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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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Beau promotes to Bishop!

Old stats:

Class: priest

Level: 2

Stats: HP: 3, Str: 0, Mag: 4, Skl: 5, Spd: 4, Luck: 2, Def: 2, Res: 3

Simplified stats: HP 9, Mt 4, Hit 5, Evd 5, Def/Res 2/4

Skills: miracle

New stats:

Class: bishop

Level: 1

Stats: HP: 4, Str: 1, Mag: 5, Skl: 6, Spd: 5, Luck: 3, Def: 3, Res: 4

Simplified stats: HP 12, Mt 5, Hit 6, Evd 6, Def/Res 4/5

Skills: miracle, smite

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And now for something completely different.

Name: Sethor

Age: Late 30s, possibly already in his 40s.

Gender: Male

Appearance: A tall, broad man with a weathered face. Wears armor that was once a gleaming silver, but has now tarnished to a dull gray. Eyes are a dull brown, hair is also brown, turning gray at the temples. Is definitely out of place to see him without a bottle of some form of alcohol in his hands.

Personality: Tired. Tired of fighting, of war, of trying to be a hero.

Element: Ice

Class: (Armor) Knight

Level: 2.05

Stats: HP: 4 STR: 3 SKL: 3 SPD: 2 Luck: 2 Def: 4 Res: 2

Simplified stats: HP: 12 STR: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 3 DEF/RES: 5/2

Weapons: A zweihander that can only be carried on his back.


Name: Lance Slayer

Activation: Passive

Effect: Reverses the effect of the Weapon Triangle. Swords gain WTA over lances, and a WTD to axes and so on. Doubles the effects of having WTA advantage, a sword gains +2 Damage and causes -2 Hit. Does not work with Weapon Triangle Neutral weapons.

Name: Pavise

Activation: Start of round.

Effect: Forfeits battle phase for 50% damage reduction.

Name: Miracle

Activation: Passive

Effect: Once per battle, you may automatically succeed on a saving roll.

Backstory: As a young man, he was a squire, in training to fight the demonic hordes invading the lands. After the Lord of Azure Flames was sealed away by the six heroes, he first attempted to join them in rebuilding the world. But there were still men of cruelty and wicked blades that called the lands their own. Instead of seeking to follow his idols, he donned the armor of a fallen knight, and began to try to fight for his own notion of justice. One boy, though, can make no difference - he spent years losing just as many battles as he won, barely surviving the beatings on several occasions. The longer this went on, the more calloused and withdrawn he grew, until, within the last decade, he renounced his mercenary status, which had always been something of a joke in any case. He's taken to occupying bar stools in his time - he's had so much to drink within the last few years that his senses of taste and smell have been more deadened by the drink than by his age.

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I'd say no, but Snowy would deny my intentions anyways, so no comment.

But this way I can post one-shot stories in LoAF if I care to without getting modded.

(assuming I get approved)


Takes Miracle skill.

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  • 5 months later...

Name: Midori

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Appearance: about 5'3", somewhat husky, short-cropped mouse-brown hair with a few white hairs, somewhat fair skin that's starting to show the first signs of aging (crow's feet around the eyes, laugh lines, etc.). Small hazel eyes, kind of a big nose, a few sun spots. . .generally not pretty. She's got her trusty lance and some faded leather armor. When she's not walking around in battle gear, she wears an unremarkable shirt, breeches, and boots.

Personality: Can I fill this in with the story?

Class: Soldier

Crimson weapon?: NO!

Affinity: Anima

Stats: Yay, I get to make a table.

Stats + one level-up

HP: 4

Str: 3

Mag: 0

Skl: 4

Spd: 2

Lck: 3

Def: 3

Res: 4

Stats after promotion:

HP: 5

Str: 4

Mag: 0

Skl: 4

Spd: 3

Lck: 4

Def: 4

Res: 4

(sacrificed Mag, Skl, and Res gains for a skill)

Simplified stats: HP - 15, Str - 4, Hit - 4, Evade - 5, Def = Res = 5

Weapons: A well-used Iron Lance, and a knife that's used more for cutting fruit than people.

Skills: Prayer, Evade, Pierce

Backstory: She woke up one day in an unfamiliar bed. Her body remembered how to use the lance and armor that had been rudely deposited by her bed. Her memories were all but gone, but. . .what was this about disloyalty being punishable by death? Who was she supposed to protect with her dying breath? Her armor yielded but a single clue - the word "Midori", etched on the inside. She didn't know what it was for, but if she carried it as her name, maybe someone would recognize her. . .

Flame on~!

EDIT: Due to marching band, I can't count past 4. Or add.

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Name: Tiria

Age: 26

Gender: Female.

Appearance: 5'8", 130 lbs, Tiria is lean and quick. She has longer purple hair that is usually tied back in a bun to help prevent it from getting in the way. She has bright green eyes with small flecks of grey in them. She will usually wear a plain loose fitting colored shirt over black pants. She also has a long brown coat for when the weather requires it.

Personality: fairly easy going, really just wants to see the world and fight against good opponents to get better. Don't ever ask her why she isn't a mage unless you want to spend a month recovering though.

Element: Thunder

Class: Swordmaster

Crimson weapon?: nope

Stats: basic + 2 level up

basic stats:

HP: 3

Str: 3

Mag: 0

Skl: 4

Spd: 4

Luck: 2

Def: 2

Res: 2

after level up:

HP: 4

Str: 4

Mag: 1

Skl: 6

Spd: 6

Luck: 4

Def: 3

Res: 3

Simplified stats: HP: 12 Mt: 4 Hit: 6 Evade: 8 Def: 4 Res: 4

Weapons: clearly well used steel rapier

Items/gold: Vulnerary / 15 gold

Skills: Keen Edge, Miracle

Backstory: Born in Elyisiam into a family who were all powerful mages with no natural talent for magic, Tiria was drawn to what her family considered the more barbaric side of life. She started to train with swords from a young age even though she was looked down on because of it. When she reached her 18th birthday, she decided to leave Elyisiam and strike out on her own, exploring the world.

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  • 3 months later...

Name: Hainam sa Tuorchi

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lean and tall, 6"2', man with tanned skin due to a lot of time spent sleeping under the son with dull brown eyes and usually unkept shoulder length raven black hair. Has similarly coloured facial hair newly sprouting to resemble smattering of inkblots around his mouth.

Personality: Lazy and patient, constantly wanting to just sit back and relax. Would always just hold back for the so called 'perfect moment' to take action, occasianally letting opportunities fly by due to that mannerism. Practices avoidance when dealing with conflict. And maybe more to be discovered in RP...

Element: Wind

Class: Archer

Crimson weapon?: no

Level: 2.36

Stats(Unpromoted): Hp:4| Str:4| Mag:2| Ski:6| Spd:4| Luk:0| Def:0| Res:0

Stats(Lvl 1 Promoted): Hp:5| Str:4| Mag:2| Ski:7| Spd:5| Luk:0| Def:1| Res:1|

Simplified stats: Hp:15| Mt:4(5 with Arcanium)| Hit:7| Eva:5| AS:5| Def:1(0 with bow)| Res:1(0 with bow)|

Weapons: Bow

Items/gold: The base starting gold is 20. You may have less if you choose. If you buy a item, please deduct the cost from your base gold.

Skills: Deadeye(Sniper), Heavy Strike, Arcanium, Speedy Strike


-Equestrian: Due to his laziness to learn, he has very little knowledge in dealing with horses, caring for them, hence he has no personal mount. But he at least learned how to ride a horse competently, as riding was less tiring than walking to the nomad.

-Combat: Archery on foot. It was the only combat skill he picked up due to his parents insistence. Which was good as his laziness actually nurtured a glacial patience in him, enabling him to hold onto a readied shot for long durations, firing onlty when the time was right. Hence he has exceptional accuracy with a bow in hand.

-Linguistic: Speaks Common and the nomad tongue (first language). Cannot read or write in any language as he rather sleep than learn.

-Survival: As long as the prey presents itself, he can take it down with his accurate shots. Would have been a wonderful hunter had he bothered to learn the skill of tracking. Mainly hunts by sitting still in the tall grass for hours till prey comes...if he has not fallen asleep in the middle of the wait.

-Medical: Limited to knowing that pulling an arrow out of a wound can be very painful and encourage more bleeding. Knowledge acquired through pulling out one too many arrows from game.

-Magic: None, does not quite care about it. He be bothered to learn to read, so he cannot understand why would others spend their time learning dark magic when they could spend it constructively on things like...sleeping?

-Culinary: knows how to throw everything gotten into boiling water to create stew...which is remotely edible.

-Miscellaneous: Knows how to sleep for more than the required time for the body to gain sufficient rest and yet still desires more rest.


Hainam was from the Tuorchi tribe that took in some survivors from the destroyed Adai tribe. One of those survivors being Kelas. He came to learn of her existence by chance through some of the few friends the small tribe had. Which really meant only one person out of the dozen or so kids in the Tuorchi tribe. That boy would occasionally drag Hainam to 'help' Kelas with her sheep herding, which really meant while he was watching/snoring at the sheeps, the boy would approach Kelas and talk to her. On only a few occasion would Hainam personally join Kelas in her herding work, if only to avoid being told off to study how to read and write.

Two years after Kelas left the tribe, Hainam managed to disgrace himself before the tribe by sleeping off an attack on the tribe. Although the attack was fended off succesfully, Hainam's negligence did not go unnoticed. He was banished from the tribe for five years. Hainam did not bother pondering on what his chances of surviving alone were as he packed his belongings to set off sleepily out into the world.

His nature resulted in him losing the half tamed horse the tribe provided him with when he left. In his negligence, it ran away, leaving him behind, with his bow and thankfully, his belongings which had fallen off it due to the shoddily tied strappings Hainam had harnessed it with.

By luck he managed to get a job as a watchman for some passing merchants heading to Vaorin after impressing them with his bowmanship, and got fired not too long after caught sleeping on his post all the time.

With few options left and barely any gold, Hainam could only wander the forests around Vaorin in search of game.

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  • 4 months later...



Affinity: Dark(Mt, Evd)

Halberdier Lv 1.61

Skills: Gae-Bulg, Pierce, Resolve


Hp:4 Str:7 Mag:0 Skl:6 Spd:7 Lck:4 Def:0 Res:0


12 HP, 7 Mt, 7 AS, 6 hit, 9 Evd, 0 Def/Res

This will either do well, or horribly. Not sure which. Stay tuned.


Affinity: Dark (Mt, Evd)

Wyvern Lord Lv 1.54

Skills: Charisma, Thick Hide, Defense Shift


HP:6 Str:5 Mag:0 Skl:5 Spd:4 Lck:0 Def:4 Res:4


18 HP, 5 Mt, 4 AS, 5 Hit, 4 Evd, 4 Def/Res

Let's hope balance is good. Alright, and, gogogo!

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Here go some rebuilds.

Alexandra Sagesse

Class: Halberdier

Level: 1 55%

Affinity: Fire (MT, Hit)

Skills: Critical, Pierce, Resolve, Wrath.

Raw stats: HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 6 LUK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 0

Simplified stats: 15 HP, 6 Mt (9 if Resolve), 6 AS (9 if Resolve), 4 hit (6 if Resolve), 6 Evd, 4 Def, 0 Res.

Testing autohit loldier.

Derek Munktan (If he ever rejoins)

Class: Paladin

Level: 1 42%

Affinity: Thunder (AS, Evd)

Skills: Daunt, Nihil, Stat Shift

Raw stats: HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LUK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 0

Simplified stats: 18 HP, 5 MT, 5 AS, 5 Hit, 6 Evade, 5 def, 0 res.

And my attempt at a physical tank.

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Swordmaster lv1

affinity: wind

HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG:0 SKL:7 SPD: 8 LUK:0 DEF:4 RES: 2

simplified stats:

HP: 15 MT: 5 Hit: 7 AS: 7 Evd: 8 Def: 4 Res: 2

skills: Keen Edge, Parry

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Kelas: HP 5 STR 6 MAG 0 SKL 6 SPD 9 LUCK 0 DEF 4 RES 1

Guardian, Weapon Mastery (sword), Stat Shift

Simplified: HP 15 MT 6 SKL 6 AS 9 EVADE 9 DEF 4 RES 1

Fire affinity

Arrin: HP 4 STR 0 MAG 7 SKL 5 SPD 7 LUCK 0 DEF 2 RES 3

Crimson, Miracle, Arcane Power

Simplified: HP 12 MT 7 SKL 5 AS 7 EVADE 7 DEF 2 RES 3

Anima affinity

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Changed Evade to Resolve, did some stat shuffling, and changed affinity from Anima to Earth.

Name: Midori

Class: Halberdier

Affinity: Earth (Evd, Def/Res)

Level: 1.00

Stats (again):

HP: 6

Str: 4

Mag: 0

Skl: 4

Spd: 4

Lck: 2

Def: 6

Res: 2

(sacrificed Mag, Skl, and Res promotion gains for a skill)

Simplified stats

HP: 18 MT: 4 Hit: 4 AS: 4 Evd: 5 Def: 6 Res: 2

Skills: Prayer, Resolve, Pierce

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Luc Altair

Affinity: Ice (AS, Def/Res)

Paladin 1:61

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LUK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified stats: HP: 15 MT: 5 HIT: 5 EVADE: 5 AS: 5 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Skills: Stat Shift, Resolve, Prayer


Affinity: Thunder (AS, Evd)

Ranger 1:40

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 9 LUK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 0

Simplified stats: HP: 9 MT: 6 HIT: 5 EVADE: 11 AS: 9 DEF: 1 RES: 0

Skills: Crimson Weapon Skill, Stat Shift, Resolve

I'll get to Chase after I actually post in the Chapter.

EDIT: Chase has arrived.

EDIT2: Chase MacGilligan has left.

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Affinity: Ice (AS, Def/Res)


Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LUK: 0 DEF: 0 RES: 1

Simplified stats: HP: 18 MT: 9 HIT: 6 EVADE: 6 AS: 6 DEF: 0 RES: 1

Skills: Crimson, Miracle, Luna

Charlotte Lanvaldear

Affinity: Earth (Evd, Def/Res)


Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 0 SPD: 7 LUK: 7 DEF: 0 RES: 2

Simplified stats: HP: 15 MT: 7 HIT: 0 EVADE: 10 AS: 7 DEF: 0 RES: 2

Skills: Panacea, Combat Medic, Healing Aura

Tristan Vaughan

Affinity: Heaven (Hit, AS)


Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 8 LUK: 0 DEF: 1 RES: 0

Simplified stats: HP: 18 MT: 6 HIT: 7 EVADE: 8 AS: 8 DEF: 1 RES: 0

Skills: Speedy Strike, Full Tilt, Momentum

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Oh man 4 characters to rebuild. Might as well update everything.

Name: Esphyr

Age: 18

Gender: female

Appearance: Medium-light brown hair usually pulled into a high, short-ishponytail, medium-light build

Personality: For a while, she saw everything in an exaggerated way, takinggreat offense at the slightest insult and thinking the whole world was againsther. The result was her becoming quite emotionally drained and though now shesees things to what extremes they truly are, she does not think much of them,not usually reacting with much emotion, if any. She is constantly in a state ofboredom, but understands the importance of her mission as the wielder of thecrimson sword.

Affinity: light

Class: Hero

Crimson weapon: sword

Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 4 LUK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 3

Simplified stats: HP: 21 MT: 4 HIT: 6 EVADE: 4 AS: 4 DEF: 4 RES: 3

Weapons: iron sword

Skills: Crimson Weapon, heroic stand, wrath

Backstory: She comes from Vaorin, got the crimson sword bound to her, set offon an adventure with other people with similar weapons.

Name: Tas

Age: 17

Gender: male

Appearance: Medium-light build, brown hair and brown-green eyes. Tends to weara lot of brown and muted green.

Personality: Timid and shy but friendly. He's diligent, observant and cautious.He loves wyverns.

Affinity: thunder

Class: Wyvern Knight

Crimson weapon: N/A

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 7 LUK: 7 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified stats: HP: 9 MT: 2 HIT: 4 EVADE: 10 AS: 7 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Weapons: iron lance, javelin

Skills: Full tilt, stealth, charisma, wind catcher

Backstory: Tas grew up in an isolated wyvern ranch near the border of Haltonand Septimus. His mother died when he was just a baby, so he never knew her,but he had a great relationship with his father and good relationships with hisuncles and grandfather. His wyvern, Namid, grew up along side him so the twoare very close. One day the ranch got wind that bandits were close to findingtheir ranch, so they sold as many as they could and released the wyverns thatcould fly. The staff at the ranch began to leave until only Tas and his fatherremained to tend to the few wyverns that remained. The bandits attacked in thenight and Tas and Terance (Tas' father) took a few eggs and hatchlings withthem and flew off on Namid and Riggs (respectively; their wyverns) with asimple plan: they would go and sell the hatchlings and eggs in Halton andSeptimus and meet up and pool their money from the sales later. Tas found the CrimsonWeapons group in Burgosas in Septimus and agreed to a sale to the IvankoMercenaries after speaking with Lev, the 2nd-in-command of the IMs. The one whodirected him there was Prince Tristan himself, and the two's friendship beganwith that assist. Tas later helps Tristan by flying to his rescue afterBellerophon -- Tristan's pegasus -- was injurred by a ballista bolt. There wasa need for Lev to stay with the group, though, so Tas tagged along for a longtime, taking care of the eggs and hatchlings with the help of Irina (CrimsonWeapons group member and one of the Ivanko Mercenaries). The two became fastfriends, agreeing to teach each other. Tas would begin to learn combat fromIrina while he taught her how to care for hatchlings. Lev likewise becamesomeone Tas would go to for help. When Tas finally sold (with much haggling)the two eggs and two hatchlings (one of the eggs had hatched into the secondhatchling while the first had been dubbed Niket by Irina) he learned thatIrina, Lev and Irina's brother, Isotov, had to go to Zaftra to help in Ivanko'soverthrow of the current ruling family. Tas went along since he planned to meethis father somewhere between Septimus and Halton and Zaftra was on the way, notto mention he wanted to support his friends in what would surely be a difficultbattle. It was. When all was over and done with, Lev, Iso, Irina and Tas, alongwith a Zaftran bodyguard for the new prince and princess (Iso and Irinarespectively) began travelling south towards where Tas' old home used to be ontheir way to Vaorin for a summit. He expected it to be destroyed, so it wasn'tso bad when he arrived. He took his friends on a little tour of the place,explaining what had been where and what it had been used for. When they wentoff to search for signs of Terance, unfortunately, they found him. He, Riggsand the hatchlings and eggs they'd been carrying were dead. Tas grieved deeplyfor the loss of his father, comforted by his friends as they, using fire magic,used a pyre to send off the dead after carrying the corpses back to the site ofthe wyvern ranch. From there, they flew to Vaorin. Tas is trying to get pasthis grief, but it is still very recent.

Name: Beau Adalgiso Bellmire

Age: 13

Gender: male

Appearance: Deep blue eyes, blonde hair usually in a small ponytail that curlsup slightly. He likes to decorate himself as the noble that he is, though willput some effort into concealing his nobility if he deems it necessary. Whenthis occurrs, he normally makes himself look priestly instead.

Personality: Snooty, manipulative, intelligent and proud, Beau likes toconsider himself superior, though magic fascinates him and in spite of hisefforts to be "grown-up" he can sometimes act childish.

Affinity: dark

Class: Bishop

Crimson weapon: N/A

Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 4 SPD: 5 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Simplified stats: HP: 12 MT: 7 HIT: 4 EVADE: 7 AS: 5 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Weapons: light tome, heal staff, physic staff

Skills: Combat medic, charisma, healing aura

Backstory: Beau is the son of Duke Charles Ruben Bellmire and Duchess FrancineBellmire and is the heir to his father's position as duke of Bellmire Provinceand the heir to Bellmire Estate. For the greater portion of his life, Beauworked hard to please his father, but the duke was a stern, unfeeling man withhigh expectations and Beau's mother was away often. Whenever she did see Beau,she looked at him with intense hatred. One day a cleric named Raechel becameBeau's nanny and taught him about magic and became a positive influence to him.He worked hard in his studies, but even so, his father didn't like Beau'senthusiasm so he fired Raechel. The young noble became angry with the duke andplanned to escape to look for Raechel to continue learning from her.Eventually, he did escape, though soon after he did, Bellmire Estate wasattacked and razed and Beau became the last of his family. He travelled throughSeptimus to Ursibus, where he expected to find Raechel. However, instead hefound her brother: a monk named Raemond. He gave Beau a note of the revisedreligion Reachel had been working on before the noble boy ran off in search ofhis teacher again, eventually finding a group of travellers who were recoveringfrom an attack and helped them before moving on. He found them again in a similarcondition a couple days later. He stayed with them this time and basicallyclaimed a young mage named Arrin as his friend, which led to befriending otherssuch as a cleric girl named Tessa. He also attempted to give the nobles in thegroup a good opinion of his family here and there as they travelled, hoping tobenefit from it in the long run. Raemond and Beau's paths crossed again afterthe group Beau had been travelling with fought a demon dragon named Helenos.Raemond was a part of the Reformist Templars who attacked the group and hadescaped from the initial battle. He became the group's prisoner for trying toescape with Beau, intent on getting the noble away from the Crimson Weapons tosafety. Of course, that didn't work. Beau tried to avoid the other Elysimiansin the group for fear that they would return him to Bellmire Estate, but newsreached General Conrad that the estate had been burned and no one who lived orworked there survived the attack. When he told this news to Beau, he leftimmediately, demanding that Raemond take him back to his home in Elysimia.Though at first they were pursued by a couple group members, they were let gowith Jasmine (a pegasus knight under General Jackson's command) accompanyingthem. Along their way, they met a nomad woman. Curious and fascinated, Beautold her where the group last was. She left soon after that. Further along theway, they met a swordswoman named Tiria, whom Beau appointed as the captain ofhis personal guard. When Beau arrived at the estate (he ran ahead of theothers) he found everything above ground completely destroyed before beingaccosted by bandits who were out to end his line. With Tiria and Raemond'shelp, the bandits were defeated. From the bandits, the young noble took hisfather's signet. Beau opened a secret cellar underneath the rubble where theystayed the night and where Beau picked up his father's will and learned througha diary that his father really had cared about him, at least a little bit. Now Beau and co are on their way to appeal before the higher powers of Elysimia sothat Beau can establish himself as the youngest duke in history.

Name: Raemond

Age: 27

Gender: male

Appearance: Medium-dark brown hair that is somewhat grown-out but not long. Hehas green-blue eyes.

Personality: Bound by a sense of duty, balance and order are important to him.He's quiet, compassionate and thoughtful and enjoys peace and quiet, though healso will fight with ferocity if he feels it necessary.

Affinity: fire

Class: Templar

Crimson weapon: N/A

Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LUK: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified stats: HP: 12 MT: 7 HIT: 5 EVADE: 7 AS: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Weapons: Shine tome

Skills: Hawkeye, Overcast, Demon Slayer

Backstory: He grew up in Ursibus Cathedral with his older sister, Raechel,never knowing his parents. Life there was good and peaceful and made fun by hissister. There was something about her that he respected. He never could refuseone of her zany ideas. Though she went off to travel and study religion on herown -- eventually crafting her own religion and recruiting Raemond as one ofher followers -- he remained in Ursibus, listening to the choir sing in themornings from the courtyard and contentedly humming along. During one visit,Raechel gave Raemond his horse: Lantos. Having undergone training while helived there, eventually he became a monk of the Reformist Templars, able towield light magic destructively and sense the presence of demonic forces. Oneday Raechel returned and told him all about a student she had at a noble'shouse in Elysimia. She went on and on and didn't even notice when Raemond fellasleep. She left the next day. Some time after that, Raemond met the boyhimself, who was looking for Raechel. However, he was doing so alone. ThoughRaemond was concerned, the boy -- Beau -- left before he could even attempt toconvince him to stay where it was safe. One day, he was asked to scribe duringa meeting of some of the Reformist Templars. They were going to send anothersmall army of Templars after the group of demon-weapon wielders who wererefusing to allow them to take their weapons away to dispose of them. There wasalso a dangerous demon on the loose in Septimus. Raemond was charged withfinding and getting rid of the demon while Althea -- a friend of Raemond's --was to lead the other Templars against the Crimson Weapons group. Theytravelled together for a while and Raemond stood by to watch as Althea did herjob. At one point, she seemed to be in danger and though Raemond rode to try tohelp her, he was too late and so had to flee the Crimson Weapons group to hisown mission. The demon was a powerful one and though he managed to weaken it,Raemond barely managed to escape. It had taken over the entire town of Altenauand its citizens were no longer human. Raemond had been injurred by demonicarrows during his flight. Luckily, a girl named Sadie helped to bring him to agroup of people she thought could help. However, they were the Crimson Weaponswielders. To his surprise, Raemond saw Beau among them. He knew he had torescue the boy from them and so made off on Lantos with Beau, though Beau wascontinuously protesting. Raemond was stopped and captured as a result. Theytravelled for a while together that way before Raemond agreed to stay with themof his own accord if only to ensure Beau's safety, though he was not to betraythe Crimson Wielders to the Reformist Templars. A man named Heinz was assignedto watch Raemond to make sure he complied with the agreement. Things went onlike this for only a short while before Beau was demanding that he take him tohis estate. Raemond complied and though they were stopped and questionedbriefly, they were soon on their way again. Various misadventures ensued,including the meeting of a Nomad woman and a swordswoman named Tiria whom Beaurecruited and became a travelling companion. Also included in the misadventureswas defending Beau from some bandits at the ruins of Beau's estate. Now he andBeau's other escorts have to do their best to support Beau as he attempts toclaim his father's title as Duke Bellmire.

Edit: Shifted Raemond's stats around a little.

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Affinity: Wind

Class: Sniper

Level 2.36

Stats:Hp:5| Str:4| Mag:0| Ski:8| Spd:6| Luk:0| Def:1| Res:1|

Simplified: HP:15 MT:4 Hit:8 AS:6 Evd:6 Def:1(0 with bow) Res:1(0 with bow)


Deadeye(Sniper) + Stealth + Cancel + Poison

Now his goal is to NOT get touched :P:

Also, Poison damage is rounded up or down? If down, I might switch to Arcanium instead since 1 extra damage < potential 3 more...or just keep 3 stat points

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