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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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I like the fact that there are different modes :D They give more customization options. I didn't like the DS backgrounds as much, so it's nice to know that I don't have to use them if I don't want to. I wouldn't wanna play through my first time with no decay, but after, as kind of a just for lulz thing, it would be nice :) Also, I think they DO allow for more playthroughs, which is nice cause original FE gets pretty boring after the first couple. If you don't like the game enough to do multiple playthroughs for fun, at least you got to have it the way you wanted the first time. Gooood job, Blazer. Lookin' forward to it.

Edited by Jubby
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I just got around to trying this hack out finally, as my brother wanted to play a co-op one and liked yours. It's pretty well done so far. I'm not gonna bother offering any critiques, since you've probably heard about most of the issues by now and a bunch of suggestions to boot. I was interested though in whether you were going to go back and actually polish up the hack, or if you're more interested in just adding in the rest of the content?

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I feel like a well-done game is replayable without "cheat code" patches to make it interesting a second time. If people want to do such a thing, they're more than welcome to do so with actual cheat codes, but a developer should focus on making a game that is fun to replay without gimmicks. But you're right, that's just how I see things. You can do things your own way since it's your hack, and I encourage you to do things your own way (flawed or not, hahah).

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I feel like a well-done game is replayable without "cheat code" patches to make it interesting a second time. If people want to do such a thing, they're more than welcome to do so with actual cheat codes, but a developer should focus on making a game that is fun to replay without gimmicks.

Actually I can SEE his side of the "making it fun a second time" for replay value. The Tales games actually did a good job of that with their Grade system.

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A lot of people aren't good at using cheat codes. Furthermore some of the things done there can't really be done with cheat codes. However I will try to keep the quality of the "cheats" available so that it doesn't just seem like an excuse to add new things.

Also, I didn't think about it, but I guess it is similar to the GRADE shop. Except there's no reward factor for fighting better. Though if I COULD implement such things into the game by using the ranking system, THAT would be awesome

@Celice haha I actually have been revamping (polishing) the game. From the beginning. I'm up to about chapter 26 now, minus a few final things. Chapter 26 is the newest chapter (in-progress). It's been in progress since like February 2011 IIRC. So I've been making a LOT of changes. And taking my time to do them. XD I'll finally get to the new content in the next few weeks once I get back into the rhythm of school, work, and managing my free time which isn't nearly as plentiful as during winter break. XP

You're also free to critique stuff but like you thought, a LOT of it will be stuff I've already covered or have a reason for. Though you might say a few insightful things so... there's no way to really filter as a player *shrug*

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I can see his point, but I feel like "making it fun a second time" is basically assuming that the game isn't fun enough to replay without adding gimmicks. A game should have natural replay value in itself, that should be one of the developer's main goals. Maybe some extra content in a New Game+, an expansion on the story and content (like making Pelleas recruit-able in the second play of Radiant Dawn or the growth-altering optional bands in Path of Radiance), but these gimmick patches don't really add anything to that experience, just attempt to create artificial replay value by making slight gameplay tweaks.

In theory, perhaps it could work if done properly (although it'd still be poor game design). Unfortunately, when looking at these patches, they don't even look like things that would inspire second playthroughs. No Decay mode is something people struggling will probably use (and abuse), but I highly doubt it would encourage a second playthrough of a long game like Tactics Universe. Radiance Mode is just a gameplay alteration for people who want it, also doubting someone would replay the game just for +2 Movement and Canto. Maybe a few will try these "funner" plays, but I'd wager that a majority of those plays would be dropped. Mystery Mode is the only one I really see that could do this (if done right, being a large shuffle of things in the game, sort of like a New Game+), and Unknown Mode might attract a few of those masochist challenge-seekers (itself being just an insane difficulty mode). Beyond those two (and fixed mode, which is a legitimate and good gameplay option for people who want to remove a level of inherent randomness), putting out multiple gimmick patches just seems like a waste.

Whew. That post required a lot of thought, hahah. Anyways, I've said my peace and so I suppose I'll leave the issue alone. I've given my opinion, and that's about all I can do.

Edited by Arch
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@Celice haha I actually have been revamping (polishing) the game. From the beginning. I'm up to about chapter 26 now, minus a few final things. Chapter 26 is the newest chapter (in-progress). It's been in progress since like February 2011 IIRC. So I've been making a LOT of changes. And taking my time to do them. XD I'll finally get to the new content in the next few weeks once I get back into the rhythm of school, work, and managing my free time which isn't nearly as plentiful as during winter break. XP

You're also free to critique stuff but like you thought, a LOT of it will be stuff I've already covered or have a reason for. Though you might say a few insightful things so... there's no way to really filter as a player *shrug*

Alright, well we just recently passed the chapter that eerily is a copy of the Raven one from FE7 (like, it's pretty obvious that you or someone edited around the existing mission...)--we wanted to save both troubadours, but the mage made that incredibly tight and luck-based. Our Gordon was better than the lead Paladin guy, and he could get there and win by luck. If you put the danger zone of the troubadour off by a turn, it'd be a lot safer. But then again, keeping the two alive didn't do anything worthwhile :x Then the rest of the chapter was way too silent compared to the previous ones. No reinforcements was pretty quiet ._.

Overall, it feels like you're half-way there. You need to really polish up how you're trying to tell the story, because it's obvious you have something you're trying to say, but the impact of it isn't there. The magnitude of whatever it is we're fighting against isn't shown, at all. FE6 did this by showing scenes from the enemies, and scenes of those who are affected... in this hack, all we see is the intro and closing events of your team only, and it's not cutting it. It feels like you have a framework, now you just really, really, really need to buff it out properly.

Everything else has probably been mentioned, liking fixing up the maps and graphic problems. And that horrible FE4 theme needs to be fixed or taken out like a dog.

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Alright, well we just recently passed the chapter that eerily is a copy of the Raven one from FE7 (like, it's pretty obvious that you or someone edited around the existing mission...)

They both take place at castle caelin.....

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What FE4 theme? I've never played FE4 past the prologue, something seems wrong... a song that resembles an FE4 song? Or is a remake of one? o_O

Also the only locked troubadours I can think of are the ones in chapter 8... but those won't serve any purpose except in a support or two. They aren't fundamental to the development of the game itself. :P

EDIT: If you're thinking of chapter 17... yes, that also takes place at Caelin, but the map was edited. *shrug*

@Arch... *shrug* Don't have anything to say, sorry. But I read what you said. :\

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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It's the map with Ace and Anakin. Chapter 8 it probably is.

They both take place at castle caelin.....

And he could have gone about the chapter a different way, than having use replay a chapter pretty much the same way we already did in FE7 :/ There's a whole castle! We couldn't seen more than a few extra tiles. It's not that it's even the same castle--it's that it didn't change much from the original map it was based on, if it was. And if it wasn't, it's not very creative. It was a little shuffling of existing elements, which is really out of place in contrast with the rest of the levels and events.

What FE4 theme?

It might be an FE9 theme then. It's with trumpets, it starts a couple seconds later than it should, and it's all-around horrible to listen to. None of the notes are synched very well, at times just fumbling in a mess, and the MIDI was badly optimized. It's a recruitment theme. Yeah, I think it's FE9 more that I think on it.

And the only big beef is Seigmund is complete shite. His personality is horrid and basic, and I can't even tell if he was just badly constructed or if he's intended that way. He makes me think of the main character from The Name of the Rose. The dude everyone cringes at having to bear D:

Edited by Celice
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Yeah that's chapter 8.

Admittedly, chapter 17 isn't too creative. But I didn't feel like totally changing it since that would need some sort of plot device to account for it, and I didn't have said plot device. It serves it's point and I personally think it's a little nostalgic, but if not, then oh well, not much to do. Teehee.

That's "With Us". Admittedly, I should go back and fix them up. Back then my music insertion capabilities weren't so good. Come to think of it, "The More That I Try" probably still doesn't loop. THAT is a BIG problem. I need to fix that. Thanks for the reminders >_>

*Siegfried, not Siegmunde lol. I'd also wait a little more until you judge Sieg. His personality and characteristics are pretty straight-forward and stupid, but it all becomes part of the plot. And his downfall. Admittedly, I don't know this "The Name of the Rose" main character, but I'd say Siegfried is more intended to be constructed as a character so basic but with so many flaws and inconsistencies. And again, it becomes a part of the plot. Multiple times. In the current patch it's not so obvious but in the latest version I've elaborated on it in the text, plus as the game gets deeper and deeper it gets elaborated on less subtly later in the game i.e. chapters 23-24 and later... can't say anymore or I'll give spoilers, it's that sensitive a piece of information... and then you'll *hopefully* look back and be like "WOW! All that bullshit early game actually made sense given that *spoiler spoiler spoiler*". Granted I'm a novice plot writer so... it's not going to be perfect or anywhere near it, and if it were I think something would be wrong. If you want a well-written story, go to Furet, not Blazer, Blazer only tries his hardest, Furet supposedly has actual talent

Sorry if you didn't need such a long response. I usually feel that people who take the time to comment deserve an equal or greater amount of time for their comment. Though most people don't work that way, and if you've ever texted someone and not gotten a response even if it needed one, you'll prob know what I mean XD

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Ah, I realized that the FE9 theme is a remake of the FE4. Well, one of the themes were. So I might have been right in calling it an FE4 theme too :x The theme in the chapter right after, in the village up top-right, IS a theme from FE4 though I'm almost sure... it has that whimsical sound like the rest of the soundtrack.

Well, looking at the project so far (we just reached the interlude), if you ever need a map or two, I'd be willing to contribute. Unlike a certain other project, at the moment, this one isn't dying in its throes with a careless author :P

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Ah, I realized that the FE9 theme is a remake of the FE4.

Uh, nope. It's a different song. FE6 uses the one from FE4, though.

FE9's and 10's recruitment songs are unique to those respective games.

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I actually have all the maps I need except the final maps, which I'm having a professional mapper friend do (he's done most of the maps already, and I am happy with every map he's done, without exceptions). but thanks for the offer.

I also have a feeling that song you're mentioning is more likely than not a song from the original FE7. XP

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2 questions blaze. 1 is my shon rng screwed or is he really that bad? my shon is on level 15 and no stat except speed is higher than 8.

and 2, is this game suppose to be this hard? i'm on the stage where you get ace, anakin, and eduardo, and i'm getting stomped into the ground. my characters might just be victims of bad level ups, but it doesn't seem like it. maybe if this had a faq or a walkthrough, i'd be able to beat it. i'm really struggling

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he's bad but not that bad, you got RNG screwed.

when it's done I'll make a walkthrough, making one now would be silly considering the game's incomplete and doesn't accurately reflect its true nature, difficulty, etc.

you probably got a little RNG screwed but try posting your stuff anyway. you may just want to practice FE more in general, it's not made to be extremely hard--normal mode, anyway. hard mode requires you to be careful but only unknown mode (unreleased) is supposed to be extremely hard.

You also want to use as many units as you can during a chapter but keep using the same units, i.e. you want to have a good variety, not just 5-6 elite units, and you don't want like a ton of really weak untrained units either. Solos with this game will be hard late-game because I don't believe in allowing characters to solo the game--I give people resources with the intention that they should need to use them or else apply extreme skill in order to pass through the levels, not just to make the game more diverse or more interesting. usually.

For that chapter specifically, if you have Kevin, have him guard the back from Cavaliers and/or thieves. Don't worry about the troubadours, they die quickly. Clean out the first corridor and recruit Ace and Anakin but don't go any farther quite yet--instead let a few reinforcements pop out, kill'm, then throw in someone with good defense to bait in enemies. Once you rescue Eduardo the rest is easy as pie since there aren't many things to worry about after that, it's just a matter of taking your time to clear things. I wouldn't use Ace, Anakin, or Eduardo in that chapter as their levels reset later (they're only there for that one chapter). Be sure to bring Althares to make things easy (he's also a relatively good fighter IMO, though his caps prevent him from being a tank or anything, and he can't promote until chapter 22 due to the lack of a fell contract). GOod luck

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ok thanks. i was already doing that. i just was wondering why ace and anakin were almost useless. but i'll post my exact stats when i play next ( later on today, monster hunter has a spell on me right now lol ) oh and try to get the new halaberdier for the final release its ssexy as hell.

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ok thanks. i was already doing that. i just was wondering why ace and anakin were almost useless. but i'll post my exact stats when i play next ( later on today, monster hunter has a spell on me right now lol ) oh and try to get the new halaberdier for the final release its ssexy as hell.

Lol I think you can stop telling people about TBA's animations, most people have seen them by now and will have included them if they wanted to. :P

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ok so i finally got around to tactics universe. i did overestimate shon's level but he still makes me cry.stats:

shon level 13 HP 34 ( i seraph robed him i think ) str 6 skill 9 spd 12 luck 11 def 12 res 4

gordon level 9 hp 28 str 7 skill 10 spd 11 luck 12 def 10 res 3

as you can see, gordon is better at just about everything. why the hell did you make shon so bad? shouldn't he be good seeing as hes one of the more important characters?

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