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Worsest Character Evar (GBA)


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In GBA: Sophia

In the ENTIRE series: Shanam

Wouldn't it be useful to use him at the secret shop in chapter 24? Who else has that kind of claim to fame? That's gotta be worth enough to not be the worst ever. What does, say, Lyre have in response to getting twice as many rings?

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Wouldn't it be useful to use him at the secret shop in chapter 24? Who else has that kind of claim to fame? That's gotta be worth enough to not be the worst ever. What does, say, Lyre have in response to getting twice as many rings?

The Member Card is a real bitch to get. Besides, by the time you get there, your main team is pretty much fine.

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The Member Card is a real bitch to get. Besides, by the time you get there, your main team is pretty much fine.

Yeah, it's not worth a whole lot, but come on, what does Lyre have on that? Even if a bunch of your units have 20s everywhere, you could still hand out life rings and shield rings (they aren't likely to have def capped) and up the #HKOd values of your units. You may not get much out of it, but vs Lyre's constant fail?

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Shanam has the value of whatever useful stuff you can get at the SS with him.

Lyre has the value of chip damage. That's not worth shit.

Shanam can also get you cheaper killers in 22 and silvers in 21, if that matters to anyone.

Of course, to get him you can't get the 3 sleep swords (only 1 in the B route).

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Shanam can also get you cheaper killers in 22 and silvers in 21, if that matters to anyone.

Of course, to get him you can't get the 3 sleep swords (only 1 in the B route).

Yeah, but are they really that useful? They trivialize some bosses, but...

He's not worth shit in combat, that's for sure.

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.......gotta say, Knoll.

it really makes me mad, you'd figure the only shaman/Druid/Summoner in the game would be in a league of his own? but no... well, i guess you could say he's in a league of his own.... he's probably one of the most likely characters to get crit'ed with 0 starting LCK :(

.. it just seems when they were making sacred stones, they threw him in last minute cuz they realized they hadn't put any dark magic users in the game.

on a side note, i think its funny how "worsest" has "Est" right there in the word :D

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Oh really

If giving a Swordmaster a Killing edge and having him critical like hell is misusing him, i dont know how to use him

Typical RNG screwage, nothing much

Well, there you go. If he criticals like hell, that means he's melting down common enemies easily.

Unless you're attacking Generals.

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If by 'decent' you mean 'still worse than everyone else', then yes.

This is Sacred Stones, after all, and generally if you're not 1-rounding and are at risk of getting killed by everything, you are underperforming. I mean, obviously he's not the worst GBA character ever, but he's pretty close to being the worst FE8 character.

Edited by Anouleth
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If by 'decent' you mean 'still worse than everyone else', then yes.

This is Sacred Stones, after all, and generally if you're not 1-rounding and are at risk of getting killed by everything, you are underperforming. I mean, obviously he's not the worst GBA character ever, but he's pretty close to being the worst FE8 character.

If you train him well he can do better then most prepromotes

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