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Yeah, except the only way to make her not suck is if you spend a long time on the map. Many of us don't see that as permissible.

i'm sure you can find it in your heart to allow him to play that way.

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Im playing hard mode and I hate how wrath hates me by never activating criticals ):<

Fiona is hard to train but she's so useful in utility <3 rescuing.

Devdan is pretty hard to train here, he can't keep up.

Jill's hp is lame

Nolan really sucks, Aran is meatshield now.

Titania never doubles when I want her to :\ but she's useful.

Shinnon makes a great meatshield

Boyd+Crossbow = <3/and more kills for Oscar :D

Nephenee is too frail right now

Marcia rocks everything, except bowmen

Astrid is decent due to canto/moving to safety

Haar never doubles but thats good for my team ;)

Mia is really good with Wo Dao, I still don't like her :/

Lethe has her uses

Mordecai is so awesome in Part 2 endgame

Soren looks so lame compared to Ilyana

Rhys and Mist get owned by anything

Wow Lyre actually really sucks :( transformed and does 3 damage no double on a soldier :/ at least Fiona/Meg can count on a forge.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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I try to use Astrid a lot, mainly because Double Bow + 9 mov = Amazing.

I avoid using Shinon, and I've been pretty successful at avoiding him. He sits at the back of 3-P and 3-1, doing nothing. Then I remove him in 3-2, and he rots in my lineups with Meg, Lyre and Fiona.

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I try to use Astrid a lot, mainly because Double Bow + 9 mov = Amazing.

I avoid using Shinon, and I've been pretty successful at avoiding him. He sits at the back of 3-P and 3-1, doing nothing. Then I remove him in 3-2, and he rots in my lineups with Meg, Lyre and Fiona.

If she has all of her caps, she is not bad. :) I only wish I didn't have to hack to get those results...

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underleveled doesn't mean shit to me considering the way I play. I'm completely content with using a mediocre class. (I'm stubborn btw)

Nobody's saying your way of playing is wrong. You can like using Pelleas and Soren, that's fine. But saying they're good units (especially Pelleas) is going too far.

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Nobody's saying your way of playing is wrong. You can like using Pelleas and Soren, that's fine. But saying they're good units (especially Pelleas) is going too far.

Considering he can do pretty well endgame as a level 4 arch sage, he is pretty good. Though I do admit he does have his downsides and isn't great.

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Nobody's saying your way of playing is wrong. You can like using Pelleas and Soren, that's fine. But saying they're good units (especially Pelleas) is going too far.

Alright, thanks for putting it into perspective for me.

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Characters I always use:




Rhys (only for healing)










Laura (only for healing)

Mist (only for healing)

Micaiah (I hate her but I feel like she's forced on me so I have to put up with her, ugh)





Characters I don't usually use (I've used them all before)















Danved (stop using after 3-9)

Makalov (stop using after 3-9)



Sothe (only steal stuff and maybe weaken enemies in part 1 but I hate him so I'll avoid using him when I can)








Heather (only used to steal stuff on maps where she won't take another unit's place, otherwise I don't use her)






Brom (stop using him after part 2)



Nailah (only use her to rescue a prisoner in 1-8 and kill the thieves in 1-E)


there's probably more I don't use but I can't remember them

Edited by KSFF2150
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Considering he can do pretty well endgame as a level 4 arch sage, he is pretty good. Though I do admit he does have his downsides and isn't great.

Just to clarify... what difficulty is this?

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normal mode...and easy

I don't really like comparing characters in NM or EM since it is extremely simple to make any unit godly. Or almost any unit, anyway. Seriously, a tier list for EM/NM should probably have just lower mid and upper mid. Well, more like top and high, but if there isn't anything beneath then you should just call it upper and lower mid. Well, some units probably still fall below, I suppose.

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Haar has often scored the most kills for me despite usually being excluded from endgame. I also use Soren a lot even though I don't think he's very good. Besides the almost assumed units to use on the DB (Nolan, Volug, Sothe, Zihark) I have used Aran every time, and Jill almost as much. (even if she is getting less-than-average stats, she's incredibly useful during part 3). I admit I've never seen Sothe be useful in part 4, and even during part 3 I tend to give him the least intense positions (middle area of map w/ no staircases, fights indirect combat). But his part 1 is great.

I also use Kurthnaga as a combat unit pretty much every PT, even on hard. I usually horde my boosters too much so I tend to give him +4 skill, spd, str when I first get him. Most of my other units already don't need much more raising (ike, shinon, tibarn, gatrie, etc) or are crap anyway (sanaki, sothe). I dunno why but it's much harder to bring myself to use boosters on units people like to use them on (for instance don't people often speedwing haar, gatrie or titania) because I overvalue their 20/20 stats (which they may never see) which often have capped spd anyway (esp w/ occasional BEXP leveling).

Besides one time that I was forced to use him on a tier playthrough, I have never liked Oscar that much. Even though he sees a lot of play for his 9-move during early part-3, he is one of the units I am most likely to try and eliminate from the team, I guess because of the low spd cap.

I usually try and bring Volug to nearly every endgame. Recently I've been doing the "using every unit through consecutive PTs" topic but before that I brought him a lot. Mostly cuz I think wolves are cool.

I avoid Leo like the plague by the end of part 1. My 3rd "using every unit" PT I am required to use him, other than that I never even see him get sniper (ok I think my EM PTs I have??). However, I do often use him in part 3 because he can be useful against hawks in 3-13. (helps your other units get to the frontlines faster) Realistically nolan can often do it just as well w/ a crossbow-type weapon. I like Edward a lot more, he's not great but I get occasional use out of him. I've actually used him as a SM on hard sometimes.

Annoyed by: Rolf and Astrid. I liked training low level units, but these are some examples of low level + low growth. In FE10 everyone has crazy growth, so, for example, the same 40% is high in other games but low in FE10.

Rolf doesn't have "low" growths, he just doesn't have high growths. It's just that prepromotes also have good growths, and w/ a couple levels of BEXP abuse w/ stats capped, most units in this game will cap all important stats. There aren't that many units available who have later-on potential that makes up for early game suck, cuz they're basically the same endgame as everyone else. Or so it seems to me.

Edited by SeverIan
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I gave wrath to Jill in part 3 and she made everything easier :)

Leo is decent in Part 3 for ballista and enemy pegs Nolan is good for wall except on my current playthrough speed screwed Nolan and Aran had hand axes/javelins instead.

Fiona, Zihark, Tauroneo and Edward were my walls instead.

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Well, I primarily stick with EM, so I can easily field lots of mages without too many problems, and I've always got >100,000 BEXP by part 4, so I don't have that big of an issue with underleveledness. However, sages lose lots of points for having weak tomes (max forge is a 10 Mt fire + 3 with cards vs. 19 Mt Silver Axe +3), and SS weapons with 15 uses compared to 50 for the SS weapons. The fact that they all have horrid speed growths doesn't help. Really, Soren's the only decent one for a good run, and even liking sages as I do, it's not hard to see that they went from really good to downright mediocre at best.

Sadly, none of the Sages are even halfway decent. They all suck ass, even at their caps, which they never reach. Their SS weapons suck ass, I could go on forever. Sages are my favorite class. :(

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I gave wrath to Jill in part 3 and she made everything easier :)

Leo is decent in Part 3 for ballista and enemy pegs Nolan is good for wall except on my current playthrough speed screwed Nolan and Aran had hand axes/javelins instead.

Fiona, Zihark, Tauroneo and Edward were my walls instead.

Wrath... Bleh. It's been nerfed to the point of near-uselessness (30% or less HP requirement ftl). Being in one-hit-kill range for a critical boost? DO NOT WANT. I find Edward annoying to use.

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As much as I love to bring Naesala and Leanne to the final Endgame, it's kind of annoying. I feel like I always need to bring the two of them so that they can get an A-level relation! XD But it doesn't matter: I do it anyway!! :awesome:

People I tend to use:









People I do not tend to use:



Laguz (except for Naesala and herons, sometimes Janaff)





I think that's a good summary. ;)

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Wrath... Bleh. It's been nerfed to the point of near-uselessness (30% or less HP requirement ftl). Being in one-hit-kill range for a critical boost? DO NOT WANT. I find Edward annoying to use.

In my current playthrough I gave wrath to mounted units wielding ranged weapons that way they get to move back to safety ;)

For now Tanith and Jill have used wrath the most.

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In my current playthrough I gave wrath to mounted units wielding ranged weapons that way they get to move back to safety ;)

For now Tanith and Jill have used wrath the most.

...Eh. The number of units that could make good use of Wrath, I can count on one hand (Micaiah). What you're doing, while a sound strategy, is also rather restrictive.

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Micaiah is a great choice :o how did I not think that/sacrifice. She has blossom now though.

How is it restrictive?

How is it not? I can't let anyone who's HP is low enough for Wrath to kick in get attacked on enemy phase, or chances are they'll die.

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How is it not? I can't let anyone who's HP is low enough for Wrath to kick in get attacked on enemy phase, or chances are they'll die.

I'd actually suggest Gatrie or Mordecai, myself. Mordecai is especially good with resolve though, since he has high defense transformed, high HP, and can get hurt while untransformed. But yeah, Gatrie is a very good candidate for the wrath scroll.

The other alternative is Mia and her innate vantage. Once she hits TB and max skill, she can show >100 crit with a killing edge and nearly 100 with other weapons too. In other words, she can avoid tank, or simply crit-kill before she even needs to.

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I'd actually suggest Gatrie or Mordecai, myself. Mordecai is especially good with resolve though, since he has high defense transformed, high HP, and can get hurt while untransformed. But yeah, Gatrie is a very good candidate for the wrath scroll.

The other alternative is Mia and her innate vantage. Once she hits TB and max skill, she can show >100 crit with a killing edge and nearly 100 with other weapons too. In other words, she can avoid tank, or simply crit-kill before she even needs to.

Admittedly, Mordecai can make good use of Resolve. But I consider having low health for a critical boost that, in all practical likelihood, isn't even worth it highly counter-intuitive.

As for the alternate... Eh. Killing Edges aren't even worth the cost in my book (3600 gold for a weapon that's weaker than a Steel Sword? WTF. And with this being a game where enemies actually have luck... Double whammy to the usefulness of the Killing Edge, as well as killer weapons in general). And Vantage doesn't always activate this time, and gambling on a crit boost that's not even worth being in OHKO range is highly impractical in my book.

That is true but I always make sure they are walled by someone.

...Way to prove my point. Especially since even Canto can't be much help if you used almost all your move just to attack in the first place. In the end, I consider whatever amount of gold that the Wrath scroll sells for to be of much more use than the skill itself, which is saying a lot seeing as it probably doesn't even sell for that much.

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I prefer to admit than be in denial.

I do not agree anyway about wrath but its really my tactic preference not that I intend to say my idea is superior to yours.

I find it odd that you'd prefer risky, counter-intuitive strategies over safe ones in a game like Fire Emblem, where one wrong move can be very costly.

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