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So when Harold runs up to her shouting "Beloved daughter of mine" in a field full of butterflies and flowers is when she'll smack Harold across the face and kill him? :/

And I thought Harold was the bad father :/

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Katie's STR = 9001? How else could she one-shot Esphyr w/o a roll?

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@Kai: If you wake up and discover what happens to cheaters, thank Snowy for forbidding me to kill Mark off :angry:

I probably won't be around when you do log back on, so I'll explain his status here.

-Istample destroyed in a fire (TISME not be very happy about this) (& I destroyed something else without Snowy's permission with fire XD)

-No survivors or dead bodies (I devoured them) (Though the ones killed in the last bandit raid might still be around)

-Pillaged and nothing valuable left.

-Footprints indicate some army passed through (Large group of bandits)

-Should take awhile for Mark to regain consciousness, (Since it's a miracle you're still alive)

-Dead Horse, (Jk ;) If you can think of some way for your horse to have survived go ahead, otherwise bandits would have stolen it)

-Should assume you were stripped of any valuables, (Vulnerary's etc) Weapon remains though. Your choice how much you want to keep but make it realistic, they did steal from you XD (Same way Cynthia stole from Reika in Ch1)

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First, the things that amused me:

Not to mention, having only the four of them go to trial would be really awkward. "I bet you healed some people who did some crimes!"

I laughed so much.

Arrin wants to distinguish himself fom the other mages in the party. He doesn't want to remain the eternal virgin like Helios, but he doesn't want to do his sister like Isotov either.


On to serious matters again:

I would definitely have Morgan run off at this point, except she'd probably want to use a horse and I don't want to powerplay Bal or Lacuna too much, Tessa/Arrin/Kelas may have bleeding hearts that require them to help wounded soldiers or somesuch.

So yeah, I would like it if people would take this opportunity to de-soldierize themselves, but I don't want to force anything. Doesn't help that 2 of the people online aren't involved anyway.

Her heart doesn't bleed that much, and she really respects Morgan. If you say jump, she's probably just going to ask "How far?" unless you're telling her to kill somebody or something.

Assorted Support discussion:

Today's Topics:

Iso/Katie: As much as it kind of weirds me out for some unknown reason to see them flirting and such, they're solidly C. Got quite a ways before the next upgrade.

Kelas/Arrin: There's actually really has been seeing a fair amount of development, before battles and stuff have been getting in the way. It may not be as flamboyant as some of the other supports are, but that doesn't mean it's not there Also, it doesn't seem to strike me as quite as one-sided as it came off to Kanami, though. If it's not at C yet, all it is is one good conversation away, IMO.

Arrin/Tessa: I've just been waiting on others to bring it up, because I don't trust myself to be fully impartial with my character. Feels like a good C to me though, and it seems I'm not the only one.

Morgan/Tessa: Same initial comments as the Arrin/Tessa business, though there are a few more specific points I'll address below.

Morgan/Tessa, Are ready for a C, but I don't see much bonding XD At the moment it looks like they attained a C with eachother, but neither wants to get any closer to the other. I'd say Arrin/Tessa is splitting this support apart at the moment XD

We've been getting all set up for bonding moments a couple of times, things have just got this nasty habit of interrupting. This is good criticism to hear though, because it's not really my intent to hold back from each other, so now I should keep this in mind. And juggling people who want your attention is always kind of tough.

Morgan/Tessa: Morgan? Get a support? Madness! Honestly though, this might be how the ice queen defrosts.. Or turns to the LoAF, if Tessa gets killed with this support intact.

Defrosting the Ice Queen is actually one of my favorite tropes. ^_^

If Morgan dies you'll be dangerously close to Breaking the Cutie. Please don't Break the Cutie.

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Hmm well, it might be an idea to start on one of the two supports then (Morgan or Arrin) since I'm generally supporting the idea of only one support per chapter. (Cause I honestly don't want people establishing 4 different supports in one chapter) Though the one support per chapter is just an idea someone came up with and I support, not one that's enforced.

I suppose if Lacuna wants to prioritize the Arrin/Kelas, it could happen, doesn't really take much for a C. But I'd think a Tessa/Arrin she come before anything right now XD LOAF's most adorable couple XD

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*flies in to thread*

WHEW!!! I'm back! And I'm not dead! Sorry, Nady, but that car we nearly ran into was just a bit too far away :awesome:

My neck hurts.

*reads through thread*

And to think I actually missed you guys <_<

@ Lacuna

Thanks for explaining Irina's stupidity, Lacuna.

@ Snike

Those romance probabilities are based on ALL known factors about the characters and their personalities, and even visual preferences in partners. Take another look at the backstories involving Irina and Ixion, and you'll see a much higher probability than you'd normally expect.

@ Cynthia

I ... I don't remember what goes here :facepalm:

@ Snowy

Who could possibly run into the headmaster? :huh:

@ Bal

Incest ain't that funny.

@ Kai

Eat the f*cking cookie! >_<

@ Ether

What happens in Vegas ... is gonna end up on Serenes.

@ Nady

Yeah ... we need to stop talking so much ... I've heard some weird rumors about <.< >.> people saying we're OTP. What gives? That's ignorant. So ... ... ... what are you wearing?

What happened

To the best of my recollection ... which is pretty crappy at this point in time ... it started out like this ....

After dawning a black suit with a burgandyish undershirt, ostrich boots and some nice black pants with a red and black tie, me, my pops, and my uncle(who were also wearing tux like suits for some reason) drove down to the Palms hotel and casino ... to go check out the club scene. Our suits somehow got us to the front of the line. It cost us $40 bucks a person to get in. No biggy. We get inside, and girls are dancing to the nastiest rap ever made. No biggy. At some point, my attention is captured by this rather tall long legged(yes long legs, what are the odds of that with my luck?) girl. She and her friends spend about half an hour doing dances you'll only see in clubs ... or on youtube. It's better live ... TRUST ME ON THAT. The one I liked (long legged one) is dancing about ... five inches away from my ... ... body ... <.< >.> . This goes on just long enough for my asian fetish to get short-circuited.

I needed to loosen up a bit, but I made the mistake of taking my dads drink and finishing it ... ... ... I still don't know what the hell that evil concoction was! It was nasty! I hate alcoholic drinks! Dammit! *spits* *spits again* Dammit!!

I'm not going to bore you with the epic fail that long legged girl scenario turned into, but I'll just say that getting cock blocked by your own father is pretty f*cking sad :facepalm:

Throughout the night girls come and go. I saw so many hook ups ... and ... other things ... I realized that my kind of girl wouldn't be at a play boy bunny club, though there's certainly no problem looking there :awesome:

I think I was standing for a total of about four hours ... maybe five ... ... my feet are yelling five.

It was fun but it's hard to meet new people when you're standing around with your pops and uncle dressed like a New York mobster, and these two expect the girls to come to us. They did, but they're too old to care whether or not they get more than a good show. Should probably come prepared next time. Headache pills, St. John's Wart, and digital camera with camcorder functionality.

That night out made me really appreciate you though, not the guys, the girls <_<

Nady and her ability to demolish things.

Lacuna and her horse/FMA/zombie torching fetishes.

Cynthia and her vicious wit.

Thanks for being so uniquely quirky. As for the guys ... whatup? :mellow:

My headache is starting to go away, and I'm feeling much better now.

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My ninja monkey's they fail me again? *Lops the leaders head off* Now go kill that damn bird or you'll all be in my sisters belly by lunch <_< There is no third time! :angry:

*Watches monkey's drive off in the car that Phoenix mentioned*


What did you expect, the time period you were away is pretty much the dead period, where we seldom get any posts at all.


Only idiot I've heard saying that is Kai, and he'll pay dearly for trying to degrade me in such a manner. If there's anyone else you know of, let me know and I'll castrate them too :/

Plus, no one takes Kai seriously anyway, he's just doesn't know there's better things out there then his right hand.

PS: I actually didn't know the meaning of OTP until today XD

I'm wearing a surgeons garment with rubber gloves and a scalpel in one hand, do you want to know more?


I do NOT demolish things <_< I flame stuff, the stuff being demolished is just a extra benefit added on the end.

@Life story

Sad sad sad, And the girls tell me I'm missing out by not going out clubbing with them. $40? For crappy music I could find on the internet illegally for free, and a room crowded with people who don't have enough space to do anything then swing their hips side to side? Please <_< I'm bored, not stupid.

I honestly doubt you'll find anyone that is right for you in a club, well maybe someone who's right for a night. Important people you can actually love tend to be closer then one thinks, and if not in the most unexpected places. Not some shoddy venue organized to hook people up. But I guess you weren't thinking with your head.... not the head in your skull at least anyway.

Though I disagree with the quirks part, each of those girls probably have their unique quirks, it's just not possible to pick them out in a room which is crowded with people, and within 5 seconds of making eye contact.

As for the long-legged girl, better luck next time. Though I was told birds have small.... nevermind.


@Snike, I hate your characters, they lack any useful description.

I read somewhere that someone still didn't have an image for their character, (And Cynthia saying something about recolors) but can't find the post anymore, and can't remember if it was you or someone else. Either way I tried to splice Eric and failed epicly XD I haven't done anything this bad in months XD


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Re supports: Yeah, I was sort of wondering if Arrin/Tessa were nearing C yet.

The thing with Kelas and Arrin and lack of support is that Kelas' priorities go "protect" before "get to know all over again" (which is necessary, because they were ten and five when separated.) The other thing is that most of the questions Arrin wants to ask her are about what's gone on in her life for the past ten years, but they're the sorts of questions that make her want to go hide in the stable and not come out (i.e. "What happened to Ma and Da?") At any rate, there'll be more from them, but it may require a quiet period that lasts more than a couple of in-story hours.

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@Snike, I hate your characters, they lack any useful description.

I read somewhere that someone still didn't have an image for their character, (And Cynthia saying something about recolors) but can't find the post anymore, and can't remember if it was you or someone else. Either way I tried to splice Eric and failed epicly XD I haven't done anything this bad in months XD


What? Trying to rile them up? Just mention Jace to Eric, or tease Dani too much.

If it's description, I'll try to post some more details. I like the first sprite, actually. I'll just lighten the skin a bit more, and he's good.

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Morgan doesn't have any friends show up from her past, probably because she's never had a friend.

By replacing "Morgan" with "Chase", "her" with "his", and "she's" with "he's", you have another very accurate statement. (And before anyone says Conrad he's not a "friend".)

^Chase has a personality. But not a lot of feelings. There's a difference. I think

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Black is you ... red is me -_-

My ninja monkey's they fail me again? *Lops the leaders head off* Now go kill that damn bird or you'll all be in my sisters belly by lunch <_< There is no third time! :angry:

*Watches monkey's drive off in the car that Phoenix mentioned*


What did you expect, the time period you were away is pretty much the dead period, where we seldom get any posts at all. Not much.


Only idiot I've heard saying that is Kai, and he'll pay dearly for trying to degrade me in such a manner. If there's anyone else you know of, let me know and I'll castrate them too :/ I don't think you should kill Snowy.

Plus, no one takes Kai seriously anyway, he's just doesn't know there's better things out there then his right hand.

PS: I actually didn't know the meaning of OTP until today XD

I'm wearing a surgeons garment with rubber gloves and a scalpel in one hand, do you want to know more? What's under that surgeon getup?


I do NOT demolish things <_< I flame stuff, the stuff being demolished is just a extra benefit added on the end. All demolition is your fault. Always has, always will be.

@Life story

Sad sad sad, And the girls tell me I'm missing out by not going out clubbing with them. $40? For crappy music I could find on the internet illegally for free, and a room crowded with people who don't have enough space to do anything then swing their hips side to side? Please <_< I'm bored, not stupid. So you'd be the girl outside the club with an rpg or something waiting for the helicopter pilot to get the chopper steady?

I honestly doubt you'll find anyone that is right for you in a club, well maybe someone who's right for a night. Important people you can actually love tend to be closer then one thinks, and if not in the most unexpected places. Not some shoddy venue organized to hook people up. But I guess you weren't thinking with your head.... not the head in your skull at least anyway. Nah. My pops and uncle wanted me to hang out with them at a club. If I actually thought I had to pick a wife out of that bunch, I'd perform the most epic face palm in history.

Though I disagree with the quirks part, each of those girls probably have their unique quirks, it's just not possible to pick them out in a room which is crowded with people, and within 5 seconds of making eye contact. I've known you three for awhile now, and yours tend to flourish.

As for the long-legged girl, better luck next time. Though I was told birds have small.... nevermind. I couldn't go to a club in bird form. They'd have put me in a zoo ... or in a cage overlooking the casino's gambling floor. When in human form, I take many aspects from Will Smith, and Lou Diamond Phillips. The form works for what I need it for.


@Snike, I hate your characters, they lack any useful description.

I read somewhere that someone still didn't have an image for their character, (And Cynthia saying something about recolors) but can't find the post anymore, and can't remember if it was you or someone else. Either way I tried to splice Eric and failed epicly XD I haven't done anything this bad in months XD

ap25w.pngThis is fail?

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Nade, if that's fail, this is worse. Where I am right now in an effort to recolor Lloyd Reed: Lloyd1.png

So, yeah. -.-

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@Kill Snowy,

Well if that's what it takes, :/ We still got Cynthia XD

And I never said anything about killing them, well I'm not qualified so they might end up dead, but castration isn't the same as murder. I'm just preventing the existence of their offspring, and hence doing mankind a favor.

@Under the surgeon get up:

Black funeral clothes, and underneath that casual party clothes.


Snike destroy the caves not me :/ He was also the initiator of Istample's destruction. So I can't take credit for all of it.

@You'd be the girl...

I'd be the girl flaming everyone from a safe distance, most likely through a medium known as the internet.


Eh, you'd have tried if the long legged one was interested in you. Is foul is, sex before marriage is wrong :P I actually don't believe that, but nyeh


Hair angles are funny (1st one is complete, 3rd->2nd progress) on the 1st one. I don't like his eyes, the ear looks funny. The collar stick out thing looks misplaced, the lightblue doesn't work. His inner neck is pillowed. He looks boring, his cloak/wrap stuff, looks like it was just thrown on and doesn't blend.


Nothing new here.

@Snike, no idea what program you're using but there's a much faster more effective way to color. (MSPaint has the option) so whatever program you're using, If you want tips on recoloring, I don't mind sharing them.

Eyedrop is your friend :)

Furthermore you haven't been spriting for as long as I have, if I was still doing work like that, I'd be as fail as Kai is :P

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Using usenti. Eyedrop? I'll look into it. Also, need to figure out how to splice. -_-

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Why did Cynthia have those magi attack again? To make the trial irrelevant? Well ... that's nice and all, but under the current circumstances, we're likely to get shot.

I clarified during the first time skip that the convoy was barely outside the city gates. Roughly a half a mile away at most. The guards at the gates can see some of what's happening with the convoy due to the lit torches and a burst of fire accompanied by a lightning bolt. Arrin and Iso are going to get blamed for that since no one saw the merc mages. Reinforcements'll have to show up eventually, and then there's the fact that the guard towers are full of snipers and such. This wasn't the best place to disrupt the convoy.

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Because she didnt't want to have some crappy trial which would be executed very poorly?

And to get rid of Katie.

Either way, after this attack, I doubt Damian can convince anyone to trust them (In Elysimma's military). So they'll most likely just get thrown behind bars, and have to await trial (then you can execute your prison break?) Assuming that everyone doesn't escape here.

Under the cover of night, it's not impossible though to escape, as long as you take some route which isn't by foot.

Either way, judging from Chase's response I assume this'll lead to a further group split.

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( ̄ー ̄) I sense an opportunity.

@Bal, no I'm not。 (Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing)

I just figure that Kanami+Scalpel=Will be attending funeral or prison soon.

Speaking of prisons, it feels like it's these past few days have been really slow (RP wise)

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My first attempt at a sprite. The neck's a bit off, I think, but thoughts?

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I didn't see that the convoy was only half a mile outside the city gates.

Either way, the trial would have had to end in a pretty silly manner from what I can see. The most logical conclusion would be us getting hanged, which is bad. The prosecutor could somehow be deficient, which is a stretch, there could have been some sort of silly interference during the trial or a very dubious prison break. Unless the Elysisman judicial system just blows, having the convoy attacked makes the most sense in the long run.

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Attacking the convoy only makes sense from our perspective. In theirs, it seems like everything around them is being pulverized by Murphy's law or something.

The cover of night scenario is only going to help a little, and since they're going into the city anyway, there's a very small chance that they'll ALL be recaptured if they don't find Jackson/Harold and get their miracle pardon. None of this makes any sense :facepalm:

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