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Nyii, tough one, I know Snowy's approved it, but Kai's point is more then valid, I know Phoenix is a competent writer due to his fiction work but his activity is lacking by a great deal, even before the vacation. Might just be time zones but Irina's prominence is below that of Ian/Mark, and her mentioning an uncle is all that really makes her important.

I guess the rule is

~2characters max

~Additional characters are allowed if you can manage the two well.

But not too happy with some of the RP'ers, mainly Mike for abandoning us XD but I suppose that sentiment rings true for me too XD

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Can you forget about Mark

He is gone for now

And like i said before Ian's job is be a substitute in case Helios is waiting for someone to post.

Ian also guards base's, help injured people, be a prick and fills in for others

Unless you want me to bring Mark back since you seem to love him so much though i doubt Snowy will allow it

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The crimson weapon characters are the main characters in this RP.

If you create a new one that uses a crimson weapon you are going to be to busy

being Kelas you are going to forget to be fire mage dude/chick.

If you are going to make a new one then atleast have the class be a myrmen

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They can show up sooner/later/whenever.

If ____ wants to try two characters at some point in time, I say let her. I don't see why her second character would have to be a myrmen. People want more characters, more power to them.

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Looking at the CW spread, _____'s been an active Rp'er and since Kelas doesn't have a CW I don't see why not, there are parts where Kelas's activity is questionable at time, but it's mainly cause she doesn't really have people she wants to immediately react with (Possibly Rayton now).

If you want a CW though, I'd either post the profile now, or have Snowy save a weapon for you, since while unlikely, it could be taken when you want it.

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I am so sorry that I missed you Balcerzak. I should have been more attentive. Why did you put your stats in the spoilers section though?

Anyways, statistically, she's okay. However, the monastery... should not have been attacked by demons. Though the demons are getting riled up and ready ATM, they are not at the point of open opposition such as to attack a monastery short of them being bound by some super-powerful warlock or something. Any of the following should work though. Bandits, soldiers from a less-pleasant nation, lawyers, a race of wild beings (I said no other race was known... not that they didn't exist), or some combination of two/all of them should be okay.

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I won't be introducing this guy for a few chapters, but here goes:

Name: Arrin

Age: 15

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Short, slight, long dark hair tied back, dark eyes. Wears a shabby traveling cloak over brown mage's robes.


(moar crappy sketch yay)

Personality: Despite a hard past, he's very optimistic. Looks at everything with a sense of studious wonder; is interested in just about everything. Generally makes sensible decisions, but sometimes says too much.

Element: Anima

Class: Thunder mage

Crimson weapon?: Yes

Stats: HP:2 STR:1 MAG:3 SKL:4 SPD:2 Luck:2 Def:1 Res:2

Simplified stats: HP: 6 MAG:3 Hit:4 Evade:4 DEF/RES: 1/2

Weapons: Daranau(Crimson thunder tome), Thunder

Daranau description: Daranau appears at first glance to be a normal tome, though the pages are an alarming shade of red. When used, it throws a hellish red-tinged bolt of lightning from the user's palm, rather than causing a lightning strike like normal Thunder magic. Even when not in use, it produces static, and can give you a nasty shock when picked up. Critical attacks take the form of a ball of red lightning being thrown at the opponent (rather than a bolt.)

Items/gold: Vulnerary, 10 gold

Skills: Miracle

Backstory: As a child, Arrin was kidnapped when bandits attacked his village. They planned to sell him to slavers, but when he came into contact with a strange tome they had stolen elsewhere, the resultant magical reaction scared them into dumping both boy and book with the next mage they encountered. The mage, a traveling scholar, raised him well, teaching him magic but keeping the crimson tome out of his reach until he was of age to use it. A year ago, though, the mage died of unknown causes. Now, he's searching for anyone who might know what caused his mentor's death, as well as trying to find out whether any of his family are still alive.

He's Kelas' younger brother.

Considering that he's not showing up for a few chapters, do you think he'll be all right, statwise?

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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I am so sorry that I missed you Balcerzak. I should have been more attentive. Why did you put your stats in the spoilers section though?

Anyways, statistically, she's okay. However, the monastery... should not have been attacked by demons. Though the demons are getting riled up and ready ATM, they are not at the point of open opposition such as to attack a monastery short of them being bound by some super-powerful warlock or something. Any of the following should work though. Bandits, soldiers from a less-pleasant nation, lawyers, a race of wild beings (I said no other race was known... not that they didn't exist), or some combination of two/all of them should be okay.

It's OK. I wasn't going to just jump right in quite yet anyway, so there was no problem on waiting. Also, like I said, I'm still doing some idea fine-tuning in my head anyway, this was just giving a heads-up on interest, and providing a general idea of what to expect to come from me. Stats were spoilered because I thought the stat-sheet image was worth dozens of words, and I don't like wasting vertical screen real estate when I don't have to. I apologize if this contributed to the accidental overlook.

Ah, rightio. I guess I jumped the gun with demons, so yeah that will certainly be retooled. I must have misread or misinterpreted something, so this is my cue to go reread the basic setting info one more time. An attack by lawyers sounds interesting, but maybe I'll go with either the tried-and-true bandit raid, or unemployed mercenaries down on their luck (and their coin), or something similar then. I'd rather not introduce new races all by myself even if that were acceptable, though perhaps I will consider it.

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I totally forgot to add in words about my character appearance. While I did see several of you visit by my spriting thread (which I made purely for the purpose of this charater), since it is in a separate forum I shouldn't expect you all to have seen it necessarily, and so I will repost the picture, as well as some text description because my application's "Still working out details," is decidedly unhelpful.

Sprite: TessaMugGood.png

Text: Tess has blond hair, which she typically wears straight down, and partially kept back with a feather hair ornament that she cherishes. Her eyes are a pleasant light blue, and she has a soft honest expression. Growing up in the monastery she never was really allowed to wear skirts nor dresses, and usually kept to either the standard loose robes, or when she could get away with it, she preferred a relatively simple tunic and trousers combination. Her shirt was a color somewhere in the spectrum between cyan and teal, while her trousers were sepia colored, and made from sturdy fabric. She commonly wears a small leather satchel, slung over her shoulder, containing various odds and ends. A pair of soft leather riding boots completes the ensemble.

Edit: Oh, right some basic height/weight info too. She's about 5'4" 135 lbs.

Edited by Balcerzak
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