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Iso's Lvl 2 Stats: HP: 9 STR: 1 MAG: 4 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LUK: 2 DEF: 1 Res: 4

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 4 Hit: 4 Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5

Element: Fire

Skill: Miracle

Activation: Passive

Effect: Once per battle, you may automatically succeed on a saving roll.


Supports and CW info isn't listed. Lazy.

Edited by Phoenix
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Kelas promotes!

old stats:


-->HP12 HIT4 MT3( +2 Isotov support) EVA7 DEF/RES 4(-1 bow nerf)/1(+1 Arrin support)

new stats: HP5 STR4 MAG1 SKL5 SPD7 LCK3 DEF4 RES2

-->HP15 HIT5 MT4(+2 Isotov support) EVA 8 DEF/RES 5(-1 bow nerf)/2(+1 Arrin support)

Weapons Mastery (sword), Stat Shift

oh man I totally did not realize that bow nerf was a DEF/RES thing instead of a MT thing THE ENTIRE TIME

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Raemond

Age: 27

Gender: male

Appearance: Fairly average with plain, dusky brown, straight hair. His eyes are greenish-blue.

Personality: Dutiful, compassionate and soft-spoken, usually. He enjoys peace, calm, and quiet, though he will fight with ferocity if he must. Balance and order are important to him.

Element: wind

Class: Monk

Crimson weapon: no

Stats: HP: 3, Str: 1, Mag: 3, Skl: 4, Spd: 3, Luck: 3, Def: 1, Res: 5

Simplified stats: HP 9, Mt 3, Hit 4, Evd 4, Def/Res 1/6

Weapons: Shine

Items/gold: 20g

Skills: Overcast

Backstory: Raemond sometimes travels around, but his main home is in Ursibus' Cathedral. There isn't much to say about him, but he's known fairly well as a mid-class monk in the cathedral and fairly good with light magic. He is also a resident of the cathedral and sometimes can be heard humming or even quietly singing to himself when he's alone.

Edited by Mercakete
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Alright, so, Daunt sucks. Changing it for 3 stat points, since it really didn't effect any of Alex's battles.

Old Stats

HP: 3

STR: 4

MAG: 0

SKL: 3

SPD: 4

LUK: 0

DEF: 3

RES: 3

Simple Stats: HP is 9, AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 4, Evade is 5, Def is 4, Res is 4.

New Stats

HP: 3

STR: 4

MAG: 0

SKL: 4

SPD: 4

LUK: 0

DEF: 4

RES: 4

Simple Stats: HP is 9, AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 4, Evade is 4, Def is 5 Res is 5.

Edit: Skill: Resolve

Edited by Snike
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Level 2

HP 4








Speedy Strike



Conrad's niece, a general in the Haltonian army. After her mother fell ill, she was given leave to go and visit her uncle. Having word that he had traipsed off to a ball in Septimus, she set after him.

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Not sure if I should do this but eh...new character?


Lv.2 Bard (Different name for Wind Mage)

Age: 15

Affinity: Wind

Appearance: Short cropped blonde hair, hazel eyes, slim build and a beautiful face. Wears plain red robes with a pouch at her belt.

Stats: HP 3, Mag 3, Skl 6, Spd 4, Luck 2, Def 2, Res 3

Effective Stats: HP 9, MT 3, Hit 6, AS 4, Evd 5, Def 2, Res 4

Skills: Resolve

Possessions: Elwind, 15 gold, Vulnerary, lyre.

Backstory: Born in Vaorin, Sadie was born to a poor family who had to resort to thefts to raise her. Determined to not give up on her like they did on their previous child, Sadie was given great affection but had to find work at the age of 7. She met a traveling minstrel who taught her how to play the lyre and gave her one. From then on, Sadie earned her money through her music.

When she was found to have talent for magic, she was sent to TISME to be trained. She mastered wind magic fairly quickly, but left early before her training was complete when she heard her mother had fallen ill. Shortly after, she was told she had an older brother who was abandoned but was possibly still alive. Not having enough money to cure her mother, Sadie traveled around as a mercenary and a minstrel, sending most of her coins to her family for the medicine. Fortunately her mother has recently begun to recover, but Sadie has enjoyed wandering and still wishes to travel around. She still sends money to her family. Along the way she hopes to meet her older brother.

NOTE: It's actually Alferis.

Personality: Curious to a fault, Sadie is interested in how the world works, whether in politics, nature, or in religion. She has a zest for life and is usually seen smiling, especially happy when playing her music. She is somewhat trusting of people to the point of naivety. Now that her mother's recovering, Sadie can be seen with a serene smile on her face most of the time.

Edited by Red Magister
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I'm not going to disapprove the character but I'm not approving just yet either. You already know why, I think. For the time being just keep this info.


Alright, after much thought and consideration Sadie's been approved. Maybe she can fix Alferis' head XD

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Name: Kiera

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kiera is rather tall, standing at 5'10". She sports shoulder length, golden blonde hair and violet eyes. Her body is well toned, with a light muscle structure. Her face appears soft and innocent, despite her demeanor. She wears a light brown, studded leather cuirass with an iron breastplate and pouldrons. Leather combat gloves under iron bracers armour her hands. A dual layer armoured skirt, studded leather and iron plate, covers her thighs, knee-high iron reinforced combat boots cover her lower legs.

Personality: Kiera is stubborn and fierce. Willing to take brutal measures to get what she wants.

Affinity: Ice

Class: Mercenary(I would like to have her use axes, if that is possible. Since Heros use Axes anyway, and fighter does not have the correct build for what I intended for her. If this is a big problem, I will have her use swords, but please consider it)

Crimson Weapon: Whaddaya think? (No.)

Stats: Level 2

Hp:4 Str:4 Mag:0 Skl:5 Spd:5 Lck:0 Def:3 Res:2

Simplified: Hp:12 Mt:4 Hit:5 Avo:5 Def:4 Res:2

Weapons: (Axe: Steel Axe, Iron Poleax, Hand Axe) (Sword: Steel Sword, Iron Blade)

Items: Vulnerary x 3

Skills: Charisma

Backstory: Kiera was the daughter of a bandit warlord, sown of one of his captured concubines. Originally intending to sell her to the black market as a slave for a hefty sum once she blossomed, he opted against it when Kiera took hold of a hatchet and killed several of his men when they attempted to sieze her to be sold at the age of 14.

Impressed that the girl did not seem phazed by thier deaths, her father decided to keep her around in an attempt to train her to become a member of his bandits, as well as another concubine.

During her tenure as a bandit, Kiera gained notoriety within the group as a tactical mind. Her brutal guerrila tactics brought down village after village, and even allowed the bandits to repeatedly rout the Septimian troops sent to disband them. Eventually growing sick of building her father's wealth and being used as a toy, Kiera seduced and killed him, declaring herself the new lord of the bandit group, threatening brutal public execution to and who displayed dissent, using her own brother as an example.

Eventually, the bandit group broke up, men slipping off into the night to avoid being led by a woman, until thier numbers were small enough that a traitor was able to bring troops in.

Scattered and isolated, Kiera began taking mercenary work until the brutal bandit warlord was presumed dead and the bounty dropped. By now, nothing stands of her legacy aside from villagers scared to death of her father.

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Well, working her into the story isn't that hard. As a mercenary, it would be pretty simple to have her meet up with the group on a contract. She might be working for Jace or something. Weasels her way into a contract with someone in the group who she thinks she can squeeze some cash out of, or thinks she can manipulate.

As for number of characters, I suppose that is true, although I don't see why someone like Psych can just keep getting redoes but I can't try someone new when I'm finally not being antagonized for nonexistent god modding.

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