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Best/Worst in the series: Round 37

General Spoon

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I meant that she is somewhat cuter than Meg. Meg = FUGLY x1000000.

Plus, if you use all three armor knights, why not? I'm just pointing it out. I almost never use Triangle attacks...

3 low move units in range of and able to get into position to triangle attack an enemy: Just how often is that happening? The answer: Almost never unless you go out of your way specifically to do it.

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I'm surprised Ardan isn't getting any votes for worst :/

Best: Osw1n even though I don't like him that much and use Gilliam (FE8) and Wallace more often.

Worst: Ardan. Where is your movement? At least would you bother growing some skill!?

:facepalm: (@ myself) Can't believe I forgot ARDAN

Best: Sedgar (or Gatrie in FE10)

Worst: Ardan.

Aside from your vote, there is one other.

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Sheema argument. Just pointing it out

Except not only can Gatrie PROMOTE but he doesn't have absolutely failboat stats.

In fact, he has the best base stats of the Greil Mercs and ANYONE before Part 4.

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My opinion.

Best Char

1 Ike

2Sigurd(Didn't even play that game.)

Best nonfinal boss!

1 BK!!!!!!!!!

Worst Char


4 BOYD (God he is terrible.)

Worst Npc/s

TANITH'S SUMMON!(Kamikaze fighters = Reinforce)

lrn 2 first page

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Best: Oswin, good bases, growths, and a bit of a nice support list to boot. Able to kill things at the start, and it stays that way throughout the game.

Worst: Ardan, "ZoMg I hAz PoWeR oF pUrSuIt!1!1!1!1" Yeah, what good is it when you're A) getting left behind in the dust by Lord Sigurd, fellow knights Alec and Noce, and all of their friends? And B) chances are you're not gonna grow enough speed to make the "power of pursuit" useful for you due to being left behind. The only use you have for the source of "the power of pursuit" is selling it, and letting someone who really needs it pick it up at the pawn shop. At least (if I'm reading averages correctly) both Wendy and Meg can turn into semi-competent killing machines IF given a chance, and even those two aren't even worth the effort, but apparently they're more worth the effort than you my dog-faced green-haired friend.

EDIT: Had to turn smileys off here, and I'm not counting reclass here.

Edited by LittleAl
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Except not only can Gatrie PROMOTE but he doesn't have absolutely failboat stats.

In fact, he has the best base stats of the Greil Mercs and ANYONE before Part 4.

I'm just pointing out that using growths to try and prove that a unit is good, is stupid. You seem to be doing this a lot

Ardan is definitely better than Wendy. Castle duty >>>>>> whatever Wendy does

Edited by Halluci_Nation
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Best: Gatrie. Why are Generals in 10 so fast anyway?

Worst: Meg. I think that there's a litle more leeway in getting Wendy not to be terrible, Meg is unfixable.

...I think not. Wendy joins right before an axefest at level 1.

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Damnit, now I need to PM everyone who voted for Sedgar and didn't give an alternate.

My opinion.

Best Char

1 Ike

2Sigurd(Didn't even play that game.)

Best nonfinal boss!

1 BK!!!!!!!!!

Worst Char


4 BOYD (God he is terrible.)

Worst Npc/s

TANITH'S SUMMON!(Kamikaze fighters = Reinforce)

:kefka: :kefka: :kefka: :kefka: :kefka: :kefka: :kefka: :kefka: :kefka: :kefka:

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Best: Oswin

Worst: Meg

At least Adan has comedy relief and sells a nifty pursuit ring.

too bad he isn't useful in anything relating to combat.

at least Wendy is in a game that isn't absolutely dominated by mounted units.

Edited by Awesome Possum
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