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God damn Nyana blooping poop >_< I'm never around when the interesting stuff happens, didn't even know a serious discussion board existed XD

I don't understand what the argument is, and I might participate later, but at the moment it's too confusing, and this isn't the right place to ask XD


In RP related news Kamilla is never flying on a wyvern again... ever XD

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I think I was blamed for the flame war in the old religion topic or something. Apparently not yielding to atheist arguments after ten+ pages is grounds for banning.

Anyway ... post edited ... mostly for humor :P ... I guess I'll sprite things for awhile ... then get some sleep -_-

@ Snowy

Give me a description of Katie. I want to sprite her :awesome:

She's the only member with no defined appearance. All we know is that her hair is blue. In fact ... come to think of it, the only reason Viveka is blonde is because Katie isn't. I wanted a legal blonde. If not for that, she'd be blue or purple haired, and based on a Greek girl rather than a Swedish one :unsure:

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Maybe Wigglytuff or Ulysses S. Grant or whatever the balls that thing is named will just catch her? Alternatively if she falls, Irina might be able to swoop in.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Shut up Feenyx, just finished eating dinner and reading the religion topics, and god are you people funny.

@Cynthia, Does an enemy phase null the battle post count limit? Or do we have to wait the 5 battle posts still anyway?

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Shut up Feenyx, just finished eating dinner and reading the religion topics, and god are you people funny.

@Cynthia, Does an enemy phase null the battle post count limit? Or do we have to wait the 5 battle posts still anyway?

I'm awake, I'm posting!

Damn, didn't even sleep for more than four hours and look at the trouble you got into.

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I forgot you existed XD I thought it was just Kai, Rein and Snowy who hadn't posted XD

Nyeh, I need to catch up in exp anyway (and I can never get more then 5exp T_T)

*Is going to powerplay Ulf before heading to sleep*

*Kamilla promotes to Wyvern Master!* XD

Apologies on the god-modding, but I'm going to pass it off as Ulf being extremely intelligent, and luck being on their side sort of Can't exactly have Aiya and Kamilla plummeting to their deaths just yet, Morgan would disagree since they don't have CW's XD and I doubt Kiev can carry an extra two people (5 total). I considered, making someone catch the falling Aiya, but.... well if it was a tree, chances are she'd die (injured enough without thick branch whacking her) and if a PC tried then.... well they'd most likely be put out of commission.

I'm thinking that the battle was actually well timed despite the fact I pretty much forced it on everyone XD 21 pages atm, and after this we can't start fresh on the next chapter being about these caves. Better hope Kamilla stays knocked out, since she'll most like refuse going in XD

Edited by Nadesico
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I was fine with it, essentially the wyvern crashed to get her.

Bal can make a non-couting healing post if he wants. Either way Aiya's wounds won't kill her unless Ether wants them to.

I assumed Aiya falling on a PC would be bad, pretty high up so that's quite an ouchie and might not break her fall enough.

Kiev would be pretty overburdened, not to mention Irina's pretty wounded, she could take a tumble herself.

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*Blames Cynthia's enemy turn for Aiya's death*

Shhh, she can be dead until Ether says otherwise

I know she can't technically die, but I kind of expect a few more people to fall before the end of this battle by the looks of things. And I'm not sure how advanced Bal plans Tessa's healing skills to be, but closer to death=More effort to heal IMO. Don't really care either way, my plans for the next chapter is already set into motion XD Though it's not really a plan, just a reason to screw with the plans of others.

I doubt much else can happen from here, so I really will get some shut eye now, (need it so I can wake up early tomorrow XD) again if you log on Ether, I apologize for taking control of Ulfie :P

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*Blames Cynthia's enemy turn for Aiya's death*

Shhh, she can be dead until Ether says otherwise

I know she can't technically die, but I kind of expect a few more people to fall before the end of this battle by the looks of things. And I'm not sure how advanced Bal plans Tessa's healing skills to be, but closer to death=More effort to heal IMO.

As long as it's dealing in stat numbers, someone at 1HP is just as easy to heal as someone at 10HP. They obviously don't get as healthy afterwards, but no particular extra effort is required.

When somebody leaves the realm of stat damage, then things get tricky. I honestly probably haven't put as much thought or description into the matter as perhaps I should have at this point.

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I was kind of hoping that would count as an actual battle post, because one moar and it's raep time Enemy Phase. I was thinking Lacuna would do it, but alas no post. Celeste is 20 Exp waiting to happen (unless you miss).

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Oh. If you want it to be a battle post, that is fine too. Sorry. I thought you wanted it strictly RP. I must have misread.

Or... are you telling me to do a separate battle post? I'm now slightly confused...

Edited by Balcerzak
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I'd prefer not to get ko'd enemy phase cuz I just got 10 exp, wooh. They'd also have to fly up to me to attack without getting countered, right? Right?

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Since in the past the 'no exp if unconscious" rule has been ignored, I see no pressing need to institute it now, so getting impaled won't affect your exp unless Snowy says so.

One Enemy Phase, coming right up!

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Katie: A tall woman clearly in her mid twenties or so. She dresses in the full and proper green uniform of a upper-level mage (dress version). The uniform consists of a green blouse and knee-length dress. Upon both of her shoulders are four yellow concentric circles indicating her rank as a fourth-circle mage (think level 15+ mage in normal FE). A scar adorns her neck where her voice box was slashed beyond repair by the hero Harold. This is normally visible, though it's known for her to hide it behind her long blue hair. She boasts eyes of the same color as well.

Beyond that, have fun with her.

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Is it even worth it for me to try and enter the fight? *doesn't know what's going on*

After Cynthia lays down the next post, I don't see why not. Esphyr and Damian can come charging out of the thicket to come across 3 P Knights, and one Boss type engaging the crew. Boss is unhittable by non-ranged ground types, but the mooks are fair game.

Edit: Brief summary. Aiya and Kamilla are out of action. Kamilla could technically continue to act, but Nadesico had her pass out voluntarily after the crash landing when Aiya could no longer pilot her wyvern. Irina, Iso, Katie are all on Kiev somewhere, Irina is a little wounded, and may or may not be in near danger soon. (If I have to take care of another crashing wyvern, Cynthia... -_-) Archers and mages on the ground have been picking at the troops, and getting blasted in return as well.

Edited by Balcerzak
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