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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Really the problem was surrendering in the first place, in a situation where we cannot possibly win the trial. For everything to not fail completely, we therefore needed to escape somehow. An attack is a good excuse. Yes, the amount of things blowing up is sort of illogical, but that's really been an issue this entire RP.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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She has a point. And Conrad has effectively caught who he thought was the leader already (and he won't find out otherwise until he talks to Viveka in depth about it), so that makes the threat of attacks from him nullified for a while (maybe five hours?).

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I would have had Halton appear and attack Elyisimia had nothing happened anyway.

And there would have been a fire attack,because we need more fire,obviously.

I even had a scenario thought up,and then I found out Cynthia trivialized it...

Ah well,I can use it a bit later if I need it,I suppose...

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Word of advice for those planning to hide in the city. Do not use the closest gate(Viv's trap from earlier is still there). Not to mention there are enough lights near the city for both Kiev and Ulfhrahn to get spotted.

The Snipers are about to have a priest cast a massive light spell that will leave a giant glowing ball hanging in the sky. It will illuminate the area and make spotting people extremely easy for the snipers. Stay away from the gates at all costs. Find another way into the city, or a gate that's further away.

Since a realistic ending is impossible here, I may as well give ducking and dodging advice.

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@Phoenix: And your plot did? make sense

I'm going to go reward myself for foreseeing this. And I'm not just trying to sound cool. Sooner or later, if we head to the capitol we were bound to have to fight Elsyimmia's military, and unless we completely disregard plausibility there was no way of us winning. Hence the reason I wanted to surrender when Percy demanded us to. Since you all refused to acknowledge that going to the capitol was a bad idea.

As behold! We get stuck in a fort and captured. Before anyone says anything about me screwing the plot up, you were screwed even before my random arrow storm. I refuse to believe that Conrad has more authority then Harold, and Percy's word most likely still counts for more then some lowly general. (Nevermind Esphyr threatening to lop off Katie's head infront of Percy would have guaranteed Harold's hostility)

@Chase's comment, That means absolutely nothig.

If a bad of dangerous criminal escaped near the capitol then the guards would act accordingly and go into lockdown, unless Conrad orders 'his men' to ignore the possibility of dangerous criminals in the capitol. Conrad might not come out of his hole personally, but Ilyphina will still be crawling with guards.

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@ Nady

Which plot are you referring to?

@ Lightning

That would most likely be the first thing she mentions to Conrad when she sees him ... other than "Thank you for the promotion!" and whatnot.

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Yeah,going to the capital is a bad idea.As for the light magic,damn...well,natural caution in such a situation helps,I suppose...Ulfhrahn should be able to get out of range quick enough,and Damian just needs to evade getting Sniped...

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Your original plot, I have no idea how you planned to get Conrad and Viveka recruited (Wouldn't mind finding out now, since it's probably scrapped plot now) originally.

Can I query if anyone was thinking straight when they decided heading to the capitol was a good idea? I know Phoenix and Rein weren't, they just wanted their characters to join up (Prove me wrong by giving me details of what you had planned) I know Lacuna just goes with whatever. But I did expect most of you to have thought that far ahead. :/

Capitol = more soldiers = Capture = Pardon impossible due to dead soldiers

@Snike regarding, Eric, I was going to comment, but my internet went funny, and frankly I doubt it's a good idea to have me be the first to critique your work, Unless you're a masochist


.... :/ You didn't honestly plan on having Damian and Aiya go into Ilyphina on Ulfhrahn did you? Cause if you did, there's no way people wouldn't notice a bull wyvern being led around :/

Edited by Kanami
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@ Lightning

That would most likely be the first thing she mentions to Conrad when she sees him ... other than "Thank you for the promotion!" and whatnot.

I was more of saying that he would have to deal with all the chaos before he gets the chance to review what happened.

^It involved time being spent for it afterwards, large fines, and quite a bit of exaggeration about how big of a problem the LoAF is at the time. Before you say "that's a terrible idea" note that I never said you would approve.

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@Nade: Lol. I know it's not very good. I basically took the first Eric's head, and replaced Lloyd's head with it. Feel free to rip on it.

Why a group cannot head to a capital city without some sort of violent event happening these days, is beyond me. -.-;

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Hmm well, it might be an idea to start on one of the two supports then (Morgan or Arrin) since I'm generally supporting the idea of only one support per chapter. (Cause I honestly don't want people establishing 4 different supports in one chapter) Though the one support per chapter is just an idea someone came up with and I support, not one that's enforced.

I suppose if Lacuna wants to prioritize the Arrin/Kelas, it could happen, doesn't really take much for a C. But I'd think a Tessa/Arrin she come before anything right now XD LOAF's most adorable couple XD

I almost forgot to reply to this.

Did we actually come to an agreement on that? In fact, I don't even remember the topic of multiple supports in a single chapter even coming up, though maybe I was more focused on other issues at the time. I don't see multi-supporting as unreasonable, provided the most important aspect of support believability it fulfilled, but I will gladly bow to group consensus on the matter.

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^It involved time being spent for it afterwards, large fines, and quite a bit of exaggeration about how big of a problem the LoAF is at the time.

Thought so,

-Time Spent afterwards: No need to put off the imprisonment *See last point*

-Large Fines: I assume some wealthy wealthy was going to pay our way out, or one of us would have an unimaginable amount of cash that came out of nowhere. (Either that or Damian pays us out)

-LoAF: Can I remind everyone that the world is not panicking at the demon lord returning? I know our objective is to kill/seal/eat/whatever the thing but if you went around preaching "The demon lord's returning" then you'd just be acknowledged as some lunatic.

Only sign of demons are Mesh and Ivanko fighting some mystery demons that can't even be verified, further details from Snowy after this post have sort of hinted that Ivanko might not have been fighting demons at all. Demons are a thing of the past in the current world, proof of this can be seen by the former heroes living laid back lives, and the population being more focused on maintaining their nation and repelling bandits (as well as my fire attacks)

To sum up all the above: :facepalm:

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I also think the 'one support per chapter' rule is a little arbitrary, as long as you've had enough interaction to bump up a support level the chapter it occurs in seems unecessary.

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There are plenty of ways Viveka would end up joining, but going with Conrad is the most realistic, and the best.

I didn't want Iso getting close to Viveka though, which is what would happen if Ivanko ever showed up. If what I just said confuses you, read the backstories. It should be obvious why they would end up being friends, though that's not what I intended, and I still would like to avoid that if I can.

Keep in mind, I didn't care whether or not it was the capital originally. I just needed a big city to launch subplots in. When it was confirmed that the capital was our destination, I decided to have them happen there. The group's wanted status doesn't have much effect on subplots or the LoAF as a whole. We only need to defeat him and make friends along the way.

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Perhaps. Back to the problem at hand, I guess. Iso and Irina are probably going to be hidden by Ixion, but that leaves everyone else. Are they going to be recapped, or are they going to hide, somehow?

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Did we actually come to an agreement on that? In fact, I don't even remember the topic of multiple supports in a single chapter even coming up, though maybe I was more focused on other issues at the time. I don't see multi-supporting as unreasonable, provided the most important aspect of support believability it fulfilled, but I will gladly bow to group consensus on the matter.

Think Snike suggested it(?) and it generally went untouched as we we're mainly busy contesting the Iso/Katie at the time. And going back a Kamilla/Eric would have been established right after Selizara if we were still using that system of supports. (Before they got back to Istample)

Depends, really. I mean I know a few of us can be reasonable with it, but I also know a few of us that can't. And I'm sort of inclined to cut off any chances of complications before they occur considering the frequency of arguments in here (mainly started by me). I'm happy with the current system of discussing possible support options, and then getting a general opinion before proceeding, so if you people want to allow it, I'm not entirely against multi-supports either.

Whatever the result I just want it to be paced. Don't want Tessa walking up to Morgan, gaining a C. Going back to her inn room right after and getting a C with Arrin, immediately. etc.

Edit: They could try to regroup at Istample I guess XD No idea, make another town or something? I doubt sleeping out in the open is a good option, and considering you were just arrested, you're probably not loaded with rations and stuff :/

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@ the support thing: I suggested it, but again, IDK if it was adopted.

@ Kai: Wow.

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I just remembered that we are escaping

Sorry i was partying last night and my brain isnt functioning as well as it should <_<

Nady bait. I have a feeling i know what is she going to say

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Crap! I missed it! What did he say?!

Anyway, about what just happened to Kiev ...


Irina: Concussion

Iso: Sprained limbs, and awkward moment with Stephanie

Kiev: Bleeding out

@ Kai

I was partying too but my head's just fine ... sorta.

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