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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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using Nightmare modules before Blazer encrypted them

i highly doubt that anyone would go through the trouble of actually encrypting the data just so nobody would be able to look at it with a hex editor

it's far more likely he just repointed the damn tables and said done with it

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Then why make her playable?

tbqh, this is probably the best and only response to this

why not just make her an NPC instead of a unit that is horrible beyond reason

//hasn't actually gotten to that point but is interpreting from the comments that she is terrible

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Her growths have been edited since then to be a bit higher

Also I have had someone use her and she turned out relatively good but no she's not going to be like Gary and be some amazing unit

So why do I make her playable?

Because there is more to a character's role than simply being a strong unit

Because she has plot relevance and there is little reason for anyone to accept her or Frederick if they're just going to tag along for all of however long it takes to conquer the Magnian Palace, just imagine how suspicious it would be if a Senator and her daughter joined the army but didn't fight at the last second, it'd just seem like they were trying not to get killed like everyone else (because let's be honest, they end up slaughtering every other damn major figure of Magnus, so why show mercy to Frederick and her daughter?).

and just make Frederick join? Remember that Rachel is the one who wanted to take action because she is a brave girl who likes to take action to stand up for those who can't. It's not in her character to simply stand by and do nothing, so even if she is relatively weak, she will still stand on her own two legs and fight. Given that she doesn't have much development and as a result can be seen as a bit of a Mary Sue, it'd be especially weird if she did something that is the complete opposite of her nature when she isn't a very complicated character to begin with.

and she is not "horrible beyond reason", some people like to turtle every chapter that doesn't have a turn limit and as a result don't get to her on time, big whoop, people die in war, Rachel and Frederick knew what they were going up against and did it anyway so if they die they should have no regrets, and other people think that every character who joins late-game either has to be of the Athos or Nino archetype (or Gotoh and Est or whatever, fuck archetypes categorizing everyone into groups all the time is stupid and it's like stereotyping) so when I break that rule of thumb I get complaints up my ass for it

and inb4 someone says to take her out of the game/plot completely, there needs to be someone to help restore Magnus after the war is over and me including Frederick and Rachel in the plot is my way of planning for that part of the ending; someone needs to be there to do that and it needs to be someone with strong ideals, some level of experience, someone who is a Magnian, and someone who is known to be a good person; Rachel fills in the "ideals", "Magnian", and "good person" part, and Frederick can help in the background with his experience by knowing what's going wrong. (Major spoilers on ending) Through that they will end up building a new government and one that is ruled by the people, not by a King or Queen, where each town is self-governed with the appointed leaders of each town meeting together and checking each other's power via competition in that no one city will become too powerful because the other cities will react to that increase and control them before it's too late (which all the other countries should have done to prevent the war in the first place except they were foolish and didn't have any good system of communicating so they let Magnus' military get out of hand). Yes, similar to the U.S. government with checks and balances etc. and meh I think I've said enough to prove my point

I also apologize for my poor typing and tone, I've had a bad week and I should probably get off the internet, like, now, before I say something incredibly stupid inb4 "you already have"

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Idk I kind of agree with Blazer on this.

Why did IS make Renault or Yodel playable in FE7 and 6?

They were both poor units who were only really there for a bit of staff botting or some background information. and to be fair by the time you got them you probably already had good staffbots (unless you're LTC or sth idfk)

so why do people complain that one character out of everyone else isn't super amazing?

just let her be there for story reasons or filler.

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realism people

I honestly should have made her a level 1 sniper with crap stats and crap growths but I actually made her a decent character who can actually do damage against the enemies and that in itself is enough bull**** as it is

Sorry to upset you, I got used to late game characters who start out weak with good growths in most Fire Emblem games. Despite the fact that Rachel will suck, I will still use her! 17 SPD at Level 7 isn't that bad when compared to my Arthur for sure lol. Besides, this game gives so much experience that it is best to not let that go to waste. It probably won't hurt to level up Rachel for fun.

I hate to break it to you, but from what I saw using Nightmare modules before Blazer encrypted them, Rachel's growth rates are little better than what Louise had in Blazing Sword, minus luck, which is about 15 points higher.) This combined with the fact that her base stats are absolutely atrocious for this point in the game(like are you fucking kidding me? 15str/17AS offenses against enemies with 15-18AS and non magic units having HP in the 50s with defense in the mid to high 10s coupled with concrete durability that gets her 2RKO'd at worst by every enemy on the map?) means that Rachel is a possible candidate for worst unit in TLP(Honestly, the only unit that can claim to be worse than her is Sai.)

Also, what? Galagar summons those reinforcements if you get close to the throne room. Frederick and Rachel have just about nothing to do with them.

My Sai turned out to be as ass kicking as Gary. Maybe I got lucky :D

Ah! Galagar summons reinforcements if you get close to the throne room. I used to think that he did it because F and R were still alive. Thanks for the clarification.

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Edited by FlowyS
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Idk I kind of agree with Blazer on this.

Why did IS make Renault or Yodel playable in FE7 and 6?

They were both poor units who were only really there for a bit of staff botting or some background information. and to be fair by the time you got them you probably already had good staffbots (unless you're LTC or sth idfk)

so why do people complain that one character out of everyone else isn't super amazing?

just let her be there for story reasons or filler.

this is now suddenly a bad thing? And If i remember correctly, both of these bishops can deal somewhat respectable damage due to being magical units, but that's irrelevant.

I'm sort of just saying that making a late game unit bad intentionally for the sake of plot is kinda dumb, mainly because it just annoying the player. Archers already get a lot of heat being units locked to 2 range, adding a lategame bad archer is like slapping you in the face. I still believe she could be an NPC and still stand by her brave roll and all of that. She just understands that she can't very well be a fighting unit. Her father could just be "carrying her" for the sake of the chapter(something similar to when seth or l'arachel dies in fe8, they still appear in cutscenes and then are sort of rescued away).

In the end, it's your decision, I just don't think the comments are exactly a bad thing and shouldn't really be bothering you that much if you feel your reasoning is sound.


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I just don't think the comments are exactly a bad thing and shouldn't really be bothering you that much if you feel your reasoning is sound

I agree

I shouldn't be

but I ate apple pie now so I feel a little better

and again I apologize for my tone, I shouldn't have responded if I was in a bad mood, that's my fault

also the way I see it fighting is the pinnacle of bravery: almost anyone can talk the talk, fewer will try to walk the walk, and even fewer can do it well. She falls in category #2

Gary falls in category #3

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Idk I kind of agree with Blazer on this.

Why did IS make Renault or Yodel playable in FE7 and 6?

They were both poor units who were only really there for a bit of staff botting or some background information. and to be fair by the time you got them you probably already had good staffbots (unless you're LTC or sth idfk)

so why do people complain that one character out of everyone else isn't super amazing?

just let her be there for story reasons or filler.

The difference between Renault and Yodel compared to Rachel is that they can use staves where Rachel cannot, which makes them more useful. Not to mention enemies suck in FE6 and FE7 compared to the Last Promise lategame, so they can handle themselves until the final chapter. I actually save up all my stat boosting items for her, even the +3 to all one, and she still doesn't get to the high tier.

I never had a problem with Rachel all that much, but I do agree that she needs to have been made better. She's not trained in war and isn't experienced so she's weak. Well, this is a jRPG. You can name a number of characters who are stronger than soldiers but have no training whatsoever in jRPGs. Comes with the territory. I know it's your call to make it realistic and I have no problem with that in the long run, but this genre is full of people being unrealistically strong.

As for it being a war and people are going to die, this is true, but let's be honest people. How many of you on this thread alone restart a chapter when a character(s) die? I don't think I've ever seen a Fire Emblem Let's Play or Playthrough online that didn't restart the chapter when a character dies. People like their characters to survive and will redo an entire chapter even if they were close to finishing it to save a character. I'm one of those, even if it's a character I really don't plan to use. I'm sure we like our characters to survive. So I know you want to be realistic in that way Blazer, but I don't know of many people who share that sentiment in the community. I could be wrong and I wouldn't really be surprised, but this is just from what I've seen.

Edited by Taku
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This is a little off-topic but I finally beat this game (V 1.2) after 2 months (college slowed down the gaming process). Gotta say, Galagar and Finale: Part 3 took forever to beat (mainly Galagar) and Itsuke > Cia. I know PEMN but Itsuke isn't recognized for his utility nearly as much as Cia is

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By the way, in the Link Arena, any Halberdier(s) that you control appear dark (like the ghost in 23XX)

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Erp, sorry about that, there hasn't been much playtesting in the Link Arena so I found several issues with it but I didn't notice the one with the Halberdiers. Thank you.

@Galagar being hard etc., v1.3 nerfs him.

I also prefer Itsuke over Cia but as you said "PEMN" (he seems ever so slightly less fragile to me though... XP though allied mages [all 2 of them lol] in general are very fragile in this game).


this is what I call a "self-induced handicap"

People can play the game however they like, but I don't think it's fair to make the creator have to cater to their individual playing preferences even if a majority of people prefer it that way

The fact is, letting people die while trying to complete the chapter is a very valid way of beating the game and no, it's not terrible to lose characters because the game is still very much beatable regardless and I give you decent characters throughout the game that can potentially replace characters you have lost. When people force themselves to only use a 5-7 units or something and think they can get away with it just because this is a HACK of FE7, that's THEIR fault for not properly judging the game. This is not simply a "Fire Emblem game", it's a hack of one, and because it has different creators, there's going to be different philosophies behind how the game is played, what is required of the player, etc.; people who go into this game thinking that they can play the game like any other Fire Emblem are, in my opinion, foolish, and not thinking hard enough.

If you really wanted to play a game just like Fire Emblem, then play one of the various reskin hacks or original games or something.

I could be wrong and I wouldn't really be surprised, but this is just from what I've seen.

I've gotten comments going both ways. Some people actually like the philosophy behind my gameplay development, and some did not. Ultimately, it comes down to things like "personal preference" and "experiences with similar games" because let's be honest, TLP might be a "new" hack but the core engine is still Fire Emblem's. I'm sticking to what I've done though and while my hack might not be as popular as other ones like Elibian Nights or Dream of Five as a result, I'm content with that, because I myself enjoy the hack and there are other people who also enjoy the hack and that's good enough for me.


If you don't like the altered approach to Fire Emblem, you should either accept that it's a slightly different game and change your approach, or simply drop the game.

This applies to practically any video game. If you don't like how it works, you either adjust to see if you can perhaps get more enjoyment out of it, or stop playing it. It sounds cruel and maybe stupid but like, I'm not a company, so I have very little to gain by more people liking the game. It's flattering when people do, but that's about the extent of incentive I have for catering the game to what most people would like as opposed to what I would like. ^_^

And lastly, it's not just a matter of realism, but I think the game is more enjoyable when the player has to suffer loss and moves on regardless. Granted, if I lose a main character or one of my best units, I'll probably restart too, but I'm not going to over-frustrate myself and prevent myself from enjoying the rest of the game because I'm too stubborn to let any of my characters die when the going gets tough. TBH, Chapters 24 and 25 were intended to "eliminate" one or two of the players characters; the former is a sudden challenge presented by a new foe that the group is largely unprepared for, thus the "difficulty spike". The latter not only has a plot-based difficulty spike but is during a time that SHOULD be a turning point for the ENEMY; your commander has died, your soldiers are extremely low on morale, the two remaining commanders, Anakin and Kelik, aren't getting along very well, and your enemies are the top-tier of the Magnian Army, the Imperial soldiers, led by General Lanmark himself, and you have never defeated any Generals of this high-rank before, even WITH Siegfried in tow. The way I see it, this should be one of the most grueling, dreaded battles in existence, or else it's absolute bullshit for the player (and thus the rebels) to come on top. The entire point of Emperor Louis asking Lahar to kill Siegfried was to kill the highest-ranking officer of the rebels and thus kill their mind, their morale, and possibly one of their better fighters (as some people know that Siegfried once had a bigger reputation as the Knight Commander of Regalia).

Not mad here, just trying to [re]explain my thinking since I DO think this out a lot but I think sometimes it doesn't show and you guys have to question it and I don't blame you and actually I somewhat welcome it--I'm no pro, I'm just an amateur, so sometimes I do foolish things, and it's up to me to recognize that and correct them when possible. No one knows what makes a good video game better than gamers themselves which is why I try to draw from the strengths of various games that I have played. But I believe that this isn't one of those "foolish things".

When the game is too difficult even when it's played normally, without any self-induced handicaps, I think that's a bit of an issue looking into, which is why I've made some necessary adjustments. And in general the distribution of units is much like a very thin bell-curve shifted to the right at least based on what I've seen, heard, and played of the other GBA FE's (as in, I spend a lot of time on the SF mainsite looking stuff up)


EDIT: In a large post like this I feel like I'm bound to contradict myself and go on tangents that never come back, so I apologize in advance, I can't keep myself focused for this long screw essay-writing

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Alright. I was more going into why there were so many people against it since these complaints have been going on for months.

I really never had a problem with the difficulty of the game. I do wish some characters were more usable in the hack, as I think it's more fun to use characters you like compared to characters that are the strongest and every character being usable is something I value highly in an FE hack and gaming in general, but I'm not going to hate a game because it is not so, just something I prefer.

Lastly, people, if Rachel isn't strong enough, just go into a hacking tool like Nightmare and increase bases and growths. That simple really.

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This is a little off-topic but I finally beat this game (V 1.2) after 2 months (college slowed down the gaming process). Gotta say, Galagar and Finale: Part 3 took forever to beat (mainly Galagar) and Itsuke > Cia. I know PEMN but Itsuke isn't recognized for his utility nearly as much as Cia is

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post-6435-075929300 1356139441_thumb.png

By the way, in the Link Arena, any Halberdier(s) that you control appear dark (like the ghost in 23XX)

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It's pretty obvious that Itsuke turns better. Itsuke and Cia are basically Lugh and Lilina. (Cia has unique design, and more plot importance)

I also wanted to know how Lyam and Haas compared to each other. They have a similar class, but Haas have higher bases, and I have no idea hox they turn out...

Also, how does Eduardo compare to Corben ?

Where can you see the characters growths ?

So, Rachel is some kind of Pseudo - Est ?

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Where can you see the characters growths?

Ok, first off, Blazer isn't revealing the revamped growths until he says so. As of right now, the only way to find out what the growths are is to play using the same character multiple times and average out the stats you get, but that only gives a vague idea on what the growths are.

It's pretty obvious that Itsuke turns better. Itsuke and Cia are basically Lugh and Lilina. (Cia has unique design, and more plot importance)

Not quite. From what I can tell, Cia is faster and luckier than Itsuke on average, but he is more skillful and overall more durable. It really isn't clear cut on who is the better of the two, so just use who you like.

I also wanted to know how Lyam and Haas compared to each other. They have a similar class, but Haas have higher bases, and I have no idea how they turn out...

While Haas might win out in base stats(wins or ties everything except speed, and that's by 1 point), Lyam has superior growths all around(wins or ties every growth except HP), so Lyam will generally have better stats than Haas at equal levels. Granted, Lyam kind of blows right now because his exp gain is just fucking atrocious(Blazer should have that fixed by the next patch.)

Also, how does Eduardo compare to Corben?

Eduardo has a MASSIVE HP and strength lead over Corben, as well as a slight speed lead, but loses out on skill and luck, as well as defense due to having a negative base in that area(though the higher HP mostly cancels it out.)

So, Rachel is some kind of Pseudo - Est?

You could say something like that, but the fact of the matter is that Rachel's growths aren't exactly anything special, and her combat is thoroughly bad without the Phosphora(granted, with it, her combat goes from aggressively bad to just mediocre, but let's face it: she needs the +5 speed from her bow in order to have something resembling a decent offense against Chapter 27 enemies)

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Ok, first off, Blazer isn't revealing the revamped growths until he says so. As of right now, the only way to find out what the growths are is to play using the same character multiple times and average out the stats you get, but that only gives a vague idea on what the growths are.

Not quite. From what I can tell, Cia is faster and luckier than Itsuke on average, but he is more skillful and overall more durable. It really isn't clear cut on who is the better of the two, so just use who you like.

While Haas might win out in base stats(wins or ties everything except speed, and that's by 1 point), Lyam has superior growths all around(wins or ties every growth except HP), so Lyam will generally have better stats than Haas at equal levels. Granted, Lyam kind of blows right now because his exp gain is just fucking atrocious(Blazer should have that fixed by the next patch.)

Eduardo has a MASSIVE HP and strength lead over Corben, as well as a slight speed lead, but loses out on skill and luck, as well as defense due to having a negative base in that area(though the higher HP mostly cancels it out.)

You could say something like that, but the fact of the matter is that Rachel's growths aren't exactly anything special, and her combat is thoroughly bad without the Phosphora(granted, with it, her combat goes from aggressively bad to just mediocre, but let's face it: she needs the +5 speed from her bow in order to have something resembling a decent offense against Chapter 27 enemies)

I used both Cia and Itsuke actually.

I'm overusing magical and flying units, and trying to use everyone, so My only promoted units are the 2 healers right now. And Inanna, Annakin, Shon is ready to promote at any moment.

Well, Eduardo also have its unique weapon.

I find the cavaliers to be pretty hard to train in this game.

The draconights are also pretty surprising. More Ben, with his absurd Res Stat.

Welll, until now, the game didn't punished me greatly to try different units, and "waste" experience, so I' don't have too much problem with that.

I'm enjoying the game so far, and I'm not complaining at all.

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This is a little off-topic but I finally beat this game (V 1.2) after 2 months (college slowed down the gaming process). Gotta say, Galagar and Finale: Part 3 took forever to beat (mainly Galagar) and Itsuke > Cia. I know PEMN but Itsuke isn't recognized for his utility nearly as much as Cia is

post-6435-042290500 1356139431_thumb.png

post-6435-075929300 1356139441_thumb.png

By the way, in the Link Arena, any Halberdier(s) that you control appear dark (like the ghost in 23XX)

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It looks like your Cia and Itsuke were about evenly matched cause their SPD are about equal. I personally think SPD is the most important stat in the game as it reduces damage by preventing a unit from being doubled, and increases damage by allowing a unit to double another unit. It reallys looks to me that Cia and Itsuke are about equal because their SPD are about equal.

My Cia was nowhere as good as your Cia! But I still think my Cia was a fairly strong unit. If I think my Cia was strong, then your Cia must be really strong!

It's pretty obvious that Itsuke turns better. Itsuke and Cia are basically Lugh and Lilina. (Cia has unique design, and more plot importance)

Where can you see the characters growths ?

So, Rachel is some kind of Pseudo - Est ?

It seems to me that Cia and Itsuke are about equal since RNG can swing in favor of either one.

The character growths aren't released so I just pick characters based on whether I like them or not.

I remember Blazer said Rachel is horrible. She is more like Renault, bad base stats and bad growth. She can be used as suicidal bait :D

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wel, my Cia get RNG screwed, so I chosed Itsuke. Can Zach become good ? I think more and more of dropping him for Lyam...

Else, Emma is truly an awesome unit. She may not have the best strength, but she's my tankiest unit.

Chapter 19x, and even more 20 gives a truly amazing amoint of exp. Yue is already promoted, without stealing exp for the others.

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Well, my Cia get RNG screwed, so I chosed Itsuke.

Can Zach become good ? I think more and more of dropping him for Lyam...

Else, Emma is truly an awesome unit. She may not have the best strength, but she's my tankiest unit.

Chapter 19x, and even more 20 gives a truly amazing amoint of exp. Yue is already promoted, without stealing exp for the others.

With these two chapter,nearly everyone is promoted, ready to promote.

Edited by TendaSlime
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Chapter 27 rough walkthrough is posted on pastbin, on to the Final chapters.

Ch 14-27 rough walkthrough

Here is just Chapter 27 below:


Chapter 27: Sublime Domain[TLPCH27]


Recommended Units/Items:

- High SKL units

- High Avoid units

- Mounted units

- 4 units that can survive 1 round of Galagar (generally 25 SPD or enough HP and REs to survive double Inferno. LUCK helps too)

- Physic, Seal, Recover, and Hammerne

- Weak weapons to conserve item durability

- Brave, critical, and silver weapons or better

- S Ranked weapons

- DEF/RES ignoring weapons (Cleave Axe, Solstice)

- Long distance magic (Ray, Thunderbolt, Eclipse) or Bloody/Super Rifle

- Thief/Assassin w/ Lockpick. Door Key, Unlock, and Chest Key

- Pure Water and/or Barrier

- Iron Rune

- Member Card

My Deployment:

Units that are well leveled:

Cia 20/19 -> 20, Anakin 20/20, Kelik 20/18 -> 20, Shon 20/18 -> 20, Storm 20/19 -> 20, Logan 20/16 -> 20, Althares 20, Yue 20/20

Units that are underleveled:

Shuuda 20/13 -> 17, Lirin 20/14 -> 17, Inanna 20/10 -> 17, Sai 20/14 -> 20, Arthur 20/13 -> 20, Ace 20/14 -> 20


Rachel 7 -> 15, Frederick 18 -> 20

My Turn Count: 54

New Units:

- Frederick and Rachel enter at NE on Turn 10.

Notable Steal Loot:

- Elixir, steal from Level 15 Halberdier.

- Elixir, steal from Level 16 Druid.

- Elixir, steal from Level 18 Warrior.

Notable Other Loot:

- Arectaris(!), Jake gives to Kelik.

- Chest Key, defeat Level 17 Halberdier.

- Lockpick, defeat Level 20 Assassin.

- Tomahawk, defeat Level 17 Hero.

- Nosferatu, defeat Level 16 Druid.

- Brave Axe(!), defeat reinforcement Level 20 Warrior

- Brave Bow(!), defeat reinforcement Level 20 Sniper

- Fimbulvetr, defeat reinforcment Level 20 Sage

- Fenrir, defeat reinforcment Level 20 Druid

- Prism Sword, defeat reinforcement Level 20 Hero

- Runesword, defeat reinforcement Level 20 Assassin

- Killer Lance, defeat reinforcement Level 20 Halberdier

- Killing Edge, defeat reinforcement Level 20 Swordmaster

- Silver Lance, defeat reinforcement Level 20 Paladin

- Physic(!), defeat Level 20 reinforcement Valkyrie

- Aircalbiur, defeat Level 16 Valkryie

- Phosphora(!)/Winter Bow/Elixir, recruit Rachel

- Adamant Lance/Short Spear/Elixir, recruit Frederick

- Boots(!), mid E chest.

- Drizzle, top E chest.

- Phoenicis(!), top W chest.

- Energy Ring(!), mid W chest

- Swordslayer, far left central chest

- Craze(!), left central chest

- Meteor(!), right central chest

- Wind Sword, far right central chest

- Luminola(!), defeat Galagar

- Inferno(!), defeat Galagar

- Valenst(!), defeat Galagar

- Excalibur(!), defeat Galagar

- Secret#4, Galagar must be the last to fall

Secret Shop - located 9E5S of Anakin, SE corner of Plains and Brace, or (26,1).

- Barrier 2250

- Angelic Robe 7500

- Energy Ring 8000

- Secret Book 8000

- Speedwings 8000

- Lucky Charm 8000

- Dragonshield 8000

- Talisman 8000

Galagar's Teleportation: I'll use the same coordinate system as Ch 24. (1,1) is SW corner and (35,35) is NE corner.

- If ANY UNIT nears the throne room, Galagar will stop teleporting, go to the throne, and summon reinforcements.

- Turn 3, teleports to pillar on the right path. (29,11)

- Turn 5, teleports to pillar on the left path. (7,11)

- Turn 7, teleports to pillar central pillar on right path (33,16)

- Turn 12, teleports to NE area, near Frederick and Rachel. (33,28)

- Turn 15, teleports to NW area (3,28)

- Turn 18, teleports to left pillar near central area (13,21)

- Turn 21, teleports to right pillar near central area (23,21)

- Turn 24, teleports to center pillart near central area (18,21)

- Turn 28, teleports back to throne, massive enemy reinforcements spawn


- Turn 1, Jake the Ballistan Blacksmith gives Arectaris to Kelik.

- Anakin talks to Frederick, Frederick joins

- Frederick talks to Rachel, Rachel joins

- Frederick attacks Galagar, conversation

- Shon attacks Galagar, conversation

- Kelik attacks Galagar, conversation

- Anakin attacks Galgar, conversation

- secret #4, Galagar must be the last enemy defeated

Enemy Reinforcements:

- At Turn 28 or when Galagar returns to throne: Level 20 Warrior, Sniper, Sage, Druid, Hero, Assassin, Halberdier, Swordmaster, Paladin, and Valkyrie appears near throne.

Boss: Galagar Level 25 Mystic Sage - WILL Teleport - WILL NOT CHARGE when back at throne

90 HP - 20 MAG - 17 SKL - 30 SPD - 30 LUCK - 15 DEF - 20+5 RES (when teleporting)

90 HP - 35 MAG - 32 SKL - 30 SPD - 30 LUCK - 25 DEF - 35+5 RES (when at throne)

Items: Luminola (Light +5 Res), Inferno (Nature +5 LUCK), Excalibur (Nature +5 SKL), Valenst (heavy Dark Tome)

For this map, you can either choose to rescue Frederick and Rachel, or let them both be turned into pixels. However, attempting to rescue Frederick and Rachel is difficult. One special thing about this chapter is that Galagar can teleport to certain places on the map. Always be aware of Galagar's teleportion powers or you will be caught off guard. If you want secret #4, Galagar must be the last enemy to fall.

NOT rescuing Frederick and Rachel, Early Game: Take care of the two Heros, then sit tight and check out the secret shop. Doing nothing until about Turn 10. Rachel and Frederick should both die to Galagar due to the fact that they decided to spawn themselves right in the middle of the enemy forces. At Turn 11, split your forces into two and advance carefully toward the left and right paths. Both forces will have enemy Thunderbolts and Eclipses raining down on them, but high Avoid units and Heal staffs can take care of that. If you really don't like long distance magic raining down on you, just tank it or defeat the magic users before moving forward.

Rescuing Frederick and Rachel, Early Game: On formations menu, position as many units as you possible can to attack next turn. I will assume Kelik is fairly strong because he is very powerful when leveled. If you neglected Kelik, just use a very strong unit in place of Kelik. Equip an Iron Rune on Kelik/Strong unit if you haven't prayed to the RNG Gods today. Turn 1 - Have Kelik move 2E of the Silver Axe Hero and attack with Arectaris, it might KO the Hero. If not, you can ignore it as Kelik can probably survive 4 attacks from Hero, Druid, Sage, and Assassin. Move Anakin as far as you can toward Kelik. Defeat the left Silver Sword Hero with the rest of your units. If you have any spare units leftover, defeat the Silver Axe Hero and move the rest of your units on the right path, but out of Assassin's range if you don't feel lucky. Do not go for the left path.

Turn 2 - Defeat the Assasin and any Hero still alive, heal up Kelik and have Anakin motivate Kelik to attack Silver Sword Swordmaster w/ Flamberge or Arectaris. Kelik will be used to attract Swordmaster, Fimbulvetr Sage, Silver Sword Hero, and Thunderbolt Sage next turn. If Kelik is strong, Silver Sword Swordmaster might be KOed. If not, it doesn't matter since Kelik probably won't die. Have a strong Bloody/Super Rifle user ready to attack Thunderbolt Sage next turn and move the rest of your army toward the right path but out of danger.

Turn 3 - Bloody/Super Rifle the Thunderbolt Sage. If Thunderbolt Sage isn't dead, use long ranged magic to finish him off. Alternatively, you can try using Seal instead. Defeat the Fimbulvetr Sage, Silver Sword Hero, and have Kelik go attract the Tomahawk Hero. At the End of Turn 3, Galagar will teleport to a pillar near you.

Turn 4 - Use 4 units that can survive one round of Galagar (generally 25 SPD or enough HP and REs to survive double Inferno) + Pure Water/Barrier if needed and surround Galagar. Have the rest of your units charge toward the NE area. It is best to have Anakin charge rather than to tank Galagar because he is used to recruit Frederick.

Defeat the left Short Spear General while ignoring the right Spear General. At Turn 5, Galagar will teleport so there is only need to surround him for Turn 4 and that is it. Charge with all your units on Turn 5 and 6. Charge as fast as you possibly can and don't ever stop! The next check point with Galgar would be on Turn 7. Prepare about 3-4 units to surround Galagar again at Turn 8 and have the rest of your units charge toward the NE area.

If your units are rapidly charging, you should be able to reach the NE area around Turn 8. At Turn 9, charge with the rest of your army since Galagar will teleport. Do not block Rachel or Frederick's spawn points, which are (34,32) and (34,31). At Turn 10, both Rachel and Frederick will spawn. Rescue Rachel if she is in danger. Anakin can be used to talk to Frederick and Frederick can be used to talk to Rachel, a very weak Sniper. Galagar will again try to meet with you on Turn 12; it is best to surround Galagar on Turn 13 and 14. After Frederick and Rachel are both recruit, this stage becomes less intense.

Late Game: Galagar will continue to teleport until one of your unit get close to the throne or it is Turn 28. Slowly inch your way toward him now. It is probably a good idea to check out the secret shop to buy items if you haven't already. Nearing the throne room or Turn 28, Galagar will teleport back to the throne and summon massive reinforcements. Be very careful because the reinforcement units are all Level 20 and deadly to weak units! It is probably a good idea to defeat all other enemies before going for the throne room. As an extra note, the Generals guarding the throne room won't move so you can freely skip past them.

When approaching the left side, take care when going toward the Thunderbolt sage and other Magic casters if they are still alive. The most important thing is to take all the time you want. Carefully clean up the enemies. Advance slowly and carefully, watch out for high movement units and units that can attack across from walls. After a whole bunch of turns, Galagar should be the only one left standing on his throne.

Galagar has 100 Avoid and vastly increased stats from before when he was teleporting. Pure Water and/or Barrier are highly recommended, as well as high SKL units. It is recommended to use a high SPD unit or a Nature Magic user to force Galagar to use Valenst. Weighed down by Valenst, Galagar will have his SPD reduced by a whooping 11, down to only 19. With Valenst weighing down on Galagar, Pure Water/Barrier some units with reasonably high hit (130+ or better) and have a super happy S or Prf rank weapon time!

However, this is no time to be careless! Remember that Galagar can anytime instantly boost his crit to 34 with Excalbiur, or boost his AS to 28 with Inferno (If someone like Shon attacks with Silvas, better resuce him afterwards)! Attack and rescue tactics, and Iron Rune trading tactics, and Physic/Fortify are useful here. After an epic battle, Galagar will finally succumb to your numerous attacks and fall. Secret#4 will be obtained if Galagar is the last one to fall.

Well, my Cia get RNG screwed, so I chosed Itsuke.

Can Zach become good ? I think more and more of dropping him for Lyam...

Else, Emma is truly an awesome unit. She may not have the best strength, but she's my tankiest unit.

Chapter 19x, and even more 20 gives a truly amazing amoint of exp. Yue is already promoted, without stealing exp for the others.

With these two chapter,nearly everyone is promoted, ready to promote.

I think Zach is a good unit becase his base SPD is incredibly high. For me, SPD is king so any unit with high SPD is good in my opinion. Lyam doesn't seem to have as much SPD as Zach. Plus, Zach also can use ballistae since he is an archer.

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Well, I just finished this a few days ago and I really enjoyed it. I guess I'll add my two cents.

I didn't really notice the varying difficulty that much until it spiked at Chapter 24, and the Blaine chapter to a lesser degree, but that was mostly because I was trying to get my final units to promoted status, and was using Corben, and as a level 18 cav at that point he only had 11 speed. Dropped him the next chapter, let Howard take over, who started to suck by the hard chapters =P. In fact pretty much all mounted and flying units seemed to do horrible for me. Inanna was horrible in the first half. I was using Karina in the second half, and she was doing really well, but at some point she just started really failing. Probably when the hard chapters came along and the Silver Lances were weighing her down and she started to get doubled by some of the faster units. I saw that Eduardo had pretty great growths, so I probably should have used him instead of Corben. I was going to use Storm, but once I finally got back, I said no and went with Haas instead, who was actually pretty good.

Foot units, on the other hand, like Shuuda, Mark, Ace (started good only against low defense units really, but eventually got really good, probably around when I promoted him), and Kevin were amazing for me. Especially Kevin, probably just because he had one of the best availability in the whole game.

I feel like there might have been too many items in he game. I found my convoy to full a lot in the game. Was definitely having a lot of problems by the end of the game, where was essentially taking stuff out and putting it on empty characters =P. The end of the game was especially guilty of this, especially Chapter 27 with the billions of items it drops. Though I suppose the convoy doesn't really matter too much by then.

I managed to get all the Secrets except #1 and All the emblem except the Lance. Yay being doomed from the beginning. I will admit I also didn't get a few of the characters. Didn't get archer and pegasus knight #2, since I tried to talk to the soldier or them with Kelik, didn't see them, and Anakin was on the other side of the map. Figured they'd auto recruit at the end of the chapter. Also failed to get Noah both times.

Difficulty wasn't really that bad. Mostly what got me in chapter 24 was that the cutscene suggested to me that enemies were attacking from the left, as pretty much all of your guards are to the right, and both the enemy and the worthless druid (that now I wished I had just let die as a green unit, would have saved me a lot of trouble) to the left. So I set up my units in a big wall to the left, waiting for reinforcements and such, and got my tent attacked by a Nomad Trooper and was like "wat". I had to restart, but it just meant I had to turtle a bit before moving forward. I get it's an ambush, but

Chapter 25 I save-state abused a little more than I should have probably when it came to the boss. Once the reinforcements spawned, I said "That boss has to go down. Now,"

Chapter 26 was alright until I found out the boss moved. Once I had him in range, though, he was pretty easy to overwhelm.

I just opened a notepad for Chapter 27 the first time I went into it, and noted which turns he teleported and where, and just didn't move. Pretty easy since all of the enemies only seem to attack things in range, which surprised me a little. After that, Kelik and Gary took the right side of the map to save the horrible Sniper and Frederick, who I actually used for Seigfried, considering he can take a crit and survive. Now that I think about it, if I didn't care about the tactics stat, I could have just waited for his teleporting thing to finish, and then gone about the map normally =P. The map was a lot easier once I realized Gary could take two hits and survive. Threw an elixir on him and was golden. Now, I'm assuming this isn;t intentional, but Inferno and Luminola are counted as treasures, but Excalibur and Valenst aren't. Came into this problem when I got the secret #5, and the convoy was full, so Anakin was getting 5 items, three of which couldn't be deleted.

Rest of the game was easy.

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Chapter 27 rough walkthrough is posted on pastbin, on to the Final chapters.

Ch 14-27 rough walkthrough

I don't think there's ever a situation where you have to defend Liuke, except chapter 25 once all those reinforcements begin pouring in through the entrance. In 17x there's a Door Key hidden on the ground in front of the locked gate. If I recall right, Fenix doesn't move, but he doesn't need to when he's Uhai on 'roid rage (read: kills everybody in two hits).

Edited by Rambo M
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@Taku actually people had stopped complaining until FlowyS and you brought it up

every character in this hack is usable. Period. Some require more effort than others and some have a tendency to be better more often than others but that's normal, especially in FE games. In the original betatesting it was pretty much shown through various tests (I took a class on statistics but I don't want to go explaining the tests) that each character is good in some way, whether it's through stats, skills, joining time, or uniqueness, and there's been a lot of balancing since then, which has mostly involved buffing weaker characters. Rachel is one of the few "bad" characters but that's mainly because of joining time. As it's shown in the post-game, she's one of the best characters in the game if she has time to be trained. And I'm not going to alter the story just so she can join earlier, that would be so fucking stupid and overly idealistic and this is coming from an idealist

also you can't edit this game's growths without a greater knowledge of how to hack


he's arguably one of the worst characters in the main game because he joins later and has subpar bsaes and growths; however, he's one of the best characters in the post-game. Also, I've buffed him since the last patch since I felt like he was a little too hard to use, but

[spoiler=Spoiler]He has lethality, so if he can get the stats to support it, he is a monster, as Berserkers have +15% critical

and his lethality skill is explained through supports, FYI


I wouldn't try to put characters into archetypes, you're probably going to get a headache doing so XD

also since the growths are constantly changed (as well as bases tbh) they aren't public/you can't see them anywhere. when they are more finalized I'll be more likely to release them (albeit it'll take some time to make the pages etc.)

and Cia's plot importance is minimal, she's a Princess only in name and is pretty much a normal citizen in personality and social status and doesn't really affect the plot much except that the Seraph Knights were asked to find her and the other Princesses whereabouts

Welll, until now, the game didn't punished me greatly to try different units, and "waste" experience, so I' don't have too much problem with that.

I'm enjoying the game so far, and I'm not complaining at all.

I try to be very generous with experience as well as give you various new items etc. and while there's always potential for RNG screwage the game is not that hard that you have to use good units to beat it, I've beat it with crap units just fine and I am not a master strategist or anything, and the same goes for less-biased people who betatested with crap units (like, BEFORE they were buffed) and still beat it

Can Zach become good ?

Yes, he was one of my better units. I also give several new bows to help the player including the "Rifle" series which IMO makes them quite a bit more useful

You'll also find that in the post-game bow-users are some of THE best units in the game in general because they get this bow called the "Ultimatum" which is literally the Ultimate bow and pretty much says "Blazer thinks Archers and other bow-users need more love SO NOW THEY'RE GETTING IT" XP


Inanna and Howard are both pretty good units so I'm thinking you just got a little unlucky with the RNG, which I can't help all that much XP

Regarding items, I had some complaints with that, but after watching various people play and talking to people about why they felt that way, I feel like a lot of the reasoning has to do with the fact that people tend to overstock their Storage with items they don't need. However, as you said, you can easily get another 100 slots of items by giving it to characters you aren't using. Another one of the issues is that I give things like the Emblem Weapons and the secrets and items like the One-Shot and One-Slash which take up inventory slots but either are so difficult to use or can't be used or dropped (like the Secrets + Emblem Weapons, if you collect all, that's 11 slots right there that you can't get rid of XP).

However my intention was to be generous and make sure the player has enough weapons to continue on without too much trouble. I gave various shops for that reason and I think some people overspend on those shops and buy more than they need; the game really isn't that hard IMO and while there are a lot of enemies most of the time you shouldn't need like 4 spare javelins and 3 spare Silver Lances; tbh, usually 1-2 of each is enough, especially since I give you others. Again, this might just come to personal playing habits and adjusting to what the game does, but unless you're ultra-worried about your funds rank, just sell the items you don't need or probably won't ever be in a situation to use (because let's be honest, situational weapons are nice except if they aren't already in your inventory it's easier to just use whatever weapons you have on hand instead of going to Liuke and getting the "right" weapon).

lol, "worthless Druid"... one of the best units in the game... XD then again I think every unit is one of the best units in the game except for Corben, Artur, and Sai, they can go die in holes. no wait, the same hole. JK JK

@Chapter 27 yeah you can do that, it makes it a lot easier but I figure most people are too impatient XP And it's more fun to challenge yourself IMO, but if you're having a hard time, it's a very legitimate strategy. I also didn't want to throw bullshit on the player and have everyone converge on them WITH Galagar warping, so I didn't make them aggro or whatever it's called.

Also, Luminola is not supposed to be a treasure, sorry about that. Inferno is the alternate S rank and SHOULD be one, while Excalibur and Valenst should not. Alustrona should be a treasure too, I think (not sure if it's set to be). And there's another S rank dark tome that is the "alternate S rank dark tome" but you can't get it in the main-game. There's also an S rank staff but that's another thing you can't get in the main-game... XP. Sorry.

@Fenix he doesn't move in normal mode AND his only real strength is... his strength, and I guess his HP. His defense and speed are subpar so you shouldn't get doubled and thus if you can take one hit, you should be able to deal damage and either heal the unit or be rescued. His critical rate is nothing to gawk at (he has like, 8 luck, IIRC) so that shouldn't be a problem either. Despite what it seems, he's actually not all that tough, IMO.

Sorry if I didn't reply to anything important, I'm a bit tired and my hands are typing especially slow, so yeah... >_>'

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I've been playing this hack for about 2 days and am really enjoying it, but right now I'm on chapter 13B after my turn 27, more reinforcement comes and then an error message pops up saying "Unsupported BIOS function 9d called from 08ba1454. A BIOS file is needed in order to get correct behaviour." After that the animations still play but I can't do a thing. Can someone please help?

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That's a glitch on the old version... are you sure you have version 1.3?

Try redownloading it here: http://www.feshrine.net/thelastpromise/download/

Just repatch to a CLEAN Fire Emblem ROM and then rename the old save file to be the same as the new ROM. Then, reload the ROM and resume the chapter; the bug should be fixed.

Sorry about the issue ^^

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@Taku actually people had stopped complaining until FlowyS and you brought it up

every character in this hack is usable. Period. Some require more effort than others and some have a tendency to be better more often than others but that's normal, especially in FE games. In the original betatesting it was pretty much shown through various tests (I took a class on statistics but I don't want to go explaining the tests) that each character is good in some way, whether it's through stats, skills, joining time, or uniqueness, and there's been a lot of balancing since then, which has mostly involved buffing weaker characters. Rachel is one of the few "bad" characters but that's mainly because of joining time. As it's shown in the post-game, she's one of the best characters in the game if she has time to be trained. And I'm not going to alter the story just so she can join earlier, that would be so fucking stupid and overly idealistic and this is coming from an idealist

also you can't edit this game's growths without a greater knowledge of how to hack

Ironically, I'm a pretty huge idealist.

As for the editing growths and stats, I've never tried it yet, but most hacks I've tried to edit you can pretty much use those tools to easily to do. Guess it's not the same for all.

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