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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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That would kill him and then we will be screwed

No, he'd lose weight, and we'd be screwed. 'Cuz, y'know, he sorta was a Hero before his obesity. He might actually be a threat once he gets in shape.

As a side note, no special weapon for him? I was expecting at least a Silver Axe...

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Taking Percy hostage wasn't a good idea anyway, and Irina has her own characterisitic and traits she needs to uphold, having her tame Percy's wyvern didn't make sense in the first place.

We should probably get moving, but to where I don't know, I'm assuming we're still headed for the capitol, :facepalm: But most of you people seem to be happy with going where-ever as long as it's somewhere. I'm assuming Morgan and Lightning will vote Capitol, the former for the CW, and the latter for his second character.

Can't think of any reason why Eric would want to travel with this group, perhaps someone can invite him with the excuse "they know what you look like now, might as well join us?" Seems a bit weak to me, but there's not many other options, unless Eric has reasons for wanting to travel with the group himself.

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We can probably get Percy to call off any more guards, we just have to convince him to speak on our behalf. IE make a deal with him, or just torture him until he capitulates.

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People like Narshen are usually weak minded and very eager to save their own skins if necessary. Obvioiusly he wouldn't help us out of the goodness of this heart.

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Obligatory suggestion to set him on fire, no matter how impossible or irrational that would be.

In all seriousness though, I think we should try to capture him. Someone can climb on the wyvern behind him and threaten him into steering where we want him to go, maybe?

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Well, there's that, and, it's safety in numbers. Essentially, damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, but if he doesn't, the group would have to kill him, due to betrayal possibilities. Also, he's got a grudge against the Heroes, so, if they were to confront Harold, he would be more than cooperative. So, to sum it up, he's likely to be coming, forced or not.

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Hmm, taking him as a hostage isn't a bad idea, but Phoenix has already declined the idea of having the guy ride Kiev. And Lacuna's suggestion seems... unsafe? He's a wyvern rider, and most of us (Mages) probably wouldn't be able to do that job too effectively. Considering stamina and strength aren't their strong point, Leaving people like Esphyr, Damian, Aiya etc, since Irina and Kelas probably want to stay with their mounts. We could throw Chase on there I suppose, seems a bit dangerous to me :/

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I have to keep this as realistic as possible, so the Kiev riding scenario is impossible. Irina would probably suggest what was mentioned earlier:

Have Percy mount his own wyvern, while at knife point or something. Even if the passenger is thrown off in some effort to escape, Chase could just shoot him, and all the mages could easily overpower him. Percy can't really escape at this point, so having him ride his own wvyern is a good idea. Just need one or two people to have him at their mercy or something.

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Can't we just have him ride with Kelas/Irina and leave his wyvern behind?

If Percy rides with Irina, Kiev won't be able to fly or walk at normal speed, but it would work. Percy's wyvern would probably follow us anyway. That's what Kiev would do if Irina were captured :lol:

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Helios was riding Kiev during the Mesh chapter

If he was, he wasn't supposed to be. Only as a passenger.


You're so cruel XD

This isn't the wild west! XD

Edited by Phoenix
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If Percy's not tied up and restrained as a whole, it won't have any reason to attack us. The threat to his own safety should keep him from sicking the wyvern on us too, since we already beat him..

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@Kai, Hmm, my issue with holding a knife to his neck (if meant literally) is that a wyvern is a moving vehicle, it's like holding a knife to someone's neck while you're on a bus. Sudden jerks, and change in the flow of movement could lead to an "accidental" slit throat :/

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