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A trackable dice rolling site works (didn't know they existed last time), Though it's pretty meaningless unless someone can check them, so it'd be nice if everyone used the same service if you're using trackers for accuracy.

And a common name (EG Azure Kamilla, Azure Esphyr, or something set)

As for leaving enemies, how about making a rule to wait at least 3 more battle posts before being able to attack again? (twin characters eg Damian/Aiya count as one battle post, not two)

"Please don't kill them all" is a pretty weak system XD

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I'm using "RNG.com".

... That's seriously what it's called. Google "rng". It's the first one that shows up.

Edited by Lightning
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Have we no integrity? :mellow: (referring to the suspicions of each other's rolls)

Well, fudging aside ... there are only five or six guys ... ... there's going to be a second wave ... right?

I know I don't trust even trust me with my rolls.

A trackable dice rolling site works (didn't know they existed last time), Though it's pretty meaningless unless someone can check them, so it'd be nice if everyone used the same service if you're using trackers for accuracy.

And a common name (EG Azure Kamilla, Azure Esphyr, or something set)

As for leaving enemies, how about making a rule to wait at least 3 more battle posts before being able to attack again? (twin characters eg Damian/Aiya count as one battle post, not two)

"Please don't kill them all" is a pretty weak system XD

It's trackable

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Same, first site I get is Wikipedia, second is Motorcycles and hobbies or something.

The one I found was Invisible Castle too, so I'm happy to see it's usage.

Though as I said, I'd prefer naming them "Azure Morgan" "Azure Bandit"

or something like that so it's alot easier to search and view everyones at once.

Since I'm pretty much the Integrity Nazi here, I'm happy to check everyone's rolls are accurate.

(Someone can recheck as well if they can be bothered)

@Phoenix: Yes, I don't trust peoples integrity, and either way I'm sure there'd be alot less finger pointing (mainly from me) if it was recorded in black and white.

EDIT: Alternatively someone could make an account, and everyone here be given access to it, (there doesn't seem to be any rules against multiple users sharing one account). That way one could probably just check *My roles* or something

Edited by Nadesico
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Sorry Snowy Phoenix stole your kill

No I didn't. You attacked two guys in one post. I had to split one rider between Irina and Iso, and they probably won't both get exp for the actual kill.

Only three people have attacked and there's like six guys ... come on, man :facepalm:

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Firstly I can't attack (Part of my character creation policy) I can buff someone though :P

Secondly I don't want to proceed with battles until the tracker site (I'm assuming InvisibleCastles) usage is solved.

Thirdly I don't want Snowy to log back on and complain we've killed all the guys.

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You did 2 damage with Irina and forgot WTD

Then Iso did 5 damage to the Wyvern


Read the stats again. I double checked, The riders only have 5 HP, and the soldiers only have 3 HP. That's how Snowy typed it up.

Even with the WTD they still killed it, and it was a different rider anyway. I'll edit in the WTD anyway, but at this point, it's still going to end in a dead wyvern rider :lol:

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I used this site: http://www.random.org/

It's not trackable but I don't fudge rolls anyways. Watch and see, I'm going to totally get mauled next time I attack...

... although I think I'm going to hide behind a tree for the rest of the battle anyways because I want that kill EXP

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5*3 is equal to 15


So those aren't the simplified stats, they're the complicated stats. Alright, I'll go edit that in then. *sigh* this is going to be a long battle :(

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@Lightning, there's no point mentioning the site if it's not trackable, since the issue isn't onlinevsreal.

I've heard that phrase before, and I could pick out a few people who are editting their roles (or miraculously kept getting exact or +1overkill, and would always dodge attacks by 1. Sadly though, Phoenix isn't one of them

Snowy's error regarding the stats most likely, was too tired to notice or change them to simplified.

Regarding Supports

Due to the lack of stat upgrades in this RP (4 levels?) I was thinking allowing multiple supports to be active at once. (Eg Katie-Isotov-Irina) all on B would get 3 stats+ to each character.


It's an RP, should have focus on character interaction

Makes people get along (if they want the stat bonus)

Lack of level ups need to be compensated somehow, else we'll be fighting similar enemies forever.

I like complicating things. XD

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Meh I think the support system seems enitely aribtrary atm. Isotov and Katie didn't really interact significantly more than a lot of other characters thus far, but they got a boost and no one else did. Sure it looks like a Fire Emblem support convo, but by that logic Morgan has C's with *a lot* of characters. When I suggested making a support system, I didn't really mean for people to force quick and dirty friendships for the point of stat boosts.

Use the dice tracking system. Way too many crits by players, never missing, and enemies miss all the time and never crit.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Meh I think the support system seems enitely aribtrary atm. Isotov and Katie didn't really interact significantly more than a lot of other characters thus far, but they got a boost and no one else did. Sure it looks like a Fire Emblem support convo, but by that logic Morgan has C's with *a lot* of characters. When I suggested making a support system, I didn't really mean for people to force quick and dirty friendships for the point of stat boosts.

I didn't do it for the stat boost ;)

Can someone quote me the WTD, please?

Edited by Phoenix
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Same, first site I get is Wikipedia, second is Motorcycles and hobbies or something.

The one I found was Invisible Castle too, so I'm happy to see it's usage.

Though as I said, I'd prefer naming them "Azure Morgan" "Azure Bandit"

or something like that so it's alot easier to search and view everyones at once.

Since I'm pretty much the Integrity Nazi here, I'm happy to check everyone's rolls are accurate.

(Someone can recheck as well if they can be bothered)

@Phoenix: Yes, I don't trust peoples integrity, and either way I'm sure there'd be alot less finger pointing (mainly from me) if it was recorded in black and white.

EDIT: Alternatively someone could make an account, and everyone here be given access to it, (there doesn't seem to be any rules against multiple users sharing one account). That way one could probably just check *My roles* or something

I'm not sure I understand the problem with just putting a link to the roll used in your own post, but if you really want one, here's a group account that you can feel free to use if it makes it easier. Username is LordOfAzureFlame, Password is LoAF.

Meh I think the support system seems enitely aribtrary atm. Isotov and Katie didn't really interact significantly more than a lot of other characters thus far, but they got a boost and no one else did. Sure it looks like a Fire Emblem support convo, but by that logic Morgan has C's with *a lot* of characters.

Use the dice tracking system. Way too many crits by players, never missing, and enemies miss all the time and never crit.

I'm entirely inclined to agree with this. I was under the impression that considerable time, effort, and interaction were required, not just sitting down saying, "This bonus will be nice, let's PM and write a mini story, call it good."

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