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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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Not necessarily, in Lord of the Rings, when the group split, they, uh, wait, never mind.

Splitting up in Bram Stoker's Dracula, the group splitting up to fight him... allowed him to make another character into a vampire. Huh.

... Maybe you've got a point.

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Not a bad idea. I figured a split was going to happen soon anyway due to the lack of harmony and surplus of cliques in the group. :/ Probably going to be a demon-hunting group and a group that's trying (I'm too new to really understand all this) achieve the main goal or something.:/ So long as they keep in communication or something, the split shouldn't be a problem.

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After some talk in chat, Kiera will not be a PC for a good while. As such, she is receiving a promotion to solve the axe issue and give her more kick as an enemy.

Kiera Lv.1 Hero

Hp:5 Str:5 Mag:0 Skl:6 Spd:6 Lck:0 Def:3 Res:3

Simplified: Hp:15 Mt:5 Hit:6 Avo:6 Def:4 Res:4

Skills: Charisma, Heroic Stand, Resolve

Weapons: Steel Axe, Iron Poleax, Hand Axe

Items: Vulnerary x3

Kiera retains PC immunity. No randomly chopping her head off, she is here to stay.

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Irina has now become a wyvern lord

Old Stats

Lvl 2 stats: HP:5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LUK: 1 DEF: 5 RES 0 (DEF 5+1=6)

Stats simplified: HP: 15 Damage: 5+1(Iso: C) Hit: 3 Evade: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 0

Skills: Hawkeye

New Stats

Lvl 1 (WL) stats: HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LUK: 2 DEF: 6 RES 0 (DEF 6+2=8)

Stats simplified: HP: 18 Damage: 6+1(Iso: C) Hit: 4 Evade: 5 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0

Element: Wind

Skills: Hawkeye, Thick hide, Miracle

She's at a flat 0 exp currently.

*sigh* ... I'll have to move up spriting her new outfit. Don't ask me how she gets it, time and posts will take care of that :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tas level up! (1 to 2)

Level: 1

Stats: HP: 3, Str: 3, Mag: 0, Skl: 3, Spd: 4, Luck: 4, Def: 2, Res: 1

Simplified stats: HP 9, Mt 3, Hit 3, Evd 6, Def/Res 2/1

Skills: daunt

Level: 2

Stats: HP: 3, Str: 3, Mag: 0, Skl: 3, Spd: 4, Luck: 4, Def: 2, Res: 1

Simplified stats: HP 9, Mt 3, Hit 3, Evd 6, Def/Res 2/1

Skills: daunt, prayer

(Pretty much, he learned to move quicker(added prayer skill))

Beau's been level 2 but never posted the new stats so here they are:

Level: 1

Stats: HP: 2, Str: 0, Mag: 4, Skl: 4, Spd: 3, Luck: 2, Def: 2, Res: 3

Simplified stats: HP 6, Mt 4, Hit 4, Evd 4, Def/Res 2/4

Skills: miracle

Level: 2

Stats: HP: 3, Str: 0, Mag: 4, Skl: 5, Spd: 4, Luck: 2, Def: 2, Res: 3

Simplified stats: HP 9, Mt 4, Hit 5, Evd 5, Def/Res 2/4

Skills: miracle

Edited by Mercakete
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Aiya Promotes!

2.84 -> 3.14

Hp 5 -> 6

Str 5 -> 6

Mag 0 -> 0

Skl 4 -> 5

Spd 4 -> 5

Lck 0 -> 0

Def 5 -> 6

Res 0 -> 0

New skills: Thick Hide, Daunt

Alf/Aiya C was brought up with Sage and approved by him, myself, and Phoenix

Damian Promotes:

2.97 ->

Hp:4 -> 5

Str: 4 -> 5

Mag: 0 -> 0

Skl: 4 -> 5

Spd: 4 -> 5

Lck: 2 -> 2

Def: 5 -> 6

Res: 0 -> 0

New Skills: Pierce, Charisma

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Isotov Promotes

Old stats

Lvl 2 Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 4 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 4

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 4 Hit: 4 Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5


New stats

Lvl 1 (Fire Sage) stats: HP: 4 STR: 1 MAG: 5 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 5

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 5 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 Defense: 1 Resistance: 6


Arcane power


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  • 2 weeks later...

K, so, while my people sit there and bleed out, I'm going to give them their updated stats. Aren't I nice?

Derek promotes to Paladin!

Old Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 Luck: 2 Def: 5 Res: 0

New Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 Luck: 2 Def: 6 Res: 0

Simplified: HP is 15, AS is 5,MT is 5, Hit is 5, Evade is 7, Defense is 8, Resistance is 0.

Acquires Stat Shift and Resolve.

Can now equip lances.

Alex promotes to Halberdier!

Old Stats: HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LUK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 4

New stats: HP: 4 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LUK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 5

Simplified: HP is 12, AS is 5, MT is 5, Hit is 5, Evade is 5 Defense is 5, Resistance is 6.

Acquires Pierce and Wrath.

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Luc earned 5+5+10+5+7+15=47 Experience. Luc levels. Luc promotes.

Tier 1 Level 2

Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 Luck: 0 Def: 4 Res: 3

Simplified stats: HP: 12 STR: 4 Hit: 4 Evade: 4 DEF/RES: 5/4


Tier 2 Level 1

Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 Luck: 0 Def: 4 Res: 4

Simplified stats: HP: 15 STR: 5 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 DEF/RES: 5/5

Point Skill:

Name: Resolve

Activation: Passive, once per battle.

Effect: Multiplies unit's primary offensive stat, speed, and skill, by 1.5 (rounded down), when unit is 33% health or lower. This speed only adds .5 evasion. Only available to 4 STR/MAG and under classes.

Class Skills:

Class: Paladin

Name: Stat shift

Activation: At the start of the turn.

Effect: A paladin may shift up to two stats from any non-HP category into any other non-HP category until the start of his next turn.

Class: Paladin

Name: Weapon Mastery (Lance)

Effect: Upon promotion, a paladin may choose a second melee weapon of any type.

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Viveka Promotes to Falcon Knight


Lvl 2 Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 5 LCK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4 (Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 4+1(if Pary is present) Evade: 7+1(if Pary is present) Defense: 0 Resistance: 5+1(Derek: C)

Skills: Vantage

Here is her stat layout


Lvl 1 (FK) stats: HP: 4 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 6 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 5 (Res 5+1=6)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 3 Hit: 5+1(if Pary is present) Evade: 8+1(If Pary present) Defense: 1 Resistance: 6+1(Derek:C)

Skills: Vantage, Momentum, Charisma

and here is her stat-sheet XD (old file I thought I'd never get to post)


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Heinz promotes to Assassin.

Old stats: HP 3 STR 4 (-1 knives) MAG 0 SKL 5 SPD 6 LCK 3 DEF 2 RES 0

New stats: HP 4 STR 5 (-1 knives) MAG 1 SKL 6 SPD 7 LCK 4 DEF 3 (+1) RES 1

New simplified stats: HP 12 Str 4 Mag 1 Hit 6 Evade 9 (+1.5 knives) Def 4 Res 1

Skills: Steal, Vantage, Lethality

Adjusted Conrad stats:

Old stats: HP 5 STR 5 MAG 0 SKL 2 SPD 3 LUK 1 DEF 6 (+2) RES 1

New stats: HP 5 STR 5 MAG 0 SKL 3 SPD 3 LUK 0 DEF 6 (+2) RES 1

New simplified stats: HP 15 Str 5 Mag 0 Hit 3 Evade 3 Def 8 Res 1

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alferis promotes to Berserker!

Old Stats: HP 4, Str 4, Mag 0, Skl 3, Spd 4, Lck 2, Def 3 (+1), Res 0

New Stats: HP 5, Str 5, Mag 0, Skl 4, Spd 5, Lck 2, Def 4 (+1), Res 0

New Simplified Stats: HP 15, MT 5 (8 from C Aiya, C Esphyr, C Reika), Hit 4, Evade 6, Def 5, Res 0

3 points spent on Daunt.

Old Skills: Counter, Hawkeye

New Skills: Counter, Daunt, Hawkeye, Rage (Class Skill)

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Kelas levels up.

Old stats:

Nomad trooper Lv1


-->HP15 HIT5 MT4(+2 Isotov support) EVA 8 DEF/RES 5(-1 bow nerf)/2(+1 Arrin support)

New stats:

Nomad trooper Lv2


-->HP15 HIT6 MT5(+2 Isotov support) EVA 9 DEF/RES 5(-1 bow nerf)/2(+1 Arrin support)

Edited by Kiryn
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Charlotte promotes to Bishop! Or Princess Bishop. Or Bishop Princess.

Old Stats

3 HP 0 Str 4 Mag 2 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 1 Def 4 Res Full Tilt

New stats

4 HP 1 Str 5 Mag 3 Skl 5 Spd 5 Lck 2 Def 5 Res Full Tilt Smite

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Irina promotes to M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank-I mean levels up to ... Wyvern Lord level 2 :sweatdrop:

Old stats

Lvl 1 (WL) stats: HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 6(DEF 6+2=8) RES 0

New stats

Lvl 2 (WL) stats: HP: 7 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 7(DEF 6+2=8) RES 0

Skills: Hawkeye, Miracle, Thick Hide

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Chase promotes to Bow Knight from missed battle EXP. Not exactly sure what the figures are, but any battle that takes 3 pages is damn likely to give at least 6 exp.

old stats:

HP 3

Str 3

Mag 0

Skl 4

Spd 6

Luk 4

Def 3

Res 0


new stats:

HP 4

Str 4

Mag 0

Skl 5

Spd 7

Luk 5

Def 3

Res 0




Weapon Mastery- Knives (?)

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Reika promotes to Rogue!

Old Stats

HP 3, Str 3, Skl 5, Spd 6, Luk 4, Def 2, Res 0

New Stats

HP 4, Str 4, Mag 0, Skl 6, Spd 7, Luk 4, Def 3, Res 0

New Simplified Stats: HP 12, Mt 3, Hit 6, Avoid 11 (supports+knives), Def 4, Res 0

3 points spent on Heavy Strike

Old Skills: Wrath, Steal

New Skills: Heavy Strike, Lethality, Steal, Wrath

Promotion comes from bonus experience. She gained 15 from the attack and kills and then 5 from bonus experience awarded to unpromoted dudes at the end of the fight. She had 80, so 80+15+5= 100= Promotion.

Edited by Dark Sage
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