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FE6 HM Tier List

Colonel M

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No! RayxSophia forever? Who cares if I have to use the second worst unit in the game and a mediocre unit? This is MY canon.

Oh please. Clearly Wendy is Sophia's sweetheart. I support them every playthrough, and they solo once they've joined. Clearly they need their own tier above everyone else. Not like those other tier above the rest posers like Seth and Titania. Wendy and Sophia crush them in like, everything.

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Not like those other tier above the rest posers like Seth and Titania. Wendy and Sophia crush them in like, everything.

Stop spreading misinformation, both Seth and Titania have more lines (and thus more canon) than Wendy and Sophia combined.

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I'm glad the mods here are really putting the hammer down on trolls.

You can call whoever you want a troll, that does not make them one. It looks to me like he either does not follow our tiering conventions, or he is just a newbie to Fire Emblem character discussion in general. There are people who do think certain characters are better than others for reasons that have been dismissed in the past by the active tiering community.

That is not against the rules.

Changes made.

That is the greatest change that has ever been made to this tier list. You are a wise person, Colonel :tangerine:.

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Stop spreading misinformation, both Seth and Titania have more lines (and thus more canon) than Wendy and Sophia combined.

Pfft, please. I suppose they have a small advantage in amount of lines, but quality will always prevail, and who can argue with such momentous dialogue as "Oh...yes." or "Could it be a battle?"

I apologize good sir, but Wendy is the queen of canon. Heck, her and Sophia's love story is practically the whole plot of the game. There is a reason FE6 has the best plot of any game ever released, y'know.

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S'alright Ether, I'll butcher this one. I've always wanted to cut someone down on a tier list :D

The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)

Lance and Alan both have a couple chapter lead over the other two Caveliers. The competition is pretty much just Alan vs Lance. Most people dont complain and use them both but its been proven(IIRC, please correct me if I'm mistaken) but Lance > Alan due to the fact that he can double. Alan can catch up but it will take a few levels, he's not guaranteed spd level ups as well. Lance, with a few level ups and hopefully two level up in which he gains STR along with a steel sword will be able to solo bandits if he's unable to do it with a iron sword.

I... can agree to this, other then the fact that you said Sigurd's growths were atrocious. He has a freaking major blood.

... Wendy is the worst out of all three of them, hell, Barth is better. As for the best, I'd have to say Douglas. Training Bor's is a pain.

Again, debatable. I, personally don't use healers because they're a pain to promote(Unless of course you arena abuse). Cant say much regarding this.

Oujay's bases suck. Echidna can actually double and has axe rank. Again, just because a unit is prepromoted doesnt mean they arent usable

I dont use GBA fighters, they're just... ugh. I heard one of the axe users had more speed and the other had rank. Personally I'd take rank over speed because usually the speed boost isnt much and there is a chapter where one of them needs to wield a halberd.

I find Tate > Thany but it's been proven(Again, correct me) that Tate < Thany. Thany has joining time and supports to back her up.

Cath sucks, its a waste of effort trying to recruit her. As for Chad > Astol, thats debatable. Astol arrives with speed and a steel sword. tl;dr, he can become a heavy hitter. I mean seriously, when was the last time you saw a thief with 8 base STR?

...No, there is no way in the world Lilina is better then the other two mages. Supports my ass, everyone on this site and their crusty ass grandmother plays efficiently(Um, this means that they play wit low turn count right? I never got the difference between the two, there was another way to play IIRC), why they hell would they wait 30 turns for a freaking support? Lugh arrives earlier and after a few levels will be able to double. As for Hugh, he has stable bases. You can promote right away and he'll be usable.

Given fact is given.

Rutger > Fir, he has more STR IIRC. Karel would be on top but its a pain in the ass to level him. Brenya only gives him like 20 exp, everything else, 7.

Shin will forever have more STR then Sue and will catch up speed wise. Using her over Shin is suicide. Dayan < Sue is debatable too. The only thing Sue will have over him is SPD :/

I dont use beserkers but from what I can see, Garret can top Geese(get your head out of the gutter) Geese arrives with solid stats and all along with a brave axe but IIRC, Garret gets a sweet HM boosts. Plus, Garret is black, auto win.

... GTFO gamfaq's. Sophia arrives just like Wendy, gets killed by everything and their alcoholic fathers. Niime has staff rank and good magic. IMO, she's a good candidate for apocalypse if you didnt train Ray. Sophia on the other hand... Yeah, no one wants to waste their time training her.

Given fact is given

tl;dr, you're a retard. You obviously havent debated before and should never try doing so ever again. You know, some people get burned if they play with fire, you'd catch on fire.

@ Paperblade: I think its more mental retardation then trolling.

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If this guy really is just a newbie, I feel sorry for him. It's official: FE tier debaters are terrible people.

I wouldn't say terrible so much as insensitive to the pain and suffering of others and armed to the teeth.

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If this guy really is just a newbie, I feel sorry for him. It's official: FE tier debaters are terrible people.

Please, I'm sure the kid is smart enough to know not to come back... at least I hope.


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If this guy really is just a newbie, I feel sorry for him. It's official: FE tier debaters are terrible people.

Trust me, I highly doubt this kid is "just a newbie" seeing as he's also replied to almost every FE board barring FE3DS IIRC. Normally I'm not attempting to be an asshole to everyone. Granted I can act like an ass randomly for no reason, but this is sort of taking the cake. There's a difference between being a casual and just making arguments or statements to piss people off. This guy is merely doing the latter, and it's almost plain-sight to me. Some casuals mock efficient play and state that they play for fun, but they also don't toot a horn saying that Karel is the best mainly because he has growths over 100% and other stupid crap such as Echinda has axes, therefore she's not really a hero or some other dumb shit. Even I can only tolerate so much stupidity, and I work at a grocery store and deal with customers that are either thick blockheads or act like they've never used a self-checkout before.

I don't mind casuals. I DO mind casuals that lack any sense of logic.

Edited by Parasect's Meaty Chip
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The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)

WTF??? I'm not seeing how Wolt's the best archer, and definitely fail to see how Wendy could possibly be the best armor, considering she's the worst unit in all FE. I don't bother with Druids, but Sophia being the best is almost as WTF-worthy as Wendy being the best armor. Also, Karel'd have to kill a lot of enemies to get his level up...

Edited by Metal King Slime
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I get to play "Rape the retard" again? YAY!

The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Alan < Noah.


6 chapter availability gap and a handy support that gives him even more Atk is worse than whatever Noah has? Huh?

Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)

Swap Marcus and Percival and you're good IMO, Percival's that strong.





Every single person on that list never even gets within fighting range, but still, LOLWENDY.

Actually, that's not enough.




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)

Oujay joins 2 chapters before Echidna. Echidna is 20 levels higher. Echidna actually has bases. Echidna does not require a Hero Crest.

wtf u smokin


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Actually kind of true. Also, we already know that.

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Chad's never killing, so he gains no EXP and dies anyway. Also the only thing theives care about is not being Bolting/Purge nuked, and Astohl can survive those with a Pure Water.

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Lugh actually has Speed and won't be ORKo'd by every enemy that exists.

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

FTLOG, YOU SUCK TOO! but this is true

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)

Rutger is the worst.

Rutger is the worst.

You do realize that Rutger is your prime bosskiller with KE and Armourslayer, correct?

You do realize Rutger gains hueg HM boosts, right?

You do realize Rutger has first priority on a Hero Crest for +30 crit, right?

aka Shut the fuck up.


Sue has inferior stats to Shin. =/



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)



Ray comes at a good promotion level if you can be assed to promote him, Sophia can't even hit anything and actually gets OHKO'd. Niime's actually the best for WTF starting stats.

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)


Learn to shut up, and if you don't know what you're talking about, then don't.

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The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)

...did you...

...did you just...


I could of forgiven you saying Sue>Shin, I could of forgiven any praise of Sophia, I could of even forgiven you insulting Rutger. But when you say Sigurd has bad growths I lose all faith in you. Go, leave NOW

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...did you...

...did you just...


I could of forgiven you saying Sue>Shin, I could of forgiven any praise of Sophia, I could of even forgiven you insulting Rutger. But when you say Sigurd has bad growths I lose all faith in you. Go, leave NOW

Ooh....I don't usually do this for fear of sounding like a grammar nazi, but three times in one post, in one sentence, is too much. I cannot forgive you for using "could of" instead of "could have."

And so that this is still on topic:



Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)


Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)

At least these ones, if not all of them are perfectly accurate, are fairly arguable.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Heh, I know y'all trying to be facetious, but a clock that loses a minute a day is only right 1 out of 1,440 days too =p

Actually, it's 720 days assuming it's not a 24 hour digital clock. And it's a bit of a stretch to call losing a minute a day to be 'broken'. Certainly, it's not a very good clock, but it's not broken.

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I apologize.

I just think it's pointless to try to correct a person that is completely based on opinion and couldn't care more about what we say. Not to mention a few of us here actually know of said person's reputation and still bother to rape his "logic".

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