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(FE7) Drafting Tourney for FE7


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I'm on 14

lv turns

11 14

12 25

13 23


am I doing any good compared to most people or am I doing terrible

I did 11 and 12 both in 8 turns... So you might have some problems.

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I did the first few chapters...

Chapter 11

I broke through the wall, then had Matthew open the door and get the red gem. The enemy thief opened the other other door, so that the enemies could get to my (unequipped) matthew, and he got attacked by one knight, which he survived quite easily. Then I had Hector and Matthew fall back to the door west of the room, while all enemies ventured into the chest room, so there was no way they could ever still reach me. It was just free path to Wire, who was very easy to kill. Everything else, except for the northern archer and soldier, remained alive. I'm that nice.

Turns: 8

Total turns: 8

Name   lv   hp str skl spd luc def res

Hector 2.84 20 7   4   5   3   9   1

Chapter 12

Marcus is so damn awesome. I sent Hector east to attack the pegasus knight. I gave Dorcas Bartre's axes, and then moved Lowen, Marcus and Dorcas eastward. I made sure everybody else was either out of range or had no weapons equipped. Hector lost about half his hp, so I moved an unequipped Oswin east to act as a distraction and had Hector use a vulnerary. The distraction didn't help much, though, but having Hector on a forest turned out to be plenty anyway. Down south, Lowen, Marcus and Dorcas could easily hold their own against the handful of enemies. So I moved Marcus north the third turn. The next turn, most of the southern enemies were gone, so I started moving Lowen and Dorcas up as well. Zagan started moving towards Hector, so I sure was glad I moved Marcus up early (he also prevented Serra from dying, because she got hit due to a slight, but apparently nearly fatal error). Yeah, I don't know if you get penalized if non-drafted units die, but I just like having everybody alive. On turn 7 Matthew finally managed to sell the red gem he stole earlier, because that money may very well come in useful. Dorcas got the final kill.

This was much easier than I had expected.

Turns: 7

Total turns: 15

Name   lv   hp str skl spd luc def res

Hector 4.96 22 9   4   7   3   10   1
Marcus 1.37 31 15  15  11  8   10   8
Lowen  3.08 24 7   6   7   3   7    1
Dorcas 4.21 31 8   8   6   4   3    1

Edited by Tino
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I feel inclined to restart and log my information and data as you are doing Tino. Hope you don't mind.

My Hector wasn't turning


So, here is the team I will be allowed to use throughout the game:












Here I go again:

Ch.11: Another Journey

I can only use Hector here. I'll be needing the Red gem in the chest, so that'll be my first goal. I presume Matthew can't attack the walls either since I didn't draft him, so I have Hector use 2 turns to smash the wall down since it's the safest way. The archer advances since I put Matthew against the wall, thinking he can attack Matthew. The wall is broken and Matthew is backed up to safety, then on turn 2 enemy phase, the soldier advances, and the archer goes between him and Hector. Hector attacks the archer close-range, killing him with a critical, taking a Vulnerary too. The soldier attacks on turn 3 enemy phase and dies. Turn 4 and Matthew opens the door to the chest, the other door already opened. Both Matthew and Hector have full HP. The enemy thief then proceeds to take the gem, so I have Matthew steal it from him. The dumbass AI means the soldiers move before the archers, thus blocking the areas where the archers could possibly get a hit on Matthew, haha. Thief moves last, going for the door on the right. I then make Matthew leg it to the door on the left that gives open passage to Wire. I have Hector blocking the path where the soldiers would come as Matthew opens the door. I trade his Iron Sword to Hector since I see that one soldier following is in range of attacking Matthew. Hector advances to Wire. Another turn used where Hector gets closer to Wire. Matthew continues to run away with his injury. Hector can do 14 damage, but Wire has 29 HP. Bad math. An extra turn will be wasted here... Unless Hector pulls that 4% critical from his ass on one of the 2 attacks. Nope. Wire is killed on turn 10 with Hector who has 1 HP remaining. Not the best of starts, but whatever. On with the show, as they say.

Hector 2.85 20 7 4 5 3 8 0

Turns: 10

Total: 10

Edit: How do you keep all the stats aligned as you did, Tino?

Also, another query: Can undrafted units attack things such as walls to help break them and trees that form paths (like in Ch.13)?

Edited by Razgriz
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Edit: How do you keep all the stats aligned as you did, Tino?

Use a monospace font in your text editor - to make it easier for yourself - and use spaces to align everything properly : o

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The other characters you may not use (not even to support your characters with) except for:

- Meatshielding (without weapons)

- Rescuing non-drafted characters (but NOT characters you have drafted; this is basically so you can protect frail characters)

- Holding weapons and items

- Recruiting other characters

Answer your question?

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I didn't keep track of stats till Ch. 15, but here's my turns and strategies however limited they are ...

Chapter 11

I don't think there's a way to do it faster than 8 turns without a trained Matt. Anyway it was simple really. Just break through the wall, kill the soldier and archer, steal the Red Gem and then kill Wire. Hector got a decent level up IIRC. Don't know where I lost out on a turn compared to Tino, but eh.

Turns: 9

Chapter 12

Marcus got the Secret Book which cost me like 2 turns, but I didn't want to run into any inventory problems so eh. Hector went to west kills some Pegs while Oswin rescued Matt, and Serra hid. Next turn I had Oswin(unarmed) attempt to draw some attention away from Hector who self-healed and went into a forest. Marcus did some trading and ran off to go kill everything. Eliwood sold his Rapier and the Secret book and bought 5 Vulneraries. Next turn Marcus kills a archer from range so a bandit suicides onto him instead of dicking around. Hector dodged and hit enough to be able to attack safely. Oswin starting to go South towards the Armory. The next couple of turns were just mop up with Oswin and Matt shopping later on.


Total Turns: 18

Chapter 13

This one was just a blitz to the boss while recruiting Guy for the KE. Marcus leveled up and proc'd speed, and because of that extended his pwn period another 2-3 chapters. Hector luckily crit'd the boss saving a turn in case the boss dodged. Rebecca died protecting Matt from the reinforcements.

Turns: 10

Total Turns: 28

Chapter 14

Another chapter were Marcus solo'd 80% of the map. Hector cleared the way for Marcus to go rescue Erk. Next turn Marcus drops of Erk and goes to all the people in the center of the map. Hector goes towards the small army behind your starting point and Erk follows behind Marcus killing only if it's completely safe. The Pegs were a pain to deal with in such a way that none of them retreated for healing, but it all worked out in the end. Marcus proc'd speed again. One more speed procage can have him doubling 90% of the game if everything I read is accurate. Oh and Serra died.

Turns: 12

Total Turns: 40

Chapter 15

Marcus took the back door to Sealen and the reinforcements, Hector took the front mostly to distract some people from Erk who was on the throne by turn 3 ready to own all those fighters. Marcus got the Dracoshield, and everyone leveled up a bit. Missed out on both treasures though.

Turns: 7

Total Turns: 47

Name   lv    hp str skl spd luc def res
Hector 11.27 27 10  11  8   5   12  1
Marcus  4.76 33 15  16  13  10  10 11
Erk     6.24 19  6   9  11   3   2  7

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If I record videos of my run, would there be any interest in that, or should I just provide some dry reports?

Also, I'm slightly concerned in how well Tino is doing, so I might go back and try to re-evaluate strategy on the early maps, just to make sure I'm satisfied.

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If I record videos of my run, would there be any interest in that, or should I just provide some dry reports?

They sure would be interesting to watch, so I definitely am interested.

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If I record videos of my run, would there be any interest in that, or should I just provide some dry reports?

Also, I'm slightly concerned in how well Tino is doing, so I might go back and try to re-evaluate strategy on the early maps, just to make sure I'm satisfied.

I've been following your ranked HHM playthrough, and this would be just as interesting to follow given the team restrictions.

TBH I think the rest of us are just playing for second now. Most of his team will be there by Ch.17 and all have good 1-2 range capabilities once promoted give him a pretty comfortable lead against everyone else.

Edited by oval
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Due to audio desynch I've replaced it with music. If you find the songs distasteful, just mute them.

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Ch11 End:

Hector 3.90 20 8 6 6 3 10 1 B12 W 5

Matthew 2.67 18 4 4 11 2 3 0 B 2 W 1

Ch12 End:

Hector 6.36 23 10 8 6 6 12 2 B31 W 9

Matthew 4.70 19 5 4 13 4 4 1 B18 W 4

Marcus 1.15 31 15 15 11 8 10 8 B 5 W 4

Bartre 3.84 30 10 6 4 4 4 0 B 8 W 5


Lowen B 1


TBH I think the rest of us are just playing for second now. Most of his team will be there by Ch.17 and all have good 1-2 range capabilities once promoted given him a pretty comfortable lead against everyone else.

This is quite possibly so, but I'm not giving up yet. I know I was very concerned about the lack of Lyn mode, and low team consistency which heavily influenced some of my draft decisions in ways that may not have been accurate. For instance I was unclear how feasible it is to actually keep Caelin soldiers alive with only these few troops, making the possibility of Port of Badon and Canas even more questionable for me, as well as the difficulty of recruiting Lucius without Raven, and perhaps even Raven himself. Additionally the added frailty of Florina was very worrisome to me, and probably unnecessarily so. However, much of this remains to be seen, as the competition is still young. It is unranked, so I'll have no issues promoting Dart, who should become an absolute beast if memory serves, and Bartre, who is always under-rated, and both of them will hit hard at 1-2 range. Pent and Louise join late obviously, but I do have some pretty high hopes for them as well, being RNG-proof and less of a chore than level 1 Erk or defenseless healers with a team too small to protect them (perhaps my other flawed assumption).

Edited by Balcerzak
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Tino, how did you 8-turn Ch.11 without having Matthew at least attack the first wall? Just curious, because it seems impossible to do so otherwise.

Turn 1

Hector attacked the wall.

Turn 2

Hector breached the wall. Matthew opened the door to the red gem chest. Here I could sort of trick the fairly stupid AI. Both Hector and Matthew were in range of both the soldier and the archer. However, archers tend to attack 1-range units over 1-2 range units. So I had Hector equip his wolf beil. Enemies also seem to prefer attacking lords over thieves/other untis (maybe I was lucky here, because I also seem to recall Matthew and Legault being the primary targets on previous runthroughs, but whatever), so the soldier suicided himself into Hector, and the archer decided to attack Hector as well.

Turn 3

Matthew got the gem, and Hector killed the archer with a critical hit. The thief opened the door to the chest room, so enemies could get to Matthew. Again though, due to fail AI, Matthew got attacked only once, and with far more movement than the unit that attacked him (which was the knight), he could easily get away.

Turn 4

Matthew got away, Hector moved up to the door.

Turn 5

Matthew opened the door, Hector moved up.

Turn 6

Hector moves up more.

Turn 7

Hector attacked Wire, but missed (which was fail). Wire missed too, though.

Turn 8

Hector got attacked on the previous enemy phase, so Wire had only 14 hp left while Hector would deal 15 damage. Game. Set. Match.

So yeah, I actually could have done it in 7 turns hadn't it been for that bad luck at the end. But then again, maybe I was lucky at the start, too, who knows, so I'm definitely satisfied with my result. And it's also the first time I went north, because I always took the southern route (and always got the same turn count, or one more turn, using both Hector and Matthew).

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I see. Although I must say your second turn has me scratching my head. The soldier doesn't move until the wall is breached, and even when the wall is breached, the soldier is unable to reach Hector because he's at least 6 spaces away from him even when Hector is right next to the wall before breaching it, so the soldier should still be alive by the time turn 3 comes around, albeit only 2 spaces away from Hector's position. I honestly don't understand. I'm not calling your bluff or anything, but it's not making sense to me.

Edit: I decided to give Ch11 another crack, and managed to cut it down from 10 turns to 9, so I think I'll be sticking to this save file. Hector got a better level-up too, so yeah.

Edited by Razgriz
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That probably wasn't my exact strategy (I only remembered the last part exactly), but what I outlined was about what I did. Maybe I killed the soldier on turn 2, maybe on turn 3, I don't remember. I just recall they didn't bother attacking Matthew, and that the soldier suicided into Hector, be it on turn 2 or 3.

My memory is usually better than this, but I got some... unfortunate news a few hours ago, so to say, so my mind is not entirely clear. I wish I could be more elaborative here, sorry... : (

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That probably wasn't my exact strategy (I only remembered the last part exactly), but what I outlined was about what I did. Maybe I killed the soldier on turn 2, maybe on turn 3, I don't remember. I just recall they didn't bother attacking Matthew, and that the soldier suicided into Hector, be it on turn 2 or 3.

My memory is usually better than this, but I got some... unfortunate news a few hours ago, so to say, so my mind is not entirely clear. I wish I could be more elaborative here, sorry... : (

I see. I'll just let it go over my head, since it's not really that big a deal. Hopefully you will feel better soon, whatever it may be bringing you down.

On a different note, my own Ch11 video I recorded is being uploaded now, for those who are interested in watching. It's about 2:40 in length. I recorded it from turn 2, but the first turn wasn't exactly full of action (changed some options, Hector hit the wall with his Hand axe, woo). I'll edit it into this post soon.

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Well here's my Ch.11: (Video in spoiler)


Turns: 9

Total: 9

I still can't get the code stuff to work as I want it, even when I change the text to "Courier New". Oh well... =[

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Is mine glitch ok or is there a penalty

What do you think? :facepalm:

The keyword there is "glitch". As in it's not supposed to exist but the programmers have a bit of an error in the game. Do you think it's legal?

Edited by Cap'n Crunch
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Are we allowed to replace Matthew with Legault as our primary thief once he's recruited?

Umm, good question. I'm going to say no for the sake of only stealing from guys with 11- Spd.

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