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Whats your team so far


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In Kanto now, currently running around and training for Sabrina.

Drifblim Level 44

Ein (Espeon) Level 46

Lapiz (Lapras) Level 47

Explotaro (Typhlosion) Level 47

Leaf (Roserade) Level 44

Thorne (Roselia) Level 22

The Roselia brothers were bred by a traded then evolved Budew for future plans of an Aromatherapy Blissey.

is my party still underlevelled?

I'd say it is. I didn't face Sabrina until my lowest leveled Pokemon was level fifty. Everyone else was a piece of cake after her, however. Besides Blue, anyway.

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My SS team right now:

Typhlosion - lvl 60

Bellossom - lvl 55

Flygon - lvl 56

Crobat - lvl 55 (Shiny)

Slowbro - lvl 56

Umbreon - lvl 56

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For those I know for sure I'm going to use, I currently only have:

Feraligatr - level 69

Scizor - level 65

Tyranitar - level 56 (it evolved recently

I also have a level 66 Pigeot, but I don't plan on using it for main stream fighting other people. I'll eventually replace it with Skarmory as my flier, as well as one of my main teams mates. It's only level 36 right now, though.

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Feraligatr - Lv. 60

Hypno - Lv. 59

Nidoking - Lv. 59

Pidgeot - Lv. 58

Magmortar - Lv. 59

Latias - Lv. 49 (currently training)

After Latias catches up I plan to drop Pidgeot for a different flyer, probably Dragonite or Zapdos.

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After getting over 3000BP in the Battledome thing, I got a Shiny Stone to evolve my Togetic.

Lv60 Pidgeot

Lv62 Togekiss

Lv62 Typhlosion

Lv65 Red Gyarados (Razgriz)

A pretty kickass team, even if all are weak against Rock. But still a huge way off being able to compete against Red.

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I beat the Elite 4.

Nidoking - 41

Typhlosion - 42

Scyther - 44

Gyarados - 46

Very surprised how well Scyther did. Nidoking looks good for Kanto Gyms though (Surf | Fire Blast | Thunder | Earthquake).

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I have a quick question. I recently trained a Gengar, but now I'm thinking about using Rhyperior because Gengar isn't really doing much on my team. Plus, it gets KO'ed way too easily. Is Gengar useful in any aspect of the game? I may also trade in my Mamoswine instead, as Gyarados with Ice Fang is deadly enough. What should I do?

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Gengar is a fast sleep inducer, as well as a sweeper. It has two useful immunities, and can switch in easily. It is really useful for roaming-legendary hunting if you haven't done that. Anything it learns that is special (especially shadow ball or sludge bomb) rips through most pokemon like hot knife on butter. Don't be dissing on the Gengar.

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Gengar is a fast sleep inducer, as well as a sweeper. It has two useful immunities, and can switch in easily. It is really useful for roaming-legendary hunting if you haven't done that. Anything it learns that is special (especially shadow ball or sludge bomb) rips through most pokemon like hot knife on butter. Don't be dissing on the Gengar.

Don't take it the wrong way; I love Gengar. It's just that it doesn't help me very much when facing the Elite 4. The rest is true, though. Forgot about the roaming legendaries.

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Quilava - Lv. 35

Flaaffy - Lv. 31

Togetic - Lv. 32

Heracross - Lv. 27

Fearow - Lv. 20 (Fly user)

Slowpoke - Lv. 8 (Surf user until I get either Bold Vappy or Lapras tomorrow)

7 badges, going to Radio Tower. A bit overleveled perhaps?

Don't take it the wrong way; I love Gengar. It's just that it doesn't help me very much when facing the Elite 4.

I'd love to have Gengar but no one to trade and no wi-fi unless I go to the closest city (35 miles) makes it a real pain to get it. Otherwise, I suppose it'd be good against Bruno and Will if you can get without being hit? Focus Blast for Dark pokemon (don't know how much there are in the game though)

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Gengar hits ALL of Will's Pokemon super effectivly

and it has immunity to Bruno's fighting type moves.

Well... unless your gengar is super baller and ohko every one of Will's pokes, Gengar is going to get the same treatment. But yeah, Bruno dies to Gengar.

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OKAY. this team is just what i have now.... and i just beat the elite 4 and Lt. Surge earlier today... I plan on totally revamping it-- probably just making a new roster altogether;

(hold item)

Stantler lv. 47 (Kings rock)

Typlosion lv. 50 (Charcoal)

Nimia-San [Alakazam] lv. 50 (TwistedSpoon)

Meganium lv. 48 (Light Clay)

Ace-Shock [Ampharos) lv. 47 (Magnet)

Gyarados lv.48 (NeverMeltIce)

The reason I say I wanna totally re-vamp this team is because My team almost exclusively relies on power, which is boring... and i'm hoping to do some battle frontier/online battles in the future hopefully.

I think i'll keep Stantler and maybe Meganium... Definitly stantler cause he's my favorite generation II pokeman

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