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My business in the summer months certainly goes down, but obviously is going to spike at the end of August.


Darth Lacuna: Very active, willing to adapt to situations, and knows a lot about other peopl's characters. Of course, she's already doing the character relations chart and artwork, so asking her to do more work for the RP might be a bit unfair.

Phoenix: He knows how to write, and he has a lot of ideas about the plot, which would be great about forcing it along or if you had to take a leave. However, I'm a little worried about authoritarianism, he seems to favor this which could make this less group-oriented than it is now. Also maybe not the most technical person.

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@Phoenix: Firstly your RP post, You screw with my plans,I screw with yours, remember that doesn't have any immediate effects so you can just ignore it, or you can cheat and not eat it due to Isotov somehow appearing magically in the kitchen <_<

As for the contents of my "poison" and it's effects I'll PM Snowy the details. But am hoping I'll be around to see you all suffer XD (No it's not lethal poison, unfortunately I can't kill any of you, as someone mentioned already)


Cynthia: Decent activity and probably the most important aspect of her is that she's not in love with her character, where as Phoenix, loves his characters too much and won't let anything bad happen to them Yes I'm angry at birdbrain Only down-side to her though, is from the post so far she doesn't seem to be someone who takes the initiative and starts things, more of a person who goes with the flow.

Balcerzak: Perhaps the only other person who I'd consider suitable, sided with the "no"'s in the Iso/Katie war and hence is a comrade in arms..... Isn't "random" in their actions, and like Cynthia can view the entire playing field with a level eye. Only concern is Bal's lack of "on time" when things are happening.

Edited by Nadesico
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@Phoenix: Firstly your RP post, You screw with my plans,I screw with yours, remember that doesn't have any immediate effects so you can just ignore it, or you can cheat and not eat it due to Isotov somehow appearing magically in the kitchen <_<

As for the contents of my "poison" and it's effects I'll PM Snowy the details. But am hoping I'll be around to see you all suffer XD (No it's not lethal poison, unfortunately I can't kill any of you, as someone mentioned already)


You're so cute when you're scheming crazy.gif

Nady's odd attempt to undermine us aside, bad stuff happens to Iso all the time(being hounded by assassins every few months or so for ten years straight, having to travel with fire haterz, being victimized by Ivanko, instantaneously developing a reliance on Katie's cooking, having Proxima sap his strength constantly, meeting Kamilla, etc). Perhaps a small break from the Iso related catastrophes is in order? :mellow:

Anti-Nady Tactics: I never posted where Iso and Irina were after the initial fire tome handover scene. Thus, I didn't have any need to clarify until later on. Neither of them ever actually left the community room or whatever it's called until Nady's post. The only magic involved in Iso spotting the sprinkle of doom was the fact that both my characters were already where I needed them to be to make the Kamilla peek-in plausible. They were definitely close enough to the kitchen for it to take place.

Score: 1 Phoenix moonwalkerdancedr2pl1.gif

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Let me just get this clear since if we're starting a tactical war I want my objectives known. Firstly I'm willing to let Isotov's appearance slide, I disagree with retconning, and as long as it's not completely impossible, (unicorns magically appearing and making everyone hold hands beneath a beautiful rainbow) I'm against redoing established events.

First paragraph, I'm not sure if it's directed at me, or if it's your attempt at making a sob story for Isotov, either way, can't really comment, so I'll just say "good for him"

Firstly, the kitchen is most likely in another room from the lobby, and it wouldn't be a simple, "I turned my head and saw it happen"

-There is likely only one entrance to the kitchen, even if there was more then one entrances, the others would be for staff, or another entrance out the back. Either way, only entrance Isotov would have available is the front entrance connected to the lobby.

-There is no reason for Isotov to accidentally wonder into the kitchen.

-The front entrance is also barred by the matron (Innkeepers wife) who is most likely talking to Arrin, I find it extremely unlikely that the matron would just let a couple of strangers walk into the kitchen, especially if she's standing near/infront of the door. You could argue Isotov slipped past her, but again, no reason for him to do so, and the ensuing conversation between Irina and Isotov would have surely been noticed.

"Peek in" is not plausible, as this is an "inn" not a modern food joint, there are no cuts in the wall were the chef hands out the completed dishes. So the only possible way for Isotov to "peek" is through the doorway, and the doorway as stated prior is blocked (or at least entry) by the existence of the matron.

Again, I don't mind this...unlikely event occuring, just keep in mind, if you want to screw with my plans, then I'm going to screw with yours. :P And I will be referencing this action later when certain events move into motion.

I predicted someone might do something like this <_<. That's why I snuck into the kitchen, and had Kamilla help prepare the food, instead of having her just approach the served food.

Either way,

Score: (-1, back down to) 0 Phoenix

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Wait, where'd we get Arrin talking to the innkeeper's wife? Who's in the kitchen, cooking? And Arrin had just run outside?

Since I've apparently been vaguely dragged into this I'll raise an eyebrow at certain people even having (undetectable) poison with them (right, the church may have given it to her, but then she keeps it in her pocket at all times? she didn't have time to go run grab it when the inn was on fire...) and point out that all of us poisoned pretty much amounts to all of us dead (I assume unconsciousness is involved at some point, at least, and I'm guessing the next logical step is to sic the townspeople on us/go find some authorities) even if it isn't a lethal poison. Even with one paranoid person and another character or two that was warned we're pretty well screwed, which I'm assuming is the goal here.

Now then...

~wanders off to poison Arrin~

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Isotov walking in is a little sketchy, but I'm going to have to agree Kamilla carrying undetectable poison on her is also pretty sketchy.

I'm not sure doing this was such a good idea in the first place. Assuming we aren't all killed (obviously bad for the RP), your only options are to run away (essentially becoming a Reika that can't defend herself). If we catch you/you're found out, the logical action would be to kill you. We can't do that without your permission, so you're essentially going to have to spend a ot of time on a leash. You haven't helped in combat or given any information, so we don't have much incentive to keep you conscious/alive.

This might sound weird coming from (arguably) the controller of the least harmonious character in the group, but you might want to try and get along a little better. There's a fine line between insults and open hostility. Maybe you have some sort of greater plan in this I can't quite see, but if you actually want to interact with the group on a regular basis, this is probably not the way to go.

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I nominate Cynthia and Balcerzak for reasons already stated.

And seriously. Poisoning is not cool, and seeing as Isotov gets poisoning attempts a lot and Chase (as well as a few others)is naturally suspicious of everything/anyone, there's going to be some people not to fall for that ruse.

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@ Nady

Keep in mind that my goal isn't to protect Iso. Irina's just not the kind of person to suspect foul play, so if one of the group found out about what Kamilla was doing beforehand(which is not meant to protect anyone from it), it had to be Iso, the distrusting paranoid Kamilla hater.

Also, let me clarify something. There is plenty of reason for Iso to go snooping around. He is overdue to be attacked again (by the aforementioned assassins who in ten years of trying to kill him may very well have used virtually every trick in the book by now, poisons included) and he knows it. No I did not just make up the assassins thing just now. ... they're coming -_-

You never actually said there was only one entrance, and even if there was(is), there can always be tiny intervals where the innkeeper's wife isn't watching. Had Iso waltzed in, the wife would have stopped him, but he hadn't gotten all the way in before he had a freak reaction to the sprinkle of doom. He immediately backed out assuming that Kamilla is either an assassin, or a church zealot. Now he's about ready to overreact.

I'll just split a point with you, and see how this situation unfolds.

Score: 0.5 Phoenix

@ Snowy

Please don't say she's in the lead. It reminds me of the scuffle between Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama in 08. Politics give me the shivers -_-

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IIRC, Kamilla reached into a labeled bottle, right? How do we know she had it on her person? She never produced the bottle, just 'stashed it away'. It might have been some sort of sleep medication the inn keeper had lying around. That's what I got from the post, anyways.

Also, I'd go with Phoenix or Cynthia for second, for aforementioned reasons, as well.

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(And no, spontaneous human combustion is not covered under Willing Suspension of Disbelief.)

It did make for a pretty decent episode of The X Files though.

Alright. Even though it has come time for me to get out of college, it has also come time for you to become free of whatever school you guys attend (most likely). As such, I will be looking for a second. Being a second entails the following: Helping to advance the plot if needed, helping to doll out any EXP I miss (I can get the basics, but may miss extra's) and keeping things running if I go missing. Here is what I want.

I want each of you to nominate up to two people other than yourself (and me). You must provide both a reason and a drawback for each. I will consider the reasons and contact the one I feel most appropriate. Here are my initial choices.

Oh, right, gentle reminder again about that XP thing you missed the other day and were going to get back to.

Anyway, nominations huh. I could easily see myself nominating any of four people. Gotta narrow this down and provide some pros and cons, though.



Our local Sith $GENDERED_TITLE has shown no shortage of devotion to the role-play. As has previously been mentioned, not only has she taken it upon herself to put together a summary chart of character relations for quick and handy reference, she's also been continuing to maintain it. Furthermore her generous offer of arting the participants provides another demonstration of long-term commitment.

Leaving aside the extracurriculars however, and restricting consideration solely to the meat and potatoes that is the role-play proper, her contributions have also been steady and of quality. She can certainly display a take-charge attitude, and is not afraid to introduce or jump start either character or plot interactions, but manages to do so in a way that doesn't come off heavy-handed at all. Drawing only from my own memory I could point out the instance of her having Arrin run into Tessa during breakfast. It was presented in such a way as to provide a jumping point for interaction, while also leaving enough maneuverability that I could have easily refused if I so chose. (Similarly her recent handling of the scouting out the inn and I'm sure several other examples I've forgotten.) This displays the sort of flexibility required to avoid the feeling of being railroaded, and is highly important to a healthy role-play environment.

Then there's also the fact that despite providing a somewhat regular driving influence, none of her posts have ever made me stop and say to myself "Wait, that doesn't seem right. I wonder if it'll get retconned. I'm going to wait for someone else to tacitly acknowledge the post's existence as fact before proceeding." This is a very good sign indeed.


I occasionally find myself thinking that Lacuna is having a little difficulty accurately juggling both of her characters. From time to time I'll read a post of almost entirely Kelas, with a small one-line Arrin footnote thrown in at the bottom, or vice versa. Adding additional NPCs or plot related events to try to organize might only increase the difficulty of doing full justice to all aspects that need managing.



I've always been getting the impression that Cynthia is good at keeping track of the larger picture of what's going on, and can avoid getting too caught up in the current details of whatever specific affair the group has managed to get themselves tangled up in. This usually comes across via one of Morgan's little "pep talks", which are both useful and needed. If Cynthia had a window to look into how advance plot should be proceeding I have confidence she'd be able to firmly make sure we don't stray too far off the path. While railroading is a bad thing in a role-play environment, so too is the opposite end of the spectrum, when too much freedom can result in a lack of direction, and Snowy, no offense, but I get the impression that you err on this side a bit more heavily than perhaps would be best.

Cynthia has probably been the forefront example in my mind of upholding fairness and equal treatment in the roll-play sections. Morgan has had quite the fair share of misses, and gets knocked down on almost a regular basis. I would easily trust in the impartiality of Cynthia to deal with any combat related matters for any of the characters, PC or NPC, if enemy phase actions are ever introduced. For that matter, I don't doubt either that she would be an excellent and unbiased judge in determining how the XP rewards should be tallied up following a confrontation either. She's also taken a keen interest in trying to identify and resolve any problems in the mechanics, and has always tended to keep a cool head in the subsequent discussions.


As has been mentioned previously, it does seem that Cynthia feels a bit more comfortable in a following and reacting role than as an instigator. This is no means exclusively true, and could just be on account of being busy or elsewhere, because Morgan can and does provide a commanding presence from time to time, but this is (from memory) usually serving to steer things back on track when they've veered away, and not about pushing forward into new territory.

Finally, while I do appreciate the votes of confidence from the posts nominating me, I should just mention right now that even if Snowy were to ask me to second, I wouldn't be comfortable accepting the position on account of the inability to contribute the kind of time needed. I've already occasionally had feelings of inadequacy in keeping up, and have briefly considered dropping out. In fact, I knew this was quite likely to be a problem from the start, and specifically avoided any of those plot important Crimson Weapons, just in case the worst case scenario did come to pass. (That said, I guess a position as healer is almost as plot combat critical, so I kind of misjudged on that aspect.)

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On a more light-hearted note:

"Don't eat the--" and something about "the waitress". Putting two and two together, he exclaimed "What? Just because I have a bounty doesn't make me some sort of cannibal!"
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I nominate Bal and Cynthia for reason already stated

EDIT: Damn Ether can you fail anymore :facepalm:

I know it is a RP and all but still never do that

That also gives the impression that if you were put in that situation in real life you would do what you did in the RP

Edited by Kai-Sama
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There was a healer right there,you idiot.

Unless you want Esphyr to get infected and have a root impaled through her torso for the rest of the RP.You can't heal and clean a wound with an obstruction like that.

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... Not at all. I wouldn't do half the things Chase does in the RP, which is in my opinion what makes it fun. Also, Tessa's a healer, so she probably knows more abput treating wounds than Helios, and she (sort of) approved of Damian's idea.

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I know alot about these types of things. Then i keep forgetting that Helios is not me. :facepalm: Yeah epic fail there unless you want me to explain which is highly unrecommended

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Yeah, I know that realistically removing the obstruction so quickly would cause a lot of blood loss and a pretty high chance of death, but for the sake of not taking the whole chapter on it let's just move on.

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Not to mention the multiple blood vessels.

Thats another story.

If we are going to use any logic in this RP then Esphyr should not be able to fight for a while

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@Lacuna: I assumed he heard from the matron, otherwise I couldn't see how he knew that "dinner was ready" From what I recall he was sitting/wandering around the lobby anyway, so he'd make a good, lapdog :P

@Lacuna/Cynthia: My poison is perfectly accessible, I've contacted Snowy and he's told me that it's not at all "sketchy." I will reveal how I got the stuff later, but for now I'm just going to say it's possible for me to have it :P

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@the medical argument: Real life generally doesn't include heal staves. Any damage done by removing the root would be immediately fixed by the staff. Still, if Tessa ever gets hurt, we're kind of screwed.

@current happenings: Before someone goes all ARG BLARG THE POISON DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY: No, Arrin's not out because of the poison (yet.) More of slightly sick and really tired. It's just a cold, though whatever he's just stuffed himself with could complicated.

Oh man, I suppose I should do nominations.

Nominating Cynthia and Phoenix. All the good reasons have mostly been outlined, but I'd note especially that Phoenix is fairly involved with creation of villains we'll be running into later, which shows some definite commitment to furthering the story.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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I didn't want Irina to take any of the sprinkle crap, but I needed her to be in character, and after analyzing the situation, she would naturally do exactly what she did, even against Iso's advice :facepalm:


@ Lacuna

She noticed ^_^

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