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Don't know now, 60% Now, and I've found out that

15% was no existent

15% was rendered useless by my own meddling -_-

I might have a case though, not too clear with 1/3 of the data I wanted not being there.

I don't need to hide anything, you're a lousy searcher :P

Depends on what the remaining 40% yield I suppose :/

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Well good luck in your attempt to impose dice tracking upon us. It'd be funny if it turned out that nobody was fudging and you were just overreacting.

Well yeah, I'm a lousy searcher, but you'll slip up sooner or later, so all I have to do is wait ^_^

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You mean, you're going to wait until I turn nice?

...... Someone put that man(Phoenix) out of his misery now.

I'm not trying to impose dice tracking, just trying to even it out so that those who chose to use trackers get some sort of advantage.

To be honest though, that's not what I'm doing, I'm trying to prove cheating, and as long as I can prove a decent case that at least "One" of us is cheating, I'm more then content.

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That's the thing about waiting. I've got plenty to do in the mean time, and you will slip up. Trust me.

How do you even things out by proving that one of us is cheating?

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"Even out" was just a very poor choice in words.

I'm sure that Snowy will refuse to make a tracker compulsory, so I'm aiming for something along the lines of a minor punishment for those who are too lazy to use trackers.

(Or benefit for those who decide to use trackers)

I'd go with something along the lines of #,5,5 and #,6,6 not being capable of doing criticals for those who can't backup their critical with some evidence.

Or something similar, since I am convinced (I always was) now.

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Yeah Snowy's cool like that :awesome:

I thought you'd have gone for something more damning. Lowering the crit chances is one thing, but you only took out the highest two numbers? I would've expect the highest three numbers.

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Hey, I'd take out all criticals if it were up to me, but I need to make some sort of compromise don't I?

Just finished, and I admit, I may have been wrong, cheating isn't as common as I'd thought, Not at least ones which are really obvious anyway. I'll PM my finding a bit later (most likely once you've gone to sleep)

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Hey, I'd take out all criticals if it were up to me, but I need to make some sort of compromise don't I?

Just finished, and I admit, I may have been wrong, cheating isn't as common as I'd thought, Not at least ones which are really obvious anyway. I'll PM my finding a bit later (most likely once you've gone to sleep)

Great ... <_< okay goodnight ^_^

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Finished, and I'm not happy XD

Chapter 2 was screwed up for my honesty test due to my "have your rolls done by someone else system" and Chapter 3 had no fighting in it. <_<

So test was inconclusive, though heavily hinting.

I'm going to hold my accusations for awhile and watch the "three" people I have my eye on. Careful when fudging your roles, as I'm watching and recording every role you make XD Obviously I'm pointing my finger at non-tracker users So if you're using those, don't worry I'm not referring to you.

Nady doesn't like cheaters, and while it may be a pointless little objective, Nady enjoys causing arguments and chaos. So that's my motive for being so bent on weeding you people out. What's yours? XD

I doubt anyone will own up, but if you feel like owning up for past fudged rolls, you might have an argument ready when I catch you out later on.


On a different note, I'm hoping for a more active day tomorrow :P You all know what happens when Nady gets bored

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I just get around that by linking my rolls right after I roll them. It isn't a big deal.

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Yeah, I don't cheat either (well, everyone in my group did once when the dm wasn't there for a moment because we were about to be owed by a dragon, so we faked our strongest person getting a crit, but that doesn't really count as far as I'm concerned because I didn't roll it). It's not entertaining for me to be 'lol insta-win'. Besides, sometimes I'd prefer to not crit and just activate adept, but seeing as I haven't activated it once yet... >.<

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I don't fudge my rolls in the first place. Seriously, that's just my natural dice luck. People accuse me of cheating in D&D all the time... when I'm using their dice.

Wow. Anyways, I think it wasn't directed as much to you, as to certain other users. Not going to name names.

Also, I haven't been cheating, unless I wasn't allowed to not apply wrath that last attack.

Edit: Just in case anyone's wondering about the auto-kill...

Enemy phase roll

Eric's roll

As you can see, he would have missed, and next hit would have ended that guy.

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The only "problem" I have with tracking is that it'd be too much work to register an account and go through all that stuff.

I actually registered a group account, both for this, and for other reasons Nadesico had mentioned earlier. I believe I posted the info somewhere earlier, but maybe this was before your time. Let me look it up.

I believe it was just

user: LordOfAzureFlame

pw: LoAF

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Did you now?

Well,I suppose I'll use that,then.I'm not sure if Nadesico was directing any of that at me or not,but I'd rather not seem suspicious if I can avoid it.

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The main issue is the unlikelyhood of certain criticals, I think. Anyways, I'm trying to write up a character control for Eric... And getting no where. Opinions on him so far? -_-

Edit: OK, Kai, you do realize that you were being held at sword point? Like, it was on your throat.

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Anyways, I'm trying to write up a character control for Eric... And getting no where. Opinions on him so far? -_-

I haven't really figured out much about Eric myself either. You're probably just going to need to let him develop and interact for quite a while first before you're even firm on his personality yourself. There's nothing wrong with that.

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Because now matter how injured he is,Mark is in a bad position.Just the jolt of pushing him away could easily be enough to pust that sword into his neck,and you do this a lot.

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