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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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The "Seize" command and commands like "Enter" and "Exit" in the Constellation all use the same basic command and therefore have the same help description. Having it as the old seize description would hardly make sense so I put something more generic.

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Huh, you're right. Guess I was more cruel than I thought. Then again I did a lot of work for the ASM hacks for those chapters, it'd almost be a waste if I didn't put'm to good use... XP

And the stars aren't supposed to be easy, so I don't feel guilty in the least. XD

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does anyone have a support list?... im trying to find more supports for shon... i got one with corben but thats it. i want most of my favorite characters to have supports. even anakin, shadow, yue, asch, and liquid.

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Here are the support lists you asked for, minus Asch because I didn't recruit him on this run. Apparently Ben supports him. Also, the game isn't displaying some of the supports I actually got, as Shon and Tamiko's support is grayed out despite getting A rank between them.






Also, I'm pretty sure the Last Star in the Constellation isn't supposed to be this, which instantly causes the game to reset.


I'll post a bug report/thoughts/whatnot on the constellation after this chapter is, well, working.

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Please read the blog before reporting stuff

It says clearly multiple times to report stuff here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiKIzMR_ncBHdGpTT1pJeE9Ha1FtcmktNG5RTHVLOUE#gid=0

And that clearly says

"- Final map in Constellation (top-right corner) does not work; this will be added in a later release."

See the doc for a mention on supports as well XP

Yes I'm an asshole I expect you guys to read and hold it against you if you don't happen to see it But seriously check to see if you aren't mentioning pointless stuff next time~! Thanks! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about that. It's technically only like, 7 chapters into part 2, but I realize even then you get a lot of characters so it can be a pain having to "store" items by trading with characters you aren't using. I also like to be really generous with items and such so you may want to keep that in mind and sell items you don't think you'll really use.

Also, unrelated I really like the sprite in your signature. Great job with that! =)

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I'll keep that in mind, I'll likely clean out my convoy before tackling the last few chapters of the game. I hear it gets particularly hard from 24 onward.

Also I'm glad you like my sprite, your tutorials helped me create and insert it.

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Haha, sweet, if it's a full animation I hope it's in a hack or something XD

And it's been balanced a little bit more but yeah, 24 is a bit harder as you need to approach it differently; it replaces the usual quantity with quality, but if you save Rana and play defensive, it should be fine. Quick couple of suggestions, a torch staff or a torch itself helps a lot as well and I -think- I give one in one of the chapters before, though I'm not 100% sure. Regardless it's good to keep one or two in the convoy and strategically plan it on being in the inventory of two units that will likely go in opposite directions (unless you group everyone together, which is actually a good strategy though it may take a while). Chapter 25 has also been nerfed and you just need to counter enemy units and watch the range of a couple specific units that can cause issues (like there's a Bolting Sage and a couple other units with good equipment). Getting the sidequest while getting all of the chests can be a little bit of an issue but that's technically being an overachiever in which case it's down to your playing skills and RNG luck, haha.

With that said, good luck! I should really make a tutorial for this some day

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I may have derped out since the beta release. But when did Shon's and Siegfried's sprites in the support viewer change? Another thing, NO DUAL ENDINGS? THE FRAK!? Also, why is Lirianna or however u spell her name is in the support viewer? There was someone else too, but I can't remember atm.

Edited by Blitzzurger96
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What do you mean by that? I recall they weren't showing properly or something before but they -should- be fixed now. The actual support listings etc. don't work though. What are "dual endings"? And there are some post-game characters you can play as who have supports, such as Zane and Lirianna (though they're minimal and there's nothing to read as actual support conversations are nullified in the post-game for plot reasons).

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First off. I still play the beta and I guess my version's support viewer is still weird like Shon's and Siegfried's map sprites aren't accurate and the dual endings I meant and for example, Eliwood and Lyn have a dual ending if they have A support with each other. I worked for the A supports my playthrough had. I already knew that looking at the actual supports is weird. Like Kelik and Levion had a C and the viewer says Althares and Levion have a C when I didn't even touch them.

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dual endings I meant and for example, Eliwood and Lyn have a dual ending if they have A support with each other.

Wait, those aren't implemented yet? But... but I wanted to read about

[spoiler=Tamiko/Cia A support here]Tamiko and Cia's magical pegasus adventures.

Oh well. Should actually comment on the hack itself. It's a semi-addictive ride, I keep picking it up and playing it for several hour bursts then putting it down for three days, which is what I do with all of my games so don't take that the wrong way :3. If I had one criticism to give, it would be the LACK OF AXE USERS in the early game. Seriously, I kept going into the store and seeing the axes, and I got sad every single time. Also, for a game that was originally called Tactics Universe Seigfried is a tactical moron, but at least people in game are aware of it. It endeared me to Kellik.

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@Blitz don't play the beta? lol

@Fedora there ARE paired endings they're just few in #. Sorry I wasn't able to include more.

I play games similarly, no problem. Sorry about the lack of axe users.

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HowardxCia better have a ridiculously creepy paired ending. I have to restart Tactics Universe AGAIN (PSP derped and died), so there has to be some sort of upside! ;D

Edited by Swordsalmon
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The Last Promise, Salmon, The Last Promise! XD

and I'm really not sure still... *whistles*

as for supports, check the support room. it should at least list options correctly. hopefully. maybe.

Also Shugey, I was a bit of an asshole in my last post to you. I apologize.

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I have no idea what causes a paired ending. Kelik/Karina, Ben/Emma, Rex/Kevin, Howard/Cia Shon/Tamiko, and Anakin/Logan didn't cause paired endings, although Anakin and Logan's A Support was hilarious. Howard and Cia not having one felt really odd though.

And it was my fault for not checking the bug report page thoroughly. The worst part was that I literally somehow missed that when reading it. So no hard feelings.

Looking forward to Hard Mode. Definitely not recruiting Logan on that run.

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Has anyone tried to fully LTC this hack?

I bet Karina+Ben+Sieg mode Corben/Innana/Shon would rip a new one until the lategame prepromotes come along.

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