heather x ALL THE LADIES. Obvious reason is obvious. Would she score with any of them? Probably not. I'd at least give her a paired ending with Nephenee though. Not as lovers, just as Nephenee being the oblivious friend and Heather her eternal stalker.

Oliver x ALL THE LAGUZ: Much lulz could have been had on him commenting on the different laguz's beauty (or lack thereof according to him) and their reactions.

Kyza x Lyre: Them competing for Ranulf's attention could be entertaining. Maybe even end it with Ranulf revealing he couldn't care less about either of them since they're both terrible units and they have a paired ending where they cry while eating ice cream together.

And finally our two lords, Ike and Micaiah. I always though Roy of FE6 should have started a tradition where the Lord of the game gets as much action as possible. To wit:

Ike x Elincia: Obviously Ike would not want to be King of Crimea, but Elincia makes it known that she never wanted to be Queen so here's what happens. Elincia abdicates the throne and runs off with Ike. Renning becomes King just like it was originally intended. Lucia facepalms as she realizes she almost got hanged for nothing.

Ike x Titania: Titania was hot for Greil but he died so she moves on to the next best thing: his son. Might be a little weird since Titania is kind of like a mom to him, but hey, Roy and Cecilia was just as weird but that still happened.

Ike x Jill: lol she marries her father's killer. Talk about awkward.

Ike x Lethe: It looked like it was being set up in PoR. What if RD took it further?

Ike x Mia: Only because she's the only other girl I could see Ike with. His romantic prospects in this game are pretty slim now that I think about it. Maybe because IS spent too much time on him and Soren.

Ike x Mist: No incest! I'm just saying if Ike is going to travel to far off lands, never to be seen again, he shouldn't leave his only sister alone, especially since Mist's current choice is either loneliness or Boyd. So why not have her travel with him?

Micaiah x Edward: Just for the sake of having an alternate DB member to be with other than Sothe. And Eddie's better than Leo.

Micaiah x Stefan: I could totally see her finding peace with him in his Branded village.

Micaiah x Pelleas: She really trusted/liked Pelleas for no real reason really. This would make sense to me. Heck, at the end of Part 1, I somewhat expected Pelleas to ask for Micaiah's hand in marriage instead of making her a General.

Micaiah x Kurthnaga Just to see what would happen if Kurth brought a Branded back to Goldoa. Maybe Goldoa will be so digusted, it would move?

And finally

Ike x Micaiah: Because, why not?

I'd post more but I'm tired.

Edited by Bedsheet Ghost
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My question is why is only a few support/endings accessible? This playthrough is the first time i ever got Mist and Boyd to support to an A and it really makes an impact on certain things. A unlockable base convo i hadnt seen before, Boyd going apeshit when Mist collapses at the end of Part 3, etc. Why the hell dont we see more of that sort of thing between other characters? As far as I know, SorenxIke and BoydxMist are the only supports that seem to make that sort of impact. SHAMEFUL!

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LeonardoXRolf: They both feel better because they see how bad each other's archery skills are.

what are you talking about Rolf (if trained) is the best marksmen in the game.

I wan't to see Heather X any girl they would actually make for "interesting" supports

other than that Neph X Brom would be a nice one (not that I like Brom that much it's just that he's nephs friend and she needs someone too)

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Aran x Laura: They screwed with Fire Emblem tradition. How could they be childhood friends and not want to bone each other? It's probably a first for the series.

What about Ike x Soren?

Anyway, I'd go for Elincia x Pelleas and Tormod x Vika...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Because I'm bored, I'll also list the DEFAULT bond supports that should have been in this game (not that they matter much, but like I said, I'm bored)

Changes are in bold

Micaiah: Sothe

Sothe: Micaiah, Tormod

Meg: Brom

Pain: Agony

Jill: Mist, Haar

Zihark: Illyana, Brom

Illyana: Zihark

Tormod: Muarim, Sothe

Muarim: Tormod

Nailah: Rafiel

Rafiel: Tibarn, Nailah

Elincia: Geoffrey, Lucia, Renning, Ike

Marcia: Makalov, Kieran

Leanne: Naesala, Tibarn, Nealuchi

Nealuchi: Leanne, Naesala

Haar: Jill

Brom: Meg, Nephenee, Zihark

Nephenee: Brom

Lucia: Geoffrey, Elinca, Bastian

Mordecai: Lethe

Lethe: Mordecai, Lyre

Geoffrey: Lucia, Bastian, Kieran, Elincia

Kieran: Geoffrey, Oscar, Marcia

Makalov: Marcia, Astrid

Astrid: Makalov

Ike: Mist, Titania, Soren, Elincia

Titania: Ike, Rhys, Mist, Boyd

Soren: Ike

Mist: Ike, Rolf, Titania, Jill

Rolf: Oscar, Boyd, Shinon, Mist

Boyd: Oscar, Rolf, Mist, Titania

Oscar: Boyd, Rolf, Kieran, Tanith

Shinon: Rolf, Gatrie

Gatrie: Shinon

Rhys: Titania, Mia

Mia: Rhys

Lyre: Lethe

Reyson: Tibarn, Naesala, Ulki, Janaff

Janaff: Ulki, Reyson

Ulki: Janaff, Reyson

Sigrun: Sanaki, Tanith

Tanith: Sigrun, Oscar

Skrimir: Caineghis

Tibarn: Reyson, Leanne, Rafiel

Naesala: Reyson, Leanne, Nealuchi

Sanaki: Sigrun, Sephiran

Bastian: Geoffrey, Renning, Lucia

Caineghis: Skrimir, Giffca

Giffca: Caineghis

Ena: Nasir, Kurthnaga

Kurthnaga: Deghinsea, Ena

Renning: Elincia, Bastian

Zelgius: Sephiran

Nasir: Ena

My reasons are based of which PoR supports would have likely led to a deeper friendship compared to the others. Which I totally did not get from the Ranulf/Ike conversation from PoR so I have no idea why they're considered best buddies in RD. Some also come from various story reasons given in RD.

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He figures out that she is the "dead" ex and they run off to Hatari to spawn furry children.

While Nailah's untransformed stats might work out well enough in part 1, they kinda suck in part 4. Why would you do this to her? Also, the children would simply be branded, not furry.

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Also Zihark should also have paired endings with Lethe, Lyre, and Vika just to remind everyone at the end of the day, he's still a furry.

Vika/Zihark = Feathery, not furry.

Tanith x Oscar: Does she still wish to bring Oscar back to Begnion with her, if you know what I mean? =D

Tanith is such a cougar in FE9 (IMO anyways).

Ike certainly has some fine lads under his command.

Would anyone support Oliver/Meg?

Because I'm bored, I'll also list the DEFAULT bond supports that should have been in this game (not that they matter much, but like I said, I'm bored)

Changes are in bold

I didn't bother selecting out all of them, but most of those can be obtained if you support the characters in POR.
Which I totally did not get from the Ranulf/Ike conversation from PoR so I have no idea why they're considered best buddies in RD.

This reminds me. There should be an Ike/Ranulf support where the great laguz secret of the tail is revealed.

Edited by SeverIan
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Micaiah x Kurthnaga Just to see what would happen if Kurth brought a Branded back to Goldoa. Maybe Goldoa will be so digusted, it would move?


Moving on though...

These are basically pretty plausible...

I loved the "Roy set the tradition" endings for Ike... XD

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What about Eph-

oh Kyle.

What about Eli-

oh Hector.

What about Ike-

oh Soren/Ranulf/maybe Oscar

What about Eir-

oh Tana.

What about Lil-

oh... umm, Lillina doesn't have one other than Cecillia, but ew.

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