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Hey cool I might have a disease ~


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Source: healthline.com

Signs and symptoms

There are no physical abnormalities in most males with XYY syndrome. Yup. However, some males can have one or more of the follwing characteristics. Males who have XYY syndrome are usually normal in length at birth, but have rapid growth in childhood, typically averaging in the 75th percentile (taller than 75% of males their same age). Correct. Many males with XYY syndrome are not overly muscular, particularly in the chest and shoulders. True. I have a giant ass, though :3. Individuals with XYY syndrome often have difficulties with their coordination. As a result, they can appear to be awkward or clumsy. So true ~ During their teenage years, males with XYY syndrome may develop severe acne that may need to be treated by a dermatologist. Not yet ~

Men with XYY syndrome have normal, heterosexual function and most are fertile. However, numerous case reports of men with XYY syndrome presenting with infertility have been reported. Most males with XYY syndrome have normal hormones involved in their sperm production. However, a minority of males with XYY syndrome may have increased amounts of some hormones involved in sperm production. This may result in infertility due to inadequate sperm production. As of 2001, the true incidence of infertility in males with XYY syndrome is unknown. YES I AM 14 YEARS OLD I WOULD KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS.

When XYY men make sperm, the extra Y chromosome is thought to be lost resulting in a normal number of sex chromosomes. As a result, men with XYY syndrome are not at an increased risk for fathering children with chromosome abnormalities. However, some men with XYY syndrome have been found to have more sperm with extra chromosomes than what is found in men without XYY syndrome. Whether these men have an increased risk of fathering a child with a chromosome abnormality is unknown as of 2001. OK.

Men with XYY syndrome usually have normal intelligence, but it can be slightly lower than their brothers and sisters. It used to be false, but then high school came, and it became true. Approximately 50% of males with XYY syndrome have learning difficulties, usually in language and reading. Wrong ~. I'm one hell of a reader :3. Speech delay can be noticed in early school years. Males with XYY syndrome may not process information as quickly as their peers and may need additional time for learning. Both true. I possess a loud speaking voice, but I have a stuttering disorder.

Males with XYY syndrome have an increased risk of behavior problems. Hyperactivity and temper tantrums can occur more frequently than expected, especially during childhood. As males with XYY syndrome become older, they may have problems with impulse control and appear emotionally immature. SUPER SUPER DUPER TRUE.

From a psychosocial standpoint, males with XYY syndrome may have low self-esteem due to mild learning disabilities and/or lack of athletic skills due to lack of coordination. Males with XYY syndrome are at risk in stressful environments and have a low ability to deal with frustration. YES YES YES (Although I've learned to deal with frustrating situations.

As of 2001, men with XYY syndrome are not thought to be excessively aggressive or psychotic. However, because some men with XYY syndrome can have mild learning difficulties and/or have difficulty controlling behavior problems such as lack of impulse control, their actions may lead to criminal behavior if placed in the right environment. It is important to emphasize that this occurs only in a small percentage of men with XYY syndrome. Most men with XYY syndrome are productive members of society with no criminal behavior. I AM NOT A CRIMINAL I JUST LIKE TO TALK ABOUT PENISES ON THE INTERNET.

Self-Diagnosis is fun. ~

So yeah. I'm now a diseased person, and I will spam it in everything that people say, and whenever someone says I'm wrong, I shall spew out "I HAVE XYY SYNDROME, I CAN'T HELP IT", even if the syndrome has nothing to do with anything.

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Source: healthline.com

Self-Diagnosis is fun. ~

So yeah. I'm now a diseased person, and I will spam it in everything that people say, and whenever someone says I'm wrong, I shall spew out "I HAVE XYY SYNDROME, I CAN'T HELP IT", even if the syndrome has nothing to do with anything.

Dude, that is almost all puberty...

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Congratulations on obtaining your Doctorate in Medicine. Your parents must be so proud.

But seriously, sounds to me like you're a fairly typical 14-year-old. Perhaps a bit clumsy and not the most academically inclined, from what you've said. I'm no more a doctor than you are (although I've taken more science, being a third year college student) but...yeah, having an extra chromosome is probably not your problem, and even if it is it won't change the solution: put in extra effort at school and stay away from expensive breakables.

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Congratulations on obtaining your Doctorate in Medicine. Your parents must be so proud.

But seriously, sounds to me like you're a fairly typical 14-year-old. Perhaps a bit clumsy and not the most academically inclined, from what you've said. I'm no more a doctor than you are (although I've taken more science, being a third year college student) but...yeah, having an extra chromosome is probably not your problem, and even if it is it won't change the solution: put in extra effort at school and stay away from expensive breakables.

I dont need to say it someone else did already

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Yeah man, I doubt you have XYY syndrome.

The symptoms are scarcely unique, and from your comments it seems like you don't even have all of them.

Go baw about nondisjunction and polyploidy somewhere else.

Dude, that is almost all puberty...

Congratulations on obtaining your Doctorate in Medicine. Your parents must be so proud.

But seriously, sounds to me like you're a fairly typical 14-year-old. Perhaps a bit clumsy and not the most academically inclined, from what you've said. I'm no more a doctor than you are (although I've taken more science, being a third year college student) but...yeah, having an extra chromosome is probably not your problem, and even if it is it won't change the solution: put in extra effort at school and stay away from expensive breakables.

Sorry, but Self Diginoisis always fail. :(

God damn you people to hell.

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