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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Once bad guys become good guys, they get nerfed big time. That's like, a law of video games. (Tales games are a great example... as bosses, they have tens of thousands of HP, but then they join your side and only have like 4,000. XD)

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^^Renault uses magic in fe7 it's probably like reclassing him to a bishop like in fe11 you just can't see his amazing str stat you only see his crappy magic if only he could hit people with his staff

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Once bad guys become good guys, they get nerfed big time. That's like, a law of video games. (Tales games are a great example... as bosses, they have tens of thousands of HP, but then they join your side and only have like 4,000. XD)

What!?! You've so not played the awesome Destiny of an Emperor. Lu Bu will rape your ass. Then you goad him over with the nice Gem Sword. And now he rapes your enemies ass with the nice Gem Sword you offered until he betrays you later on

Lu Bu 4eva


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump because I've kinda been making updates (kinda) and I got a little bit of time to update forums so I decided I would. So here are some screenshtos of some minor updates I've been doing (the list can be found on the blog at http://tacticsuniverse.blogspot.com which is where I will be updating it since I will likely be making some more updates, very slowly).






EDIT: A video for you guys


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Commenting here rather than the blog (I am the Anon that loved the old Eddy)

Yeah Nayr is a beast in-game, that is why I was avoiding him, I prefer the characters that make ya work a bit or have an awesome personality.

So no chance in at least boosting his ATTACK/SPEED a bit he could be super frail but powerful, it'd suit his personality.

Anyways enough pushing for my fav guy, which outta curiousity who's character is he anyways?

Tamiko just looks like a Fiora recolor now >_>

BTW I am mainly nit-picking at this moment because I have very little complaints about your game at all XD

Although when you release the next beta, I will be making an extensive log on it!

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^lol I might call you OldEddyLover since I don't like referring to other people with "sama" :P

@Tamiko, tbh, I don't even see the resemblance between Tamiko and Fiora... XD

Hmm, I MIGHT boost Eduardo in the Insane Mode patch because you'll need every unit you can get in that patch, but otherwise, he's supposed to suck.

Although when you release the next beta, I will be making an extensive log on it!

There won't be a next beta. The next release will be when the game is completely done, and I am going to play through the entire game at least once to ensure that it's as error-free as can be! =D

on a side note I feel bad for calling my last 2 patches betas because even though they were not-very-well tested patches, which is what I consider a beta patch, they still had like 25 chapters of gameplay, and beta tends to imply that the project is highly incomplete... D=

In other news that I haven't yet posted on the blog, I inserted some more music (then got bored and quit... partly because one song that I really liked didn't work out and I was like "asdf") and did some other random crap, and I plan to rewrite the events for chapter 5 completely because I think that the previous events were kind of inadequate (and those mages were too hard for me, and as a rule, if it's too hard for me, it's too hard =P).

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My name is SOMA btw, which is japanese for "Little Devil"

Also, It's the hair :P (Fiora/Tamiko)

I still plan on doing an extensive log, even if it just turns out to be "ZOMG GOOD JOB LOLOLOL" >_>

And I noticed your music fail, all I can still say is HERP A DERP!

Any chance of giving the mounted units Canto?

(I've seen it hacked in, Like in Queen Elincia's Hack)

It's quite a good little addition IMO.

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It'd ruin his funniness if I did (someone fixed him up but they did TOO good of a job and he didn't look funny or amusing anymore, so I naturally couldn't accept it)

but I guess your statement still holds, he needs some basic touching-up... very basic, anything more than that and it'd ruin him IMO...

EDIT: gotta get this in before I have people who think they are elite spriters and must critique everything up my ass and creating a drama/trollfest, I'm sure many spriters would disagree with me about Bardolph and say he needs a complete revamp, but that's because spriters tend to be assholes when it comes to quality of sprites as they tend to focus on just that--the quality of sprites--and not the purpose of having sprites in the first place, which is to express an individual as a unique and interesting figure. and there will probably be someone who goes "that doesn't matter, if the sprite sucks it should be fixed", and since I'd rather not even comment on what I think of people who are that stubborn about sprites, I'll just say "STFU" :P

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That way of thinking is how we lost old Eddy, OOOLLLDDD EEDDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!!!

Also Awwww to the hating of Canto, I find it useful personally but to each their own.

It would make an interesting addition/added strategic point in this "lunatic" patch you speak of.

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Bardolph looks bad? I know his hair could of been prettier, but... :(

I like Tamiko's new portrait, but I think Eduardo's old one fit him better. He doesn't look... insane anymore. Also, the new songs in Chapter 25 are nice. ^_^

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Bardolph looks bad? I know his hair could of been prettier, but...

You'd be surprised how many complaints I get about sprites. No matter how much work I have done on them, people will never be happy. So whatever. :P

I like Tamiko's new portrait, but I think Eduardo's old one fit him better. He doesn't look... insane anymore.

I feel the same... the exact same...

Also, the new songs in Chapter 25 are nice.

Just wait until you hear all 6 minutes of the map theme. It was going to be the final map theme tooand to be honest I still haven't found a replacement because I can't get anything more epic than that song. Oh but the enemy theme actually appears in chapter 24, I just never showed the enemies in chapter 24 so no one would know haha =P

@CO_Fimbulvetr thanks for the heads-up, that's fixed in my version (why it wasn't working, along with some other dumb glitches, is a really long story about a life lesson in hacking...), but I haven't fixed it in the latest version, reason being that I don't want to release a patch for the small fixes. Sorry/thanks. D=

@Chaotic_Soma... "unknown". not lunatic. =P

Lunatic mode in like FE11 or FE12 or w/e was beatable, right? I don't think unknown mode is going to be beatable. In fact, I might have to invent new cheat codes just to test that version of the game, because I don't know if 99HP and capped stats will cut it. >________>

Oh and Canto... as well as other skills... I might release a separate version for it. But it won't be canon. Canto just pissed me off in games like FE10 and I hated having to move units twice, it just seemed like extra work. It also just makes riders and wyverns and crap seem like pussies. Hit-and-run, hit-and-run. Meh, just my feelings. I obviously have not had good experiences with it, heheh... *facepalm*

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Oh and Canto... as well as other skills... I might release a separate version for it. But it won't be canon. Canto just pissed me off in games like FE10 and I hated having to move units twice, it just seemed like extra work. It also just makes riders and wyverns and crap seem like pussies. Hit-and-run, hit-and-run. Meh, just my feelings. I obviously have not had good experiences with it, heheh... *facepalm*

As convienient and useful this is I agree coward canto isn't really that fair of a skill

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  • 1 month later...


Screenshots of chapter 26. I didn't die in the 2-months-less-one-day I didn't post in this topic, or the month and a half that I didn't hack, just was busy. And the situation won't get better as in 4 days I'm going to get busy for another month or so.

As usual, the blog has all the details. http://tacticsuniverse.blogspot.com

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Luffy, may I ask, on your blog you said

I have never gotten past the prologue in FE4

What do you mean by that?

And also you said:

the time of day is constantly changing (day, evening, night)

Is that going to be like a palette swap between tilesets?

Sorry if you are busy or something, and good luck with all of your tests!

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I was forced to put the blonde dude in the hack. But I have never played FE4 so I don't know the first thing about Claude aside from the fact that he looks a lot like an Etrurian senator in TU with the same name... XP

Is that going to be like a palette swap between tilesets?

Sorry if you are busy or something, and good luck with all of your tests!

You'll have to play and see for yourself. =)

And thanks. ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry if your busy at the moment, but I started playing this hack two days ago and I'm on ch.7 and Althares(I think thats his name) didn't appear in the ch. before. He appeared and said something about Kelik telling him to meet him there and he never appeared on the map, Could this just be a glitch?

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Yes, it's a glitch I don't know how to fix. It only happens when one of your units stands in the exact square that Al is supposed to show up in, IIRC. I'll look into it but the only ways to get him now are to either go back to chapter 6 and try again or hack him in. >_>

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Yes, it's a glitch I don't know how to fix. It only happens when one of your units stands in the exact square that Al is supposed to show up in, IIRC. I'll look into it but the only ways to get him now are to either go back to chapter 6 and try again or hack him in. >_>

Just have him move, instead of just loading on the square.

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Luckily I have a savestate on ch.5, so I'll go ahead and do it again. And Is there anything really important in ch.5x? I don't want to start ch.5 again.

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