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Astra's Lump of Sprites


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to match up with


Minus guitar

I hate spriting battle sprites

Cute~ x3

Too bad you chopped off the guitar. >3>

d'awww no one cares about shitty battle sprites, oh well


Help me fix stuff gaiz


And I meant Fala!hot. <:3

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d'awww no one cares about shitty battle sprites, oh well


Help me fix stuff gaiz

That guys hair is freaking epic! However it does kinda abruptly stop like the others said. Its not really resting naturally. I can imagine how hard that would be to sprite though so, really...great job! (some shading where his hair rests may help i suppose. Maybe?) But likek yeah, epic sprite is epic.

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Fuck, that does a lot more justice to him than the old one. Which was, like...Dozla's face, Bartre's hair, and Dory's (not Zagan's, Zagan's too fat to have muscles, apparently) torso.

Also, the phrase 'genuine Furetchen character' reminds me of, like, some painting or sculpture. "Twenty thousand? You gotta be jokin' brah! This here's a genuine Furetchen!" "Sure, genuine like my ass! Fifteen at the most!"

Edited by Furetchen
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I remember that axe from somewhere @_@

It's the Master Axe from FE5.


For the axe, I'd move the blade towards the handle by a pixel or so, and then move it up the handle towards the top by 1 or something.

Kinda the same for the bow as well. I'd personally move the bowstring in one pixel, as I feel that it makes more sense than having the string coming "out the back of the bow".

I, too, like the tome designs. I honestly don't think I would have come up with designs like that. XD

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