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I'm willing to see how the coupon goes, (Red gem has a 10% chance of working). Don't mind who controls the guards we pass, but I'm going to take (or create if you people are mean) at least one guard :P To make it a challenge. :P


Hmmm? Ilyphina on fire? XD

Edited by Kanami
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@ Kai

Don't worry the water gun will be invented soon

@ Nady

Worse. At least if Ilyphina did catch on fire, the group could just slip away like they always do.

That's specifically concerning Iso's recapture that I mentioned.

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Not sure, Water/Ice is a basic element in most fantasy magic :/ I assume originally it was to maintain a triangle anima/dark/light. But can't imagine any reason why Ice/Water tomes didn't exist. Has been a bug in my closet since I first played FE :/

Iso+Caputure= Ilyphina on Fire :/

Doesn't even need to go as far as capture, soldier tapping his on the soldier would be enough XD

Edited by Kanami
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Guard: Ow! That water mage just splashed me!

Guard2: So?

Guard: ... ... ....

That's why.

@ Iso capture

I assumed Ilyphina was primarily stone walled buildings(extremely fire retardant) for some reason.

Edited by Phoenix
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Fimbulvetr was the ice based spell that was available only in GBA FE (As far as i know)

EDIT: Drown seems to be a good name for a water spell. Lol namesake

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Possible explanation: Maybe magic doesn't allow the creation of matter. Water/ice relies on actual materials; wind/thunder/fire are more of a transfer of energy. (Fire needs something capable of burning, but no specific substance.) Thus, water/ice magic wouldn't be practical unless you were very near/on a body of water.

I dunno, though.

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@Lacuna: Probably that.

There's also Rexcalibur in FE10 (also in FE9's data but it doesn't work correctly). It has a lot of ice in it. It's the SS Wind tome though. Also Blizzard, a long ranged wind tome in FE 4/5/9/10.

Edited by Lightning
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Your move, Nade.

@the material requiring thing: Makes sense, but Ice magic could be allowed, as it's basically turning down the temperature.

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The rp is steadily moving into FMA mindset :awesome:


Explanation for future Shanice attacks (RANGED)

Shanice specifically uses Ice projectiles by manipulating the wind. It flash freezes every last bit of moisture in the air and then spins them into spikes. Then tosses them.

The second technique is to pull moisture from its own body(in an emergency I suppose), and freeze it instead.

Edited by Phoenix
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@Phoenix <_< Brings in her explosives

@Kai, I budget FE, usually having my characters hold fire tomes and Iron swords in the later levels XD So I never used Fimbulvaya XD

@Lacuna, Water = H2O :/ Can't be too hard to transfer floating elements and create water, and freezing something is little different from burning. IMO opinion anyway, it'd be easier then dark magic XD

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@Lacuna, Water = H2O :/ Can't be too hard to transfer floating elements and create water, and freezing something is little different from burning. IMO opinion anyway, it'd be easier then dark magic XD

I dunno... Wind would be altering kinetic energy in the air, thunder would be altering charge, and fire would be altering heat energy. It all falls short of actual transmutation, which water magic would require.

Oh gosh.

Humankind cannot gain anything without first gi--- ~shot~


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Eh, who knows, Kai. Stranger things have happened.

Off topic: Lightning, how does Chase have an A in axes?

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Helios has an A in magic

General war crap

Again, missing the point. I didn't say A in Bows, I said A in Axes.

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