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I don't really understand the point of PVP arena thread? It would be used for OOC stat battles? To what end? Seeing who's got better luck with a particular set of dice rolls?

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I don't see any reason for it either though, since everyone I've seen commenting on it so far has not expressed any interest in it. Furthermore, why can't you just do PvP battles in the RP thread like we did way back when Reika was attacking everyone?

You don't exactly need "permission" to make it, but it's really a waste of space if you can't get people to participate.

What's it for anyway? PvP doesn't yield any exp and considering how everyones stats are near equal it's really just a luck thing if you're including stats, if you're talking about RP'ing a battle between two characters, again it should be in the RP thread, in the form of a sparring session or something.

^^^Achievement unlocked (already)!

Chase and Helios agreed on something XD

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We kill enough time in OoC :/ I mean OoC is now longer then the RP chapters combined :/

If you're so bored, do something in the RP.

But yeah, looking at the new responders, doesn't seem to be too popular, if you're really that bored and want to fight, as I said before training/sparring, (in PM's atm since it's unlikely people would be sparring this late at night)

Alternatively you could write a bit about whatever nation Helios is from (Tora?) in the article thing Lacuna set up. After all, you do keep referencing it.

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East coast should share a timezone. >.> it's 6:30 PM here, but moving on...

Kamilla = Status inflicter of the party?

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@Kai: Well, if your character wasn't so abrasive to her all the time, she might be an asset, not a liability.

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Heading back to the town, or rather, tailing a merc group. I doubt anything will come of it, other than he'll probably be around when disaster strikes.

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I thought he said timeskip was fine, and that if needed things would wrap-up with flashbacks? I may start crafting an early morning Tessa post in a bit, but I'm taking care of a few other things first.

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He did, just wasn't sure if he meant I could time skip when I felt like it, or if he was going to do it himself. (And not many of the others have asked for a timeskip today, and several characters still seem to be semi-interacting)

Snowy should be on soon anyway, if someone else posts though, I'm making my post morning, with or without Snowy.

*Tries to summon Snowy*

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OK, here are a list of changes to the combat system Snowy and I discussed:

1. Exp. 5 per hit/heal/dance, 10 for kill, 10 for boss hit, 20 for boss kill. Everyone also gets 5 Exp for exisitng, even if you didn't fight. Also, you are in charge of keeping track of your total accumulated Exp thus far. I'll probably use this system to calculate the exp from the last battle if there are no objections.

2. Invisible Castle/ other thing where you can see your die rolls. I am going to strongly recommend this (not require just yet), because so far rolls have defied the laws of probability. Not pointing fingers, but yeah.

3. Turns. There's definitely going to be a wait period in between attacks. I'm thinking 5 posters in between before you can go again. You still might get another attack in though, because future encounters may have more enemies.

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1: Fine, but I'd recommend getting a tally of all exp (count yourself or get players to count themselves) and round it down to the nearest multiple of 5. I'd also recommend starting every chapter with a list at the beginning with player exp (that way it'd just be adding the new exp to the old list) We had a player list before after I demanded it, but it kind of disappeared XD.

2: Shut up Birdie, you've said yourself, you noticed miracle rolls in the last battle.

On topic though, What's the point in strongly recommending, cheaters aren't going to use it then, and the ones which do are most likely going to be the ones which were being honest. (aka no one XD jk)

3: Question, is it 5 battle posts, or 5 posts?

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1. This would be fine I suppose.

2. Snowy wasn't really for the idea. Alos, there's a lot of backlash against it (You, Bal, and I are for it, Lacuna and Ether are neutral and everyoen else against IIRC).

3. 5 battle posts, posts that aren't attacks don't count.

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1: Nyeh, would prevent me from finger pointing people and saying they have too much exp:P

Also can I get 10exp from buffing the enemy leader? XD

2: As I said, the ones that don't use it, are probably the ones I want to point the finger at the most XD But ah well, I'm not really affected by dice rolls anyway unless I can somehow miss buffing an ally, I'm wondering if I need to throw in an enemy attack after a buff though. Unlikely if we're going with FE, but don't know, will have to ask Snowy there.

3: Hmm, 8 players, 5 battle posts, seems fair enough.

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1) This could work. I'm not positive the balance is exactly right, but that's not something you can accurately judge without seeing it in action for a bit. If my concerns do materialize, they can be addressed then, in more detail, while citing examples.

2) I can't claim to speak for her opinions, but Lacuna made a profile and actually logged some rolls for the most recent combat.

3) I think this is a really good idea, and am pleased to see its introduction.

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