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Kaichou wa maid sama (this one is probably closer, but I wrote S &W first because I liked it so much)


Special A (AKA Maid sama clone)

Special A came first. And Maid-sama itself is pretty generic and not very good.

Sakurasou no pet na kanojou

This one is pretty good after the first half or so.

The Key trilogy is really good for this stuff (Air, Kanon, Clannad), as well as the ef series, though more the memories than the melodies portion. I'd say those are the best I've seen. I wasn't big on Toradora, though.

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Special A came first. And Maid-sama itself is pretty generic and not very good.

This one is pretty good after the first half or so.

The Key trilogy is really good for this stuff (Air, Kanon, Clannad), as well as the ef series, though more the memories than the melodies portion. I'd say those are the best I've seen. I wasn't big on Toradora, though.

I got the feeling he wanted a romance comedy and not something to cry on. Which is why I suggested a bunch of more lighthearted ones.

Also I found Special A completely unwatchable for some reason.

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I've postponed watching any of the Trinity as I've been trying to stray away from lovestories (as being stuck with Love Hina and the Harem genre diswayed me from trying out others of its kind, and things like Steins; Gate and TTGL/KLK popped into my mind moreso)

That said, I'll give Clannad a try. I have Hulu, and it's available on that (may as well watch it, I am paying for it after all).


[spoiler=Watched List]

  • Angel Beats
  • Toradora
  • Outlaw Star
  • Love Hina
  • (Anything Toonami, like Trigun, DBZ, Hamtaro, Sailor Moon, etc).
  • YGO all of dem
  • Steins; Gate
  • Scrapped Princess
  • Baka no Test Season 1
  • School Rumble
  • HSotD
  • (Actually...only half of Chobits. Wow I should finish that, I have it on DVD from a Potluck and I forgot I owned it)
  • He is my Master
  • Kora wa Zombie
  • Fairy Tail (up to like, Ep45 only)
  • Bleach (up to like 50, i can't stand this series anymore)
  • Card Captors Sakura
  • NGE (Yea, everyone's watched this I no)
  • TTGL
  • Kill la Kill

My list doesn't have much more.

Oh, I've been wantign to finish watching MAR and Monster Rancher, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

I dunno how to really describe what I liked so much about Toradora. Maybe the balance of characterization with emotion, and maybe the general lack of filler, as most of the episodes were linked at least to one or two other episodes. Maybe it's just the really deep love story. Probably a combination. I thought the /feels/ the story told were really deep. Maybe it's just getting emotionally invested into a series. Love Hina can't really do that. Ah! My Goddess can't really do that. Not only were there curveballs, but I really got the feels around the Christmas Party, especially at the ending of whatever episode it is with Taiga in the street scene. Shit like that is golden

[spoiler=Toradora! Spoilers]Getting "married" and eloping? Who even covers that in a series seriously?

Yasuko coming to terms with abandoning her parents as a kid? Srsly? Rarely touched topic, well executed IMO

I swear Taiga's father had raped her or something too, it just seems to fit into the context, what with Minorin getting JUST SO FUCKING ANGRY over it

Can't really explain it. I'm putting Toradora on a pedestal of my Top3 anime ever, and that goes above Outlaw Star, which I absolutely fucking loved until the ending.


Gonna give Clannad a Try since I haven't given the "Trinity" a shot. Taking notes to watch:[spoiler=Eli, watch these, you nimrod.]

Akinaoki, on 06 Apr 2014 - 10:42 PM, said:

Toradora is the best at doing what it does, so its hard to find something was the same exact distribution of romance to comedy. So I decided to just list down everything.

Monogatari series~~
But other than the 'holy trinity' I can recommend Spice and wolf (less romance but in better characters)
Kaichou wa maid sama (this one is probably closer, but I wrote S &W first because I liked it so much)
Key animes if you want romance/drama/comedy. (Angel beats and Clannad are the only ones I've seen but im sure Air and Kanon are just as good) 10 bucks says you already watched them
Stiens;Gate The romance kicks in pretty late, but its still good. Time travel anime that you also probably already watched.
Itazura na kiss (This one is quite shoujo but It goes all the way to marriage and having kids, not many animes do that, i think it is it's only redeeming quality)
Chobits (It has a very interesting concept)
World god only knows

If you happen to enjoy still airing shows then Nisekoi (25-24 ep series), though since I cant see the future, I dont know if it will end.

Though eventually check out the holy trilogy eventually because some are pretty good if you manage to watch 4 seasons of the stuff.

This isnt really my field so I asked my sister too
My sister suggests (Dont blame me)
Kamishama Hajimemashita
Baka to test
Sakurasou no pet na kanojou
Mayo Chiki (Its probably not what you are looking for but its fun to watch?)
Special A

Apparently Golden time is good too, I dunno.

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I've postponed watching any of the Trinity as I've been trying to stray away from lovestories (as being stuck with Love Hina and the Harem genre diswayed me from trying out others of its kind, and things like Steins; Gate and TTGL/KLK popped into my mind moreso)

That said, I'll give Clannad a try. I have Hulu, and it's available on that (may as well watch it, I am paying for it after all).

Wow, did you just put TTGL/KLK with Stiens; gate together? Those contrast like day and night.

Also 'stay away from lovestories' and going to see Clannad? You are contradicting yourself really bad here.

Then why did you ask me the suggest shows like Toradora? It is obviously a love comedy.

It really took a bit of effort to think up so many suggestions >_<

EDIT: Ok thanks. Btw, Love hina and Ah my godess is pure shit. I feel sorry for you to have to experience those.

Edited by Akinaoki
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Wow, did you just put TTGL/KLK with Stiens; gate together? Those contrast like day and night.

I lumped them into a "Love Story, or Not Love Story" genre. Sue me!

Also 'stay away from lovestories' and going to see Clannad? You are contradicting yourself really bad here.

I had wanted to stay away from them, and I kept seeing Toradora on my "You should watch this" list, so I just gave into it. Now it's like Pringles...I want moar

Then why did you ask me the suggest shows like Toradora? It is obviously a love comedy.

See above. I didn't think i was interested in it, but my anime interests had dropped severely and I wasn't getting AS ATTACHED to any animes as I had like Trigun back like a decade ago, or even Steins; Gate recently.

It really took a bit of effort to think up so many suggestions >_<

EDIT: Ok thanks. Btw, Love hina and Ah my godess is pure shit. I feel sorry for you to have to experience those.

And LH/AMG were...yea. That's what was my impression of Love Story Anime was. All others like Rouroni Kenshin had it as a subplot, rather than the main plot. (Read for other responses in Bold)

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I heard the ending of KnK was horse feces though. Opinion?

Oh yea I watched Kaze no Stigma too. I think that shit was worse than SAO, not even lying

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Whew! Been a while, almost a month since I last posted. Well, since then I have watched Shana season 3; in fact, that was about 3 weeks ago. Much time indeed has been spent contemplating it while filling the usual void with other things in the meantime.

This season left me feeling very conflicted on a number of levels, and took me a span of time to mull over just what my true feelings about the season and the series as a whole were. I don't normally do things like this, but I kinda feel like I have to lay out my thoughts in a bit of an abridged review for full closure, and I'm only doing this because (while factoring in mandatory daily life) I squirreled away all of my free time into watching this series in a relatively short span of time and marathoned the entirety of Shana in less than 5 days (maybe 4; I don't really remember anymore since it was all a rush). So it was kinda something I invested into watching a large amount of in little time; that tends to stay in your head for a bit.

So yeah, please ignore the majority of this post if you don't care one whit about or don't want to be spoiled on the series Shakugan no Shana; in fact, this is really just me gushing/ranting about season 3 in particular, so its probably not all that interesting anyways, but if you happen to have watched and/or enjoyed this series, you may get a kick out of it. Or something. Either way, I apologize for the analyzing and emotional vomiting I'm about to do; I'll try the abridged version...

[spoiler=SPOILERS UP THE WAZZOO FOR SHANA 3 FINAL!...and, well, the rest of the series too, I guess....]

Let me just start with what I remember whispering, then increasingly repeating and shouting in my head for a good part of the first half and parts of the second half, but most definitely with the first 3-5 episodes of the season:





WTF HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!

No, seriously! I had just come off the OVA episodes, which were equal parts funny and sad at times, but I was not prepared at ALL for what season 3 would be, particularly the beginning. I was already feeling confused and apprehensive about that teaser of Shana and Yuuji facing each other down at the end of the last OVA episode (and I can't even begin to think about how long and agonizing that years long wait was for people watching at the time). So when I began the season, only to hear that Yuuji just vanished with no explanation (even though IIRC Shana was with him after the final battle of Season 2 and would've seen or sensed him leave) and that suddenly by the end of the episode he's agreed to help and managed to fuse with some God/Snake/thing?! Where did he even go to find it and why?! Was this explained better in the Light Novels??? I'm sorry, I just didn't expect that kind of a curve ball literally one episode in, and I was very afraid for the rest.

So a few episodes later, Yuuji asserts his position as the vessel for the "Snake of Festival", leader of Bal Masque (who he seems to have selectively forgotten were trying to capture him for his Midnight Lost Child/Silver powers the previous two seasons and suddenly begins worshiping him unquestioningly just because he has the Snake???), and basically becomes the apparent big bad for the season, starting with kidnapping Shana herself. I was completely flabbergasted as to how this could have possibly come about; obviously there is some great grand plan that Yuuji and Snake are developing (there usually is), but how important could it be for Yuuji to stand against Shana and his allies like that?

And there's no real indication or not at that point whether Yuuji is being controlled (which is what Shana and co. would like to believe) or really is on board with all of this, though as it goes on it became increasingly certain that he was not influenced at all in his decision to complete this Grand Order....for what? He doesn't really give a good reason for this completely random heel-face-turn for a while, and of course this will continue to bite him in the ass for the rest of the season as he seems completely reluctant to share anything helpful with the person who should hear and understand it most. I don't know why he seems to have backpedaled in his relationship with Shana that he believes she wouldn't try to help him resolve this conflict with the Flame Haze and Denizens. Maybe I didn't remember as well, but I thought they'd be at that point by the end of season 2 (especially since its blatantly obvious that he chose her over Kazumi and quite clearly wants her out of the way and safe). He of course defeats her with his new god powers and now I'm desperately hoping that she doesn't become a damsel in distress for half the season ala Orihime or Asuna. Please.

...Nope, that role is sadly handed to Margery, the other amazing badass of this show (and my personal favorite character next to Shana). Well, perhaps she's not exactly a damsel in distress, but she's still taken out of half the season after receiving that mind f*cking realization that she has been chasing a lie for centuries, courtesy of Yuuji (seriously, I liked him better when he wasn't smug and manipulative). I mean, she gets better in time for the last quarter of the show, which is better than nothing, but it really sucks that she wasn't present more. Oh well, at least she gets some resolution with Keisaku; I kind of saw hints in previous seasons of his feelings, but I never in a million years expected them to actually become a canon ship, with an implied offscreen intimate scene to boot! Surprising indeed, but pleasantly so I suppose. At least some people are having a better time.

Not so with Shana and Yuuji, unfortunately. With all of these questionable things he keeps doing, apparently without being influenced by the Snake, I'm really having a hard time reconciling him with the derpy yet sweet main lead he used to be. I mean, you get the feeling that this plan really is for the good of all, as he and the Snake keep claiming, but when you kidnap and hold the girl you profess to love against her will while conspiring with and teaming up with the guys who have been your archenemies for 48 episodes to fight against former friends, I have to wonder.

Anyways, I'm happy to note that I was relieved to see that Shana was not a damsel in distress, but in fact, a badass in distress! I loved that she waited for her opportunity to escape while dealing with her conflicted feelings over Yuuji in a rather satisfactory and surprisingly concise manner. I'm not quite sure I wouldn't been able to retain my faith in someone who kidnapped me like that easily, let alone sort it out in a small amount of time. And of course, as soon as the badass trio of Wilhelmina, Rebecca and Kham'sin break in and cause havoc, Shana busts herself out! With style! We really need more heroines like this who take the initiative in escaping, with less amounts of general fails.

[spoiler=Such awesome! Much badass!]


Of course, I've been neglecting to mention the vast amount of new main and supporting characters that got dumped into the story in the span of one or two episodes. So begins one of the biggest problems I had with this season: loads and loads of new characters that I really don't give a crap about. Or rather, there are too many at once to take in and nowhere near enough time to get to know them enough to care about them. It got to the point where I didn't even bother trying to remember their names anymore (but that goes double for the Flame Haze and their contacted Crimson Lords, not to mention the individual titles they hold as well. That's like four names for one entity! Forget that!). What really annoyed me however was the fact that these guys, the Flame Haze army and the Crimson Denizen army, took up soooooooooooo much screen time in what may possibly be the most boring war to watch after a while; about 75% of each episode's screen time until the 3/4 mark of the series was dedicated to these new characters, who in turn all had to share this screen time with each other, meaning hardly any of these new characters had any time to get fleshed out at all. Which means I care about them much less than the show wants me to, and I find myself wanting to skip to the parts with the main characters (i.e, the characters I've actually cared about for the past two seasons), which are separated by large chunks of useless dialogue between these uninteresting people and mindless battles and explosions.

About the only good fight I cared to watch was Sabrac vs Wilhelmina, Rebecca, and Kham'sin, as well as the few blows Shana and Yuji traded while in the abyss; the latter wasn't quite the confrontation I'd hoped for, but they made up for it by having Shana deliver a really badass speech and, finally, unabashedly confess her feelings to Yuuji. If anyone has managed to grow this entire series, it was Shana; which I suppose is expected, but doesn't make it any less amazing to watch. I absolutely love her! She's one of the only people making any sense this season. <3

Ok, so the Snake's true form is revived, the Flame Haze are utterly curb stomped and regroup for the final battle, the denizens prepare to create their paradise and thus Yuuji/the Snake needs Kazumi's help to......wait, what? Kazumi is back?! Really?! WHY ON EARTH IS SHE NEEDED IN THE PLOT AGAIN?!......You know, somehow I'm not surprised that they managed to shoehorn her once again into the plot for no conceivable reason other than to undo a random plot thread that for some reason has to do with creating Xanadu. Anyways, Yuuji finally sees fit to explain his plan fully; all he wants is the denizens to have their own world so they can stop feeding on humans and so Flame Haze, specifically Shana, won't have to waste their lives fighting the Forever War until they die. WHY THE F*CK COULDN'T YOU HAVE EXPLAINED THIS SOONER?! And to Shana, the person who deserves to hear it the most, no less?! It's at this point (well, maybe since the beginning of the season) that I think Yuuji really needs to get some sense knocked into him, and what better timing than the final battle? (One thing I should note here that whatever I felt about the previous and following battles, the animation was still pretty stunning overall and I really liked a lot of the music!)

Looks like its gearing up to be great, with Shana flying right up to confront him.....and they do start fighting each other, the poor dears......until the tragic yet epic scene is cut short by long swaths of more battles between characters I don't care as much about (though I'll admit that for what little I know about them, Khiara and Sale are pretty cool and I'd like anybody who managed to squash that annoying as hell professor Dantalion; I never really liked anyone in Bal Masque, but I really detested him), only returning to the Shana vs Yuuji fight every once in while to see them trade blows until Kazumi finally calls Pheles (been wondering if they were gonna resolve this particular plotline) and she releases Johann from the Midnight Lost Child, and while he calls Yuuji out on belittling Shana and the depth of their relationship, he surprisingly leaves the Midnight Lost Child with him. I was never quite sure what to make of Pheles and Johann, seeing as they were such wild cards in the grand scheme of things, but it looks like they were present for the finale in order to pull off an amazing Deus ex Machina in the form of a baby, which is unprecedented enough to get everyone to stop fighting. Somehow.

With the paradise formed and the Snake seemingly won, the Flame Haze manage to pull their last card in setting a rule in place to prevent the eating of any humans in the new world, and while the denizens ultimately choose to follow this rule even if they could have removed it, I'm not really sure why Yuuji/Snake initially rejected this idea, considering this was kinda the whole point of taking them out of this world and into their paradise of Xanadu. Did I miss something??? Anyways, what I really found interesting about this whole thing is that the supposed "bad guys" ultimately won in the end. Sure, it works out for everyone; the denizens go on to Xanadu to hopefully live in peace, most of the characters I like don't end up dying (except for Kham'sin, the poor kid/old man), the Snake leaves Yuuji on amicable terms and while being a rather arrogant and smug god, he proves to be benevolent in the end by offering a place for the Flame Haze in the new world. But still, I see this as a fascinating case of the well-intentioned extremist actually winning. I just wish it was executed better throughout the season, and maybe I would've liked it more. :(

So, happy ending yet? Not quite. Yuuji has now convinced himself that even though it was all for the greater good and Shana's freedom from her fate as Flame Haze, he can't reconcile having killed so many denizens and Flame Haze for the goal either. So he plans to spend I-don't-know-how many hundreds of thousands of years in Xanadu making sure that denizens and humans/flame haze can live in peace, as his punishment. Without Shana. Which leads to another face palm. Because really, hasn't this guy learned yet that shouldering the burden alone wasn't the answer? Of course not. So, now its time for the epic beatdown that this guy's had coming for the whole season! And it totally went like this:

[spoiler=Totes epic beatdown!]


In all seriousness though, it really was epic! Even Margery got to be a part of it with a new and fantastic multiheaded werewolf form, and took down her rival from ages past, Sydonay (aka the guy who just wouldn't die since the Aizen Twins arc in Season 1). But I really loved how this fight was almost entirely in Shana's favor since Yuuji lost his god powers, and boy did she deliver! While finally fighting that epic fight she's been itching to fight this whole season, she also manages to get him out of his woobie funk by proving to him how much she's always cared for him and will continue to stand with him from then on. Tough love has never been more awesome! XD (The first Opening theme, Hishoku no Sora, playing during this was also wonderful!)

[spoiler=FALCON PUNCH!!!]


Ok, so now that he's finally stopped being an idiot for the moment, we finally have the proper heart-to-heart that that these two having been waiting for for so looong. And finally we get the kiss!!! I swear, that moment was worth the endless slog that was season 3! Made me so happy! typerhappy.gif

[spoiler=It's about damn time!]


And so, Yuuji somehow becomes a full existence when Lamies's spell activates after the kiss (no, I really don't know why, but its a happy end, I'm not complaining), and they go on together to Xanadu, and presumably live happily ever after. I must say, after the trainwreck that was the pacing of this season along with the slew of too many characters that clogged up the narrative, I'm really happy that they managed to save the ending for the most part.

Was this season disappointing to me? Yes. Was the ending worth watching it all? Yes! Perhaps overall the great ending was too little too late, but better late than never. And in my personal opinion, even if the plot completely went downhill, I'd still plod through to the end if I really cared enough about what happens to the characters I love.

Also Silver, I'm glad you ended up liking Shana.

And yeah, I'm glad as well that I really ended up loving Shakugan no Shana! Thank you so much for your initial recommendation, as usual! happybounce.gif

And please forgive me for this rambling of epic proportions. >_<

If you actually managed to read all of this, you are amazing, whoever you are. And I feel really, really bad for all that time you've spent reading this. I promise I won't do it again.....not here at least. Please don't kill me! DX

Wow are you a reviewer or something?

No, about the closest I ever get to actual reviewing is really just a gush/rant fest, like the unholy abomination I just posted. Its really just for my own personal catharsis after finishing a series that really hit me in the feels, but I hope that other fans might get a laugh or two out of it. I didn't want to make an entirely new thread just for that, but seeing how failtastically long that turned out, I'm thinking I might just make my own 'review' thread in the future so I don't clutter this one.

And to be relatively on-topic, I finished watching Robotics;Notes in the meanwhile and enjoyed it a lot. Not as good as its predecessor Steins;Gate, but then again its kind of unfair to compare them, so by itself it was a good watch.

And now I've begun Deadman Wonderland.....looks good so far and reminds me a bit of Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)....

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I heard the ending of KnK was horse feces though. Opinion?

Oh yea I watched Kaze no Stigma too. I think that shit was worse than SAO, not even lying

I didnt fully understand the show, but for all I know the whole thing was very good. Though the reason I suggested it is because viewing it is a very unique experience. It is an emotional puzzle piece, I am sure you would find something interesting in there. That being said, I'll put a review here that I more or less agree with:

Also yes, Kaze no Stigma was pretty lousy, the only good thing about it was Kazuma's jacket.

Edited by Akinaoki
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Those are two very different marathons to behold. You know, because length and all.

So far on Clannad ep2.

[spoiler=Clannad Plot spoilers]

These -chance meetings- with Tomoya and Nagisa so far just seem too...plot convienent. Other than that, it seems like it's ok, nothing to write home about. Did Nagisa have like, fibromaylgia or something? Don't answer that, I'm just thinking out loud here.

Also, I don't like the Opener/Ending soundtracks. I'm picky on them though, I guess. Am I the only one who thinks that?

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Those are two very different marathons to behold. You know, because length and all.

So far on Clannad ep2.

[spoiler=Clannad Plot spoilers]

These -chance meetings- with Tomoya and Nagisa so far just seem too...plot convienent. Other than that, it seems like it's ok, nothing to write home about. Did Nagisa have like, fibromaylgia or something? Don't answer that, I'm just thinking out loud here.

Also, I don't like the Opener/Ending soundtracks. I'm picky on them though, I guess. Am I the only one who thinks that?

I generally skip them. Clannad is the sort that eventually grows on you, just bear with it for now, soon you wont care about plot convinence.

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A few more convienent plot instances

[spoiler=Clannad Plot Spoilers]Ok so Nagisa doesn't have Fibromyalgia, but she's stll just unhealthy overall.

Can I borrow your breasts/razor is the stupidest shit I've ever heard

I'm starting to like the relationship between the male and female lead. The rest of the relationships are pretty bleh though. obviously a conspiracy

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So far on Clannad ep2.

[spoiler=Clannad Plot spoilers]

These -chance meetings- with Tomoya and Nagisa so far just seem too...plot convienent. Other than that, it seems like it's ok, nothing to write home about. Did Nagisa have like, fibromaylgia or something? Don't answer that, I'm just thinking out loud here.

What actually came off as so convenient that it's even worth thinking about?

Can I borrow your breasts/razor is the stupidest shit I've ever heard

It is supposed to be stupid. That's Sunohara.
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What actually came off as so convenient that it's even worth thinking about?

It is supposed to be stupid. That's Sunohara.

How he and Nagisa are walking home, so they split off because location convienence meant that he could go THATAWAY and she could go THISAWAY. Then all of a sudden, after getting home and talking to his dad for 2 seconds, he leaves and bumps into Nagisa, at the park, rehearsing her self-made play, at like 11pm. She looks like she's been quite comfortably there too, not like she just got there. Did she not return home? Her parents seem like they'd flip their shit at that sort of thing. Well, her dad anyway.

Sunohara still got a laugh out of me. I enjoyed the Fuuko v Sunohara scene wood carving scene a lot more than I expected

There were other relationships?

That's supposed to read as Friendships. As in, is he actually friends with anyone else? He seems closer to Nagisa's dad, who doesn't really even like him, than Fuuko, who's been his little leech for three episodes. Why does Tomoya even like him when he's always around his best friend, who tries to whoop her ass and insult her gender, daily?

Also. I turn into a girl.

Ok, I'm starting to get into this now.


This is an adaptation of one of those Visual Novel Dating Sim things, isn't it.

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Sunohara is my favorite, I love him why can't the show ever be nice to him? ;_;

Also I recommend Fate/Zero. It's NOTHING like what you asked for at all, really...Just whenever you're in the mood for something different. I only mention this because someone put up a link to Kara no Kyoukai and the same studio animated both of them.

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Sunohara is my favorite, I love him why can't the show ever be nice to him? ;_;

Also I recommend Fate/Zero. It's NOTHING like what you asked for at all, really...Just whenever you're in the mood for something different. I only mention this because someone put up a link to Kara no Kyoukai and the same studio animated both of them.

Ufotable and Type moon ftw!!

They are remaking Fate/Stay night this Fall! So pumped.

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And yeah, I'm glad as well that I really ended up loving Shakugan no Shana! Thank you so much for your initial recommendation, as usual! happybounce.gif

And please forgive me for this rambling of epic proportions. >_<

If you actually managed to read all of this, you are amazing, whoever you are. And I feel really, really bad for all that time you've spent reading this. I promise I won't do it again.....not here at least. Please don't kill me! DX

Heh, I did try to temper it with a warning about S3, though, I do remember that. Also, I mostly just skimmed your rant, but it was pretty much things I had expected to see.

And to be relatively on-topic, I finished watching Robotics;Notes in the meanwhile and enjoyed it a lot. Not as good as its predecessor Steins;Gate, but then again its kind of unfair to compare them, so by itself it was a good watch.

And now I've begun Deadman Wonderland.....looks good so far and reminds me a bit of Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)....

I never got around to R;N, I suppose I should one of these days.

For me Mirai Nikki came after, because I'd watched Deadman Wonderland first, but I can sort of see how you might compare the two now that you mention it. I loved both of them though, as they were right up my alley. Let me know your final thoughts.

In terms of my progress... I recently finished up Hikaru no Go, which I enjoyed quite a bit. I'm stalled in Prince of Tennis (Kantou Finals). A friend told me that the anime started to diverge greatly from the manga there, and then I did a search and saw that it's almost all anime only filler after that, so I kind of lost my will to proceed, to be honest. Not sure what I'll look into next...

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Ufotable and Type moon ftw!!

They are remaking Fate/Stay night this Fall! So pumped.


Same here~

Also I really need to watch Kara No Kyoukai, it looks great, I just haven't had the time to watch 7 movies.

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