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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Nady specifically

Nothing ever fazes you does it? :/

Not when the other party is getting too emotional, what would the point of being fazed by that be? I knew I was going to clash with Ether sooner or later since chapter1 of this RP, so I've actually long been expecting this. Would even go as far as saying it's a bit late.

Tell you what, I'll give you the same deal I gave theonefate. If you can get 50% of the Rp'ers to tell me to get lost, then I'll withdraw myself from this RP, and never bother all of you here again. I tried this with theonefate, and he gave me a list of names. But whether everyone wanted me gone at the time was questionable since I didn't confirm everyone's opinions.

@Snike, How does Jerdon's crest resolve anything? I mean, Snike isn't listed or even described as someone on the wanted list is he?

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Not when the other party is getting too emotional, what would the point of being fazed by that be? I knew I was going to clash with Ether sooner or later since chapter1 of this RP, so I've actually long been expecting this. Would even go as far as saying it's a bit late.

Tell you what, I'll give you the same deal I gave theonefate. If you can get 50% of the Rp'ers to tell me to get lost, then I'll withdraw myself from this RP, and never bother all of you here again. I tried this with theonefate, and he gave me a list of names. But whether everyone wanted me gone at the time was questionable since I didn't confirm everyone's opinions.

@Snike, How does Jerdon's crest resolve anything? I mean, Snike isn't listed or even described as someone on the wanted list is he?

A) Eric, not Snike.

B: It resolves the crest issue posed by Aiya, for the mini group. Just replace the Halton crest with the Jerdon one. If it doesn't work, then she has to ditch the armor or repaint it, or something.

Edit: Some teacher get on your case, or something, Ether?

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@ 50% get lost bit

Yeah ... let's not go that far just yet.

In other news ... I'm working on an extra Viveka sprite soley for the purpose of future humor within the rp itself ^_^

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@ Phoenix: Cool. Speaking of sprites, I might ask you about doing one for Eric or Dani, at some point in the RP, if you don't mind...

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Just general annoyances building up,and caving in on me today with a conflict.Not going into it,because if i don't let myself calm down,I'll ragequit the whole damn site.

So glad I'm graduating next Friday >_>

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@ Phoenix: Cool. Speaking of sprites, I might ask you about doing one for Eric or Dani, at some point in the RP, if you don't mind...

You want them both done FE10 style rather than GBA?(I'd do FE9 but something about that is bugging the tar out of me lately :/ )

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Trying to do them GBA myself right now, but I like FE10 style better, honestly.

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Well, if Damian and Aiya drop from the face of the planet,Halton is gonna be a bitch when it comes down to it.And when I'm here,I do as well as I can to advance the plot,a near direct opposite of you.

Advance the plot? I think you mean your support?

Might be my lack of understanding but I've seldom seen Damian or Aiya take the initiate to advance the plot.

According to my classification you're a responsive Rp'er not an initiative Rp'er.

Only time I've seen your plot advancing characters do anything noticeable is when they're waving Halton in everyone's faces, and abusing the name of the heroes and their greatness :/

Those are just examples.The whole nation of Elyisimia is known to be frivolous,and it has been shown more than once to be true. Hmm, if the whole nation is frivolous, chances are, their law system is adapted to suit their way of life. Furthermore I'd like to see someone argue rape, when rape hasn't been commited. Accusations are fine, but like you said, it's word against word. And eventually Aiya's Halton background would come out, and then It's the word of an Elysimmian soldier, against a Haltonian. Guess which one they'll side with?

The red gem was attached to the letter.Granted,not removing it is a bad move,but armed groups are far from uncommon with so many bandits around.The group members themselves are not known very well at all,aside from Damian,Chase,and Isotov,and again,due to

prementioned bandits being common,travelling in decent sized groups would be more common than not.

"So many bandits around" and they let the group pass with an unverified story? The group has been proven to be dangerous. And most likely information of them being armed has gone around. Being armed is a reason for suspicion, not for guilt, if they were unarmed 5 year old village girls then they'd get a lot less attention then had they been armed right? You're going with a "proven until proven guilty" ideology, that doesn't work at gates, cause it's the other way around.

But whatever.I only have 25 minutes left,and I'm not using it to bicker with you.I'm having a bad day today,so ignore this,whatever,you win.

Why would you type it if you want me to ignore it? That's no fun :/

Hmmm, *Is contemplating saying words like "coward" and "run away!" to rile Ether up :/

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@ Snike

Thank God almighty for PhotoPlus :awesome:

@ Everyone

No new posts? Crapazoid! >_< (must ... not ... double ... poooost!!)

@ Nady

Nady you didn't :facepalm:

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I'm working on one. Just need an OK for it.

Edit: It being the crest idea. I don't want to have to go retcon it, after the fact.

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It makes having weapons not an issue,as well as the group size.

When someone accuses someone of attempted rape,they don't just hold them outside until they are done investigating the person


But whatever.The guards are dead,somethings gonna happen,and there is no point arguing with you.Enjoy your victory.

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It makes having weapons not an issue,as well as the group size.

If you break things up then sure, but coupled with the groups timing, condition(appearance) neither of the two points help. Have weapons=no effect is a false statement, 'Have weapons' under any circumstance makes the opposition a bit more edgy, nevrous, suspicious, (take your pick in words) Remember, this it to be combined with the issue of timing.

When someone accuses someone of attempted rape,they don't just hold them outside until they are done investigating the person accused.

Hmm, so they ignore the possibility of a threat and just give them the thumbs up? And let them through?

But whatever.The guards are dead,somethings gonna happen,and there is no point arguing with you.Enjoy your victory.

Poor, poor guards,

There's no point in arguing with me? Really? In that case I request you just do whatever I say in future to save you the trouble XD

Enjoy victory? I haz victory? Yay?

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OK, I'm just going to step in, because it's technically my fault for reacting a bit hastily.

Here's how I see it: The guards' suspicion based on the weaponry was a bit over the top. IIRC, weakest standing military, so of course people would protect themselves.

Crying rape would have brought more attention to the group, which is a BAD thing.

While I admit that the story was a bit shaky, it could have been allowed, considering they were probably looking for mounted units.

As for killing the guards, it was necessary. They've seen the group, and would hound them if not killed when they were about to arrest them. Killing the guards would raise the alarm, but the group could easily be lost amid the townspeople, and as such, less likely to be caught.

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What a sour way to end the night.I apologize for my attitude,I'm usually not so...raegy...as for your final,non-"yay I win" comment, >__________________________________________>

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