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Since I'm probably the only one planning to hurt the poor grounded ponies, I'm going to decide that killing of "character horses" won't happen, that is, horses which were made on signup due to it being a requisite of the class (Eg Amari=Nomad Trevor=Troubadour Kiev-Wyvern) and in that sense I'll leave Mark's horse alone as well. Nothing preventing me from whacking Luna(?) though.

As for reasoning "I don't like you" and "I'm bored" are reasons for me to start schemeing something, not for the actual kill. Since it'd just be crazy spam if Kamilla suddenly started poisoning stuff without reason. (Reason has been explained to some, kept quiet to others)


I agree that Ian is a waste of space (and apparently not with us, but scouting) Mark seems to be slowly coming out of the darkness and interacting since Iso's flaming inn. Could wait a bit longer to see how that ends up.


On a completely undrelated note, I'm going to agree with Kai, that posts seems to put Percy out of character from what I've seen so far, and he treats Jackson with too high regard. All I'm going to say is that Chase better ave commited a major crime against Elysimma to be remembered off the top of a heroes head, and if the reason is something stupid like "he did something bad in the army" I'm going to beat him and Jackson to a pulp for wasting Elysimman funds on something so trivial, and overestimating their importance.

Edited by Nadesico
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@ Cynthia

That's good. We need opinions

On the Irina comments:

Irina's primary role is being Iso's anchor to the group. Her interactions have been limited only due to circumstances. She'd have more, but I keep botching the Irina x Aiya interactions. Also, to keep Irina in character, she would only initially be interested in interacting with Morgan(the one who hired her), Esphyr, Katie(because Iso is around her), Aiya(fellow wyvern lover) and Mark(whom she has fought in practice battle). Most of the time these characters are preoccupied, and Iso x Katie interactions are 3x more important than Irina x Katie ones.

@ everyone

Also, I neglected to mention this, but Viveka absolutely despises wyverns! I forgot to mention that in both sign up and the gallery, but it'll be explained through the next few chapters. All my characters need quirks:

Iso is oblivious to his emotions (can't sense/detect them)

Irina loves onions

Viveka hates wyverns

Just bringing that up it should be common knowledge, at least for Lightning since he controls her boss. That's something that he would know about.

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That should let people know that Helios isnt Mark's "Master" like in the intro

I made him like he is now because Helios's personality was getting out of control

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I dont understand how Percy remembers someone that shot at him once over the one that finished him

Chase would be clearly more important to bring up because Conrad knows of Chase from before. And has never heard of Helios ever and probably wouldn't care anyways.

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And more

Why would he go to Jackson when he was headed to Harold?

Jackson is just a general. :huh:

Maybe he stopped by sinse Jackson could amass troops faster than Harold could? He is closer. Maybe it's Percy's attempt at an early counterattack?

See this is why we need character control guides. It will keep "that's not how they would respond" comments from popping up too often.

@ Lightning

Go back, and edit the post to make Percy less impressed by Jackson(more proud of himself for surviving against CW wielders), though still somewhat fake-nobleesque friendly like.

Helios should be in Mafia. He'd be the paranoid knife owner.


Edited by Phoenix
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I was talking about Percy not Jackson

He probably doesnt even remember an archer that shot at him

However Helios finished him off and insulted him

How are you going to tell me Percy would forget that :angry:

EDIT: @Phoenix: Check the latest post :awesome:

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Percy's probably smart enough to know that Conrad wouldn't care about some mage he's never heard of before, and, you know, he would kinda notice one of the most wanted criminals (who also insulted him several times).

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@ Phoenix: Talking about epic mafia, an online game. There's a role called Granny, the paranoid gun owner, who is immune to night kills and kills anyone who visits her. Just switch 'Granny' with 'Helios', and 'gun' with 'knife'. I was poking fun at Kai's post where he nearly slit Mark's throat.

@ Kai: Percy has a bad memory. Side-effect of gorging himself.

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I'm really hoping I can get along with Viveka, though it's unlikely considering how I'm already going down the flame trail with Conrad :/ Yay! More characters for me to hate on

Character control guides..... eh, not too sure about making a guide for one off characters like Percy. As the enemy I don't think players should be able to control him at all. I probably would have had Percy just brush past Jackson rudely, and have a soldier fill him in on the details.

Again, I'm going to leave your "Look at Chase! He's important!" post alone until I find out what Chase did that warrants him so much attention. (At the moment he better of at least killed a renown general, anything further and I'm going to assume he attempted noble/royalty genocide.

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@Kai: What, he didn't have snacks on that wyvernboat of his?

The character control guides sort of make sense if you're meaning to have conversations with NPCs. Alternately we could handle that with PMS to whoever created the NPC (like some people are doing with supports) but for a quick thing, I think we should be able to go on basic knowledge of personality. If there isn't knowledge, that won't work.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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See this is why we need character control guides. It will keep "that's not how they would respond" comments from popping up too often.

I'm not sure character control guides would help here, it's not as if they're confused about character traits.

Anyway, I'm inclined to side with Lightning here, Conrad is obviously going to be more interested in Chase since there's that whole criminal business. Helios may have landed the final blow on Percy, but he was also being attacked by Damian/Aiya/Chase at the same time. Percy would be more inclined to talk about Damian than Helios, I wager. He doesn't even know who Helios is, saying "that wind mage" sounds silly.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I'm not siding with Kai in regards to Percy remembering Helios.

Infact I think it's just Kai providing his argument in a poor format, I think what he wants to say is.

"Why would Percy remember Chase? An archer who only shot at him for an instant in the chaotic field of battle?"

Then used the poor argument

"He's not likely to remember anyone, if anyone left an impression on him, it's probably Helios"

Since I doubt Kai's trying to trying to make Jackson take an interest in Helios.

It's essentially up to what Chase did to become a criminal.

I agree that Damian and Katie would have made more of an impression, considering the reason he retreated I'd say Katie gets higher priority over Chase either way

@Kai, I mentioned that when Chase started confessing "I'm a criminal, don't kill me"

Didn't have any impact then, doubt it will now

Edited by Nadesico
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... He's still a wanted criminal, so I'm pretty sure he'd notice him, and I'm going to assume Percy has something resembling intelligence.

^Chase's plans are questionable, okay? It's more entertaining for me to control a character like that.

Edited by Lightning
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I'm really hoping I can get along with Viveka, though it's unlikely considering how I'm already going down the flame trail with Conrad :/ Yay! More characters for me to hate on

Getting along with Viveka depends entirely on how she, her pegasus, and Conrad are treated. You'll definitely get along with Stephanie though (Ivan's fiancee) because she's a radical feminist, and a Priestess(defends others of the order aggressively).

The character control guides sort of make sense if you're meaning to have conversations with NPCs. Alternately we could handle that with PMS to whoever created the NPC (like some people are doing with supports) but for a quick thing, I think we should be able to go on basic knowledge of personality. If there isn't knowledge, that won't work.

@ Lacuna and Cynthia

Basic knowledge of a character through each other's posts is a fantastic idea, but it won't work for NPCs(who show up once in a blue moon) as demonstrated several times already.

Check out my profile for a beta control guide. It's not really a big spoiler unless otherwise noted. There are some things that you guys just can't know about characters from posts and what you don't know will effect how you control them. The guide gives you only information that will effect how a character responds to general situations. With it, you won't botch an interaction post by saying/doing something out of character. Just take a quick look. It's harmless :)

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