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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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@CorruptDruid weird I thought that was fixed, thanks.

And uh Anakin auto-promotes on chapter 19, and the patch goes to chapter 21, so... yes? :P I feel like you were asking a trick question...

The question was because I was just checking how to promote Anakin manually, I'm on Ch. 18 so I'll find out later.

About the giltch, I tested it with Kelik and Shon, also regarding Shon, his class is really weird. Everytime I move him, it sounds like a foot soldier moving instead of horse gallopping sound effects. It just bugs me but you may know this already and don't care/intentional in which case ignore it.

Edit- Ch 18, I visit the starting village and the civilian says he's going to give me a "...staff. It can protect with a magical barrier." What I do get is 5k Gold and a Celestial Ring.

Edit 2- Why is Anakin's Pallet oh so incomplete? It would be one of the first ones done since it is a mandatory promotion. The animation itself is pretty good and the critical fits.

Edited by CorruptDruid
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His palette is fine for me. I'm led to believe you've done something, his palette is attached to the battle animation, and thus the chance of it screwing up is low, and it has been done ever since the animation was done.

Rest is known about but noted, thank you...

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His palette is fine for me. I'm led to believe you've done something, his palette is attached to the battle animation, and thus the chance of it screwing up is low, and it has been done ever since the animation was done.

Rest is known about but noted, thank you...

I thought it was odd, so more than likely it's my fault. I think it may be because i replaced the default NT animation with the fixed one, other than that Nvm, I know what I did, I placed his promoted pallet as his unpromoted and changed the characteristics of his class to promoted so it looks unchanged.

Sorry for the false alarm.

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Alright, he should use the default class palette anyhow, given that the Noble class is solely for Anakin's use. Good to know I won't have to fix an animation I no longer have the package for (though it was only a palette issue anyhow...).

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Alright, he should use the default class palette anyhow, given that the Noble class is solely for Anakin's use. Good to know I won't have to fix an animation I no longer have the package for (though it was only a palette issue anyhow...).

It wasn't a pallete issue, it was my mistake unless you tried to assign a pallet that would go with the animation in which case it's out of my area of knowledge to say anything.

I played to the end of the current patch and enjoyed it. I do question if Sai is supposed to be like an Est archetype if any at all.

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No, he would have joined much later if so. I have few normal FE archetypes in this hack, unfortunately. People are free to guess which are which. Not sure if there is a "Wallace" archetype but Haas would be that one. I don't know too many archetypes anyhow...

and let's just leave the discussion on Anakin's animation at that... :\

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I didn't get anything back from my old laptop. Thus I started a long revamp project to make the game better while gathering documentation on all the data of the rest of the game that I had lost, and occasionally doing supports and other things. The blog has all the updates, just check there. http://tacticsuniverse.blogspot.com

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Its all in the past, and now what we all all can do is look towards the future. I really don't mean to keep running on about it. . . Hope you can recover the lost data sometime in the future!

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Yes. Yes it does.

If you're wondering about why places like Caelin and Ostia look different, why Pherae is not as major an influential territory as in FE7, why Renault and Nergal are there, amongst other things, it will all be explained in the game. No more can I say on that matter though.

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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July 7th, 2012 is the planned deadline for the final patch which will include the whole game. The only thing it might not include is Seraphic Gate, we'll see about that.

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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"Seraphic Gate?"

EDIT: Oh yeah, the name of the post-game dungeon in the Valkyrie Profile series. Based on it maybe not being in the "complete" patch, I'm assuming you're gonna copy Valkyrie Profile and give some post-game chapters.

Edited by Arch
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Shall I do the honors, then?

I think post-game content is kinda cool, don't get me wrong, but calling it "your" idea is pretty absurd. You literally lifted the concept, the exact name, from Square Enix's game. "Various differences" aside, it's still a largely a copied idea. In addition to that post-game content isn't even something new to the series, Seraphic Gate is hardly unique in any sense of the word. Having post-game content in your game is nice and I'd encourage you to do it, but don't market it as something that's "your" idea and unique to the hack, because both assertions are simply false.

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Not to mention there's been post-game content in Fire Emblem for a while now, so even for your hack it's not original. Nonetheless it'll be interesting at the least. And although I am unfamiliar with VP, the name sounds epic.

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Well, can I say one thing then? Did any hack have post-game content yet? It is a new idea applied to this new ambient, the world of FE hacking. So it is in a sense his idea, since he didn't steal it off anyone else. He took something which exists around and decided to do something similar. And will be the first to implement it. There were games with post-game content even before I were born even, no one can claim to invent the concept of post-game stuff, but applying it to a hack in the current context is innovative in the sense it was never done before in a hack. Much like I believe I can use the word innovation for me applying voice acting to a FE hack, albeit games before the PS1 already had some level of it.

Also, did he claim the idea his in the sense he was the first one to do post-game content? XD In my eyes he just did a innocent reference to a series he likes. And I am a relative fan of VP, so loving the reference. :) Can't wait for the finished Patch, Blazer. ;)

Edited by Ryrumeli
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Lol, so much overreacting. Arch, if you're still mad at me for trolling you the other day, then just suck it up and get over it dude, it was a joke, I've never seen anyone but Nayr and trolls take jokes so seriously.

Anyway since people are making such a big fuss over the fact that I called it "my idea" let me explain to you what that is supposed to mean so that you don't rip apart 2 fucking words and make a big load of shit out of nothing:

Though... I feel like someone's going to tear my idea apart any second now.

"my" meaning I am in possession of it

"idea" as in a thought

it was my idea to include a FE-version of Seraphic Gate in Tactics Universe. THAT was my idea. No one else had the idea "HEY! why don't you add something like Seraphic Gate from VP to your FE hack Tactics Universe?" or if they did, they never told me and so I never knew about it and thus could not have stolen it.

It was NOT my idea to invent Seraphic Gate or add post-game bonus content. I did not say it was a unique idea, and even if I did, it would only mean that it's unique to Tactics Universe--so far there is NO post-game content in Tactics Universe, if I added a new feature that would be unique because it wouldn't be part of the main game, and since it's different from the main game it's unique. It'd be like adding any other thing to the "Extras" menu. It doesn't automatically mean that it's unique in that no one else in the entire world has ever thought of doing something similar. You see, thinking that would be going to extreme thoughts in an instant, and I like to think calmly.

So please calm down and stop misinterpreting the things I say, they are two words, it's foolish to get so many ideas out of two harmless words. I am sorry to whoever may have thought that what I said was out of ego or pride, and I am sorry that I can't even trust my own innocent words.

Now I know what it's like to get caught for DWB, you're totally innocent of any bad intentions but people judge you and try and find something wrong with you to stick up your ass anyway. >____>

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