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-I'd rather hold out for the big battle Cynthia/Snowy will do sometime later in the chapter

This sorta implied that were talking about Snowy

Anyways i think it is best someone else other then Helios should advance

@ Rein: Use your imagination or something .There was a lot of force that knocked him into the tree. IDK <_<

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Seemed like he didn't care to me :/

Curious as to what that edit is for as well :P

Grammar Nazi took over. I just spaced good and reason, so they weren't two words.

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@ Rein: Use your imagination or something .There was a lot of force that knocked him into the tree. IDK <_<

... Missed the point completely. "Automatically knocked out" just makes no sense in context. If I stabbed someone, would I say they automatically started to bleed? No, I would just say he started to bleed.

Kinda being hypocritical but w/e.

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He's dead, regardless. >.>

Anyways, waiting for someone else to post before I lead the group into the city.

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@Ether, one thing I keep forgetting is Celeste

She recognized Aiya as a Halton soldier on sight, kind of lucky of her to have noticed a small crest while fighting eachother in mid-air eh? And you didn't complain back then. Which gives me a precedent.

If you're going to argue that Celeste knew via description of Aiya, then I'm more then overjoyed to comply with your wishes and retcon this incident :D

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I had to go for something quick.

I guess it'll have to stay by now,but as a note,Aiya would have cried rape,and the group would have backed her up so long as they aren't morons.The soldiers in Elyisimia have been extensively shown to be perverts...well,most of the nation...but anyway,so they couldn't really deny it,and the group has more eyes than the guards there.Despite being soldiers,they have a known horniness issue,so word against word,the group would have to prevail.

But anyway,I'm starting to wonder if you will ever do anything worth keeping you around for? <_<

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Soldier = Horny?

I'm knew to this idea :/ I recall the border guards being like that, but can't say the same for any other guards we've come across :/

Eric and Kamilla weren't around at the time of the border incident, so "whole group" is a bit of an overstatement.

I don't see how that scenario "word against word" would result in guards letting the group in without being searched :/

I'm not trying to shift the blame, but I feel like I was essentially challenged to see if I could counter Snike bribe/attempt, But I'd have intervened and done the same even without the challenge so it's no big deal.

Hmm? You want a reason for keeping me around? Can I question what the point of keeping you around then is?

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She has a point. What is the point of keeping you both around :blink:

These border guards didnt seem to have much .......... sexual excitement

They seem ready to arrest and kill then grope

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Right. Now, I'm sort of going to resolve the whole crest issue. Just wondering if it's OK if the Jerdon crest can be a quick solve to that.

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The town guards,the soldiers at Selizara.There are plenty of examples of horny soldiers around Elyisimia,and the whole nation is known for partying and the like.

If it comes down to the soldier being unable to prove or convince people he didn't try to rape her,they get through on a "sorry for troubling you" while the soldier is arrested/interrogated.

As for why I am around,I actually don't exist to seemingly fuck up everyone at every goddamn turn.I'm annoyed as hell today,so I'm probably being rather harsh,but I'm starting to understand what people have been saying about you.

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Mark has a Septemian Crest on his shoulder

Ian is a mercenary from Septemia so i doubt he would have a crest

I was referring to the Halton crest. Just waiting on opinions, before I post and have to retcon. >.>

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@ Nady's sabotage

At first I was grouchy that morning I was bitching about her, but since we found an inch and a half of common ground, I've decided to simply chalk up Nady's activities as a decent challenge and try to laugh it off if at all possible -_-

@ Nady specifically

Nothing ever fazes you does it? :/

@ Lightning

lol at Earthshaker falling :lol:

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1st:Ah Selizara guards, forgot about them, But I still wouldn't attribute 3 guards(?) as enough to label the whole nation horny soldier land :/

And the horny Selizara guys were with Esphyr only from what I can remember, likewise Aiya wouldn't know about them.

2nd: So you're saying, if a woman calls "rape" she can get away with whatever she wants? Mind you, the group is under extreme suspicion as it is already, bribes, timing, appearance, numbers, being armed. None of this works in their favor, the only reason they'd have to trust Eric at this point would be.... well just his words, and they don't count for much.

3rd:Okay, so the point of me being here is to "seemingly fuck up everyone at every goddamn turn"

But that doesn't answer my question of what the point of you being here is?

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I'm Murphy-rod. >.>

But answer my question, people?

Edited by Snike
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The horny Elyisimian guards is akin to the Catholic priest molester stereotype. It's not true for all of them, but the ratio warrants caution. With criminals running around, they'd at least search the armed group. Nail the girls as an alternative to arrest maybe :awesome::facepalm: XD

@ Nady

Ether's here because he claimed the lance before I did.

@ Ether

Nady's here because we'll grow complacent without her.

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Lightning is the wanted person

EDIT: Oh let me judge them

@ Ether: Nady is here to keep the level of good and evil balanced :lol: I cant believe that i said that

@ Nady: Ether is here to be that dude that makes his own characters fall in love

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Well, if Damian and Aiya drop from the face of the planet,Halton is gonna be a bitch when it comes down to it.And when I'm here,I do as well as I can to advance the plot,a near direct opposite of you.

Those are just examples.The whole nation of Elyisimia is known to be frivolous,and it has been shown more than once to be true.

The red gem was attached to the letter.Granted,not removing it is a bad move,but armed groups are far from uncommon with so many bandits around.The group members themselves are not known very well at all,aside from Damian,Chase,and Isotov,and again,due to

prementioned bandits being common,travelling in decent sized groups would be more common than not.

But whatever.I only have 25 minutes left,and I'm not using it to bicker with you.I'm having a bad day today,so ignore this,whatever,you win.

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