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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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^That's kind of lame, though. What's it empty of?

Yeah, am I missing all the fights when I'm asleep, or are there just not a lot of them?

Also, here's the backstory:

Conrad Jackson (yeah, I can't make up last names for my life, sue me) is part of a wealthy noble family of Eliyisma. Much more accomplished on the battlefield than in literature, he is a Colonel in Eliyisma's military who was formerly in charge of Chase. However, due to a stealing attempt from him, Conrad discharged Chase from the military and is also responsible for the Wanted posters for him. He is still angry about Chase's attempted theft, and although admits he deserved it a bit for paying him below minimum wage due to his age, raises the price every few months in hope that it will make more people eager to search for him. He is the current inheritor of the Crimson Axe.

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Conrad is approved at this point... Anywho, quick bio's of all six hero's.

Elyisima: Harold The Swordsmaster: A promiscuous man who views women and battlefields as the same, sadly in more ways then one. Back in the day, he was a swift and agile warrior intent on killing his foes with massive and cruel blows... then Katie came along. Having a child caused Harold to falter in his ways just before the battle against the Lord of Azure Flame. He was wounded and forced to managerial duties after the war was finished. However, he never gave them up. With Katie drifting away and his focus being on his work, Harold set to making Elyisima the best he could. He wields the sword Whisper, a enchanted blade capable of silencing any foe with nary a noise; yet it has mutated a new power in the form of being able to shoot sonic blasts. CORRUPT!

Percy the Wyvern Lord: A proud warrior back in the day, since the fall of the Lord, he has grown highly vain and self-absorbed even to the point of letting his combat prowess slip way. He doesn't head the military, nor have any rank within it anymore and is content to rest upon the fear he once commanded as a proud and powerful warrior. CORRUPT!

Septimus: Kaileen the Mother: The healer of the group, Kaileen is one of two female hero's and the last to take up arms against the Lord. She has resigned herself to Lunarian worship after the Lord of Azure Flame, a religion preaching that the Lord and Goddess are not so dead-set against each other and both desire the best for humanity, just having different means of doing it. Her choice has neither helped the religion or her status and she is the most easily forgotten of the six. She is only affiliated with Septimus in that it is where she lives. It is rumored she was once in love with Berthold. Her son watches over her consistently. Uncorrupt.

Jace the Brute: The Warrior of the group and the one whom by far is the most intelligent. Jace relies mainly on daunting and outright outwitting his foes to compensate for the inaccuracy of his axe. With good reason though. One touch from the head of his axe is enough to send weaklings flying. After the war, he became a lawyer, and has won every case so far. Mostly because no one wants to stand up to a prosecutor who can smash their head in without a conscious thought. He has become greedy and desiring of wealth beyond all else and has even tried to sue the king out of his throne, only to have the case denied by 400 armed guards. CORRUPT!

Halton: Bethold the Smith: The blacksmith whom created the crimson weapons. He took up the lance to defend his wife from demons, and has since passed it on to his son (though he doesn't know it yet). While not insane, he spends a immense amount of time within his workshop, creating endless pieces of art in weapon form. Not corrupt.

Naelia the Swift: Former thief queen, rumored to have won battles by simply stealing every weapon owned by the demons, then killing them with them in their sleep, and a wild child to boot. Criminally insane, she has refused the life of civilization in favor of robbing everyone BLIND! She's stolen something from someone at some time if she was in the same town as them for more than three days. CORRUPT but adorable.

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My application. Hope it isn't that bad...

Name: Eric

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Element: Ice

Class: Myrmidon

Crimson weapon? No.


HP: 2

Atk: 3

MAG: 0

SKL: 4

SPD: 4

LUK: 0

DEF: 2

RES: 2

Simple stats: HP is 6, Atk is 3, Hit is 4, Evade is 6, and both Defense and Resistance are 3.

Skill: Wrath

Weapons: Longsword. Lighter than usual.

Items:Vulnerary x 2, 10 Gold.

Backstory: A traveler from the ruined kingdom of Jerdon, he's apparently looking for a girl by the name of Danielle. He's prone to excessively bad luck.

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I did that intentionally. And watch him almost get killed by Murphy's Law.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Viveka (and Susann (pegasus)

Age: 24

Sex: Female



Viveka's Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 2 Evade: 8 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Element: Thunder

Skill: None

Items: Cloud Breaker (=FE Spear range 1-2 acceptable?), Gold: 20 (wages), Vulnerary (3 uses), Smelling Salts (3 uses)

BIO: Viveka is a pegasus rider, Lieutenant under General Conrad Jackson, and talented scout. She takes her work very seriously, and is a fine officer. (For more details please vist my gallery)

Acceptable? :)

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I don't see why you can't team up.

I would be willing to do Enemy Phases. Part of the problem though, is by the time I got the post out you guys would have mauled half of them and massive retconning would ensue.

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Possibly. Something like "after the first 5 posters attack, stop posting so the enemies can attack". Although the current system doesn't let players counter on the Enemy Phase, which I find a bit silly. If you're going to get smacked around, you should at least get some Exp for it.

Anyway, I find Viveka fairly balanced. 12 HP/ 8 Eva is pretty good defensively, 2 Str/2 Skl is pretty bad offense. Bosses also often exceed 4 Skl, making her evasion less useful.

I don't mind doing the enemy phase, I just need to stop you all from posting while I'm doing it.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Semi-fix solution:

Post enemies stats and make the enemy attack first, no reason why player turn always needs to come first.

"My character died on the first turn"

Well good for you, just means your luck was rotten or Snowy really hates you XD

-Maybe make characters non-killabled in the first attack (survives on 1 no matter what)

Should give Vuln's and Tessa a bit of importance then.

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Semi-fix solution:

Post enemies stats and make the enemy attack first, no reason why player turn always needs to come first.

"My character died on the first turn"

Well good for you, just means your luck was rotten or Snowy really hates you XD

-Maybe make characters non-killabled in the first attack (survives on 1 no matter what)

Should give Vuln's and Tessa a bit of importance then.

I thought about this, but I imagine people would complain if they were getting pwned at the start of battles, as you pointed out they'd at least get 5 Exp if they weren't instagibbed. I don't see why they should be left to survive though, should have spent 3 points on Miracle mothafuckas. Or invest heavily in Luck.

One problem with the Enemy Phase is targeting. I kind of assume targeting will largely follow FE rules (attack weak units and those with bad counters). However, unlike actual FE you can't position your units so that enemies don't swarm your troubadour. Personally when targeting players I like the 'share the love' method, in which enemies attack players individually (no gangbangs), with preference towards squishies and those who attacked them.

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Ulfhrahn is a male Bull Wyvern,with black scales.From head to tail he is approximately 43 ft long.

Ulfhrahn is about 40 years old,and was raised by Alicia(a former soldier in Damian's troupe,and Aiya's closest friend)'s father,who was a Wyvern Lord of the Halton Empire. Ulfhrahn was never intended to be passed along to Alicia,as it was believed that she would be unable to handle a Bull,however,Ulfhrahn saved Alicia's life while she was in childhood from several wild mountain wyverns.

From that point on,Alicia had been fascinated with Ulfhrahn,and would sneak into the Wyvern Stables to see him,mortifying her father when he found out,and astonishing him to find out she had not been killed. Seeing the bond the two had gained,he could not refuse Alicia's request to train as a Wyvern Rider with Ulfhrahn.

Ulfhrahn and Alicia met Aiya in the Halton Royal Military Academy when Alicia was 18,and Aiya was 15. Due to Ulfhrahn`s protective nature regarding Alicia,the rider had not had many friends before she had met Aiya,who Ulfhrahn had not snapped at upon approach.With no one else to talk to,Alicia became fast friends with the younger girl,and discovered that she too hoped to become a Wyvern rider.

While it was odd that Ulfhrahn did not mind Aiya approaching his rider,it was the talk of the academy,when Aiya,aged 16 at the time,was locked in the stables with Ulfhrahn,and the bull lowered himself to allow her to mount him,and ride around the stable,until he broke her out.

For the next five years,Aiya became about as close to Ulfhrahn as Alicia had,and the Bull,with two caring riders,began to lose his more agressive tendencies,except in battle,of course.

When Damian and Aiya left for Darien,there was a raid on the camp,the assailants no one can yet identify.No human survivors have been found as of yet,and Alicia was confirmed dead.With Alicia slain,and her Father having passed away a year back,Ulfhrahn sought out Aiya,the only other human he had become completely trusting of.

Ulfhrahn is much less agressive than most Bull Wyverns on a regular basis,around the level of a Plain wyvern with a bad temper after domestication.

Despite this,Ulfhrahn will not attack humans unless Aiya commands it,provided the situation is not dire.

Aiya`s trust in Damian has passed along to Ulfhrahn,somewhat.He knows that both Aiya and Alicia listened to Damian,and that his original rider respected him,and as such,does not feel defensive when he is around.

Ulfhrahn prefers Pork and Ham to other meats,but is not picky,and will eat just about anything Aiya gives him within reason.

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Aiya Level Up

Level 1 -> 2

Hp 4 -> 5

Str 4 -> 4

Mag 0 -> 0

Skl 4 -> 4

Spd 3 -> 4

Lck 0 -> 0

Def 3 -> 4

Res 2 -> 2


Damian Level Up

Level 1 -> 2

Hp 5 -> 5

Str 3 -> 4

Mag 0 -> 0

Skl 4 -> 4

Spd 4 -> 4

Lck 2 -> 2

Def 2 -> 4

Res 0 -> 0

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Name: Danielle (Dani)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dani is a slim, green-haired girl, coming in at 5'6". Her eyes are green, like her hair, and she has pale skin, a trait shared by all from her native country. Dani's usually seen wearing a light blue TISME uniform. Personality-wise, she has a hair-trigger temper,and is the gung-ho person of the trio of Eric, Derek, and herself.

Element: Thunder

Class: Mage

Crimson weapon? No.


HP: 3

Atk: 1

MAG: 4

SKL: 2

SPD: 4

LUK: 2

DEF: 1

RES: 3

Simple stats: HP is 9, MT is 4, AS is 4, hit is 2, Evade is 7, Def/Res are 1 and 4.

Weapons: Bolting, Elthunder

Items: Vulnerary, 15 Gold.

Backstory: Third circle thunder mage and noble of Jerdon. She is childhood friends with Eric. Has a brother working as a mercenary in Halton.

OOC: How she has more HP than Eric is testament to his luck. He gets knocked out by most blows. -_-.

Edit 2: She now has Bolting.

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While everything is okay technically, she shouldn't still be first circle at 22 unless she started very recently. At least second would be more likely, if not third.

Alright. *edits*

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I kind of have the feeling that he may have been thinking backwards, IE more circles is better. I was unsure myself on which way it went.

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First is the lowest and roughly equal to a level 1 magic trainee. 2 = level 10, 3rd equal to 1 mage, 4 = 10 mage (plus traditional demote spot), 5 = 1 sage, 6 = 10 sage, 7 = 1 archsage, 8 = 10 archsage, 9 = Legendary.

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I kind of have the feeling that he may have been thinking backwards, IE more circles is better. I was unsure myself on which way it went.

Why does everybody think I can't read? ;_; I was going 1st circle, because I thought at the time that 2nd or third would be too high. I guess not, then.

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... Oh hey, a double post... whatever.

Name: Kisha

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: A simple paragraph should suffice or a picture.

Personality: Will be revealed i the RP

Element: Thunder

Class: Thief

Crimson weapon?: No


HP 3

Str 2

Mag 0

Skl 4

Spd 4

Luk 4

Def 0

Res 0

Simplified stats:

HP 9

Atk 2

Hit 4

Eva 8

Def/ Res 0/0

Weapons: Knife A

Items/gold: 15 gold


Skills: Wrath

Backstory: A young woman of Eliyisma with a bit of a reputation for her sly personality and elusive nature. She is not a criminal per say, as nobody has proved the robberies she's been accused of, but she is noted by her 'actions' by the government. She has met Chase Veshkal a few times, and although they don't know each other very well she is somewhat intrigued by their similar personalities.

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Names: Matthias, Madison, and Maximillian

Ages: 23, 21, and 19

Gender: MFM





Personality: Matthias is the oldest of the trio and is usually rather calm and reserved. However, he is also very prideful and will do anything to protect his family. Madison is usually very logical and attempts to be polite, though at times her fascination with fire outweighs her common sense. Maximillian is the most impulsive of the three, often choosing blasting over diplomacy.

Class: Wind, Fire, and Thunder Mages respectively

CW: No

Stats: Each sibling receives +2 Atk and Def if both their siblings are alive and battling. If only two are alive/there/conscious, they receive +1 Atk and Def

Matthias HP:9 Mag:3 Skl:5 Def:1 Lck:2 Res:4 Spd:4 Eva:7

Madison HP: 9 Mag:4 Skl:4 Def: 1 Lck:2 Res:4 Spd:4 Eva:7

Maximillian HP:9 Mag: 5 Skl: 3 Def: 1 Lck:2 Res:4 Spd: 4 Eva:7

Baackstory: The mage trio came from a poor Elysisman household. Seeing their children's skill in magic, their parents put themselves deeply in debt in order for their attendance at TISME. Matthias found out about the debt his parents had accrued and organized his siblings to perform mercenary services to help their ailing parents.

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So,are they going to remain in the story then?Or did you just feel a need to give them a proper sign up,since they have more development than some long standing characters *coughcough*

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So,are they going to remain in the story then?Or did you just feel a need to give them a proper sign up,since they have more development than some long standing characters *coughcough*

They'll probably fade out for now (espcially since everyone's forgotten about poor Katie), but reappear should I need any convenient mercenary types. I also felt they deserved a proper signup.

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