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I should probably remind you guys that Iso doesn't actually know that he likes Katie. To him, he's on a mission to rescue his attractive school teacher from a bunch of assholes.


Better description in profile. His behavior isn't inhibited by consciousness.

Edited by Phoenix
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Iso should be able to recognize his feelings pretty easily if he pieces together the fact that he only talks to people he likes sometimes his liking for these people based upon extremely arbitrary reasoning

Where is Irina anyway? You should get her a harness. I know Amari doesn't need one, but Amari's smart enough not to run off.

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Iso should be able to recognize his feelings pretty easily if he pieces together the fact that he only talks to people he likes sometimes his liking for these people based upon extremely arbitrary reasoning

Where is Irina anyway? You should get her a harness. I know Amari doesn't need one, but Amari's smart enough not to run off.

Piecing things together is Morgan's job. Iso's more focused on protecting Irina than figuring out feelings.

Irina's at TISME. Kiev has a saddle if that's what you're referring to. They're both just standing around hoping the others show up.

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Must go, but I'll help wreck things tomorrow ... wait ... that's Nady's line ... I'll help with ... other stuff .... :/

Goodnight Dears :P


@ Cynthia

Irina was running like hell to escape the ten(now dead) soldiers that surrounded them in the church. She found the academy by accident because she ventured too far into the city trying to stay away from the sniper towers.

Okay later.


Wait a second! Iso's clinginess makes plenty of sense! >_<

He's been watching people he cares about die constantly for ten years while assassins try to capture him. He hasn't enjoyed long lasting relationships as a whole. I'd be hurting for some friends myself, love interests or other. Add to that the fact that he has no idea how he feels at any given moment, and there's nothing wrong with clinginess. Do I even need to mention the mage trio that kidnapped one of the only three people in the group that Iso actually cares about?

Edited by Phoenix
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Wait a second! Iso's clinginess makes plenty of sense! >_<

He's been watching people he cares about die constantly for ten years while assassins try to capture him. He hasn't enjoyed long lasting relationships as a whole. I'd be hurting for some friends myself, love interests or other. Add to that the fact that he has no idea how he feels at any given moment, and there's nothing wrong with clinginess. Do I even need to mention the mage trio that kidnapped one of the only three people in the group that Iso actually cares about?

As it is my honourable duty to flame anyone who makes stupid comments I'm going to flame you now. Please wait while I process this application




Thank you, commencing flaming.

Physiologically, I'd say the exact opposite applies, having watched people he cares dying constantly he'd have grown dis-attached from people as a whole, making it harder for him to mingle with others. This has already been demonstrated by his general attitude to everyone else. And you've mentioned it several times yourself. You can't say he's not really interested in anyone due to losing friends one moment, then start saying he's extremely clingy due to losing friends the next.

This case isn't like when you say "I wish you'd die" then the person dies in an accident. Cause technically it's not your fault. In Iso's case it 'IS' his fault, at least partially, and I'd of thought such a predicament would make him distance himself from those he cares about (Eg Leaving Irina)

The mage trio kidnapping Katie, might anger Iso,he might even try (and most definitely will) save Katie. However, saving someone who might be in potential danger (life risking danger) and being clingy are two separate things.

I still think Isotov's emotions towards Katie are way too strong, it's not something you do to someone you've barely known for three days. Of which, most of the time, you've spent more time running away then actually bonding. It's your character, and Iso/Katie doesn't really affect me so it's none of my business, but as the resident 'Hag' that no one likes, I feel I need to tell you, that Isotov isn't making any sense.

I'm looking forward to your implementation of Viveka, since your usage of Irina is rather poor, she feels more like a support character to Iso's past and character than an actual individual character. You've assured us that she has her own story to tell, and that it would happen once we arrived at the capitol, (or any large city) yet the only things I've been seeing are more Isotov plot stuff. So I hope the Phoenix didn't lie to me like Lightning did :/

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You didn't see Titanic did you? Well it goes like this. Guy meets girl, guy has sex with girl in less than three days, guy dies, girl lives for like a hundred and seven years or something. The End :mellow:

Other stuff:

Not all decisions a character makes can be based on logic. That's not realistic. I'd expect people ... cw wielders especially to make irrational choices every couple of months. Leaving Irina was the only thing he could think of at the time to protect her. Now that's she's with the others, that obviously can't work anymore.

Katie is important to Iso for a lot of reasons. Only known her for a few days isn't much of a hurdle when you consider what's going through his head. She's flirty, and he'd recently gotten used to something similar if you read the last part of the backstory. Anyway, I'll leave the holes in this for now because I need to go to bed. Later.

Irina's subplots and such all depend heavily on supports from other characters(more specifically, her subplots are mostly revealing lost info), so I can't truly develop her without help. Iso's subplots don't rely on interaction so they'll run themselves so to speak. Hers rely solely on building up supports and revealing information, so hers will take a lot longer.

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Not all decisions a character makes can be based on logic. That's not realistic. I'd expect people ... cw wielders especially to make irrational choices every couple of months.

Morgan's decisions are all supposed to be based on logic, though the logic may be faulty in some cases.

Agreeing with Nady. Iso could certainly be angry about Katie being gone, but the feelings are coming out way too strong (some of it made me gag a little). She gave him some sandwiches and they talked that one time, that's not a very strong bond yet. The Iso/Katie bond is coming out stronger than the Iso/Irina bond, which doesn't make sense (part of the problem probably being because Irina's about as developed personality wise as Ian at this point). It all feels rather contrived.

As an RPer I would have liked to interact with Kamilla, but in character I can't really justify Morgan caring enough to give her an indepth explanation.

As for the loss of friends/clinginess deal, it can go both ways, but Iso definitely seems like he pushes people away more than he clings to them. Tessa is a good example of someone who clings due to the previous losses in their life and I'm not seeing Tessa and Isotov as similar.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Query regarding Isotov/Katie: How much does Isotov see Katie as herself, and how much does he see her as a new Miranda? If he's subconsciously seeing her as a replacement, that could explain things a bit. Of course, it also means that things will likely go Very Badly after relevant parties work out what's going on; certainly no way to begin a relationship that will work out well.

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"Looks like they're on their way down the street there. How are we going to vanish that quickly, now?"

Are there guards coming down the street? If so, how many?

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They aren't visible yet, near as I can tell, but yeah, they're coming down the street. I just figured that if they're five or so minutes from arriving, they'll be within noticing distance of the townspeople; townspeople will hurry to get out of the way when they see a largish group of soldiers; Kelas recognizes them as getting out of the way, and deduces that the soldiers are about to arrive. As for numbers, I don't know; all I got from Phoenix's posts was "many".

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Just getting on to say I'll be handing off character controls to whoever needs them until tomorrow night. I screwed up and only have an hour today.

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It's so difficult to fit in every little reason. Red time.

You know the drill -_-

Morgan's decisions are all supposed to be based on logic, though the logic may be faulty in some cases. Makes sense.

Agreeing with Nady. Iso could certainly be angry about Katie being gone, but the feelings are coming out way too strong (some of it made me gag a little). She gave him some sandwiches and they talked that one time, that's not a very strong bond yet. The Iso/Katie bond is coming out stronger than the Iso/Irina bond, which doesn't make sense (part of the problem probably being because Irina's about as developed personality wise as Ian at this point). It all feels rather contrived. You're not a guy, you wouldn't understand, and you have a weak stomach. Suffice to say, it's not the bond that's strong. Iso just doesn't have inhibited emotions like the rest of us. Ever hear a deaf person talk? They can't sense the volume they use and therefore tend to come out as strong as they feel. This is the same thing.

As an RPer I would have liked to interact with Kamilla, but in character I can't really justify Morgan caring enough to give her an indepth explanation. For the same reason, Iso and Morgan must remain completely unacquainted. Same with Iso and Aiya, and Iso and Helios XD

As for the loss of friends/clinginess deal, it can go both ways, but Iso definitely seems like he pushes people away more than he clings to them. Tessa is a good example of someone who clings due to the previous losses in their life and I'm not seeing Tessa and Isotov as similar. They aren't similar. Iso's being clingy partially do to friend/foe ratio too. Think of it from his perspective for a second. Katie, Kelas, and Irina are the only people he can come up to and approach at this point. Irina's his sister but she's more or less a tad bit distant after Iso's sucker punch. Kelas is trustworthy but tends to show up at odd times, and Lacuna and I should probably set up more convos in advance, and Katie is generally available.

Query regarding Isotov/Katie: How much does Isotov see Katie as herself, and how much does he see her as a new Miranda? If he's subconsciously seeing her as a replacement, that could explain things a bit. Of course, it also means that things will likely go Very Badly after relevant parties work out what's going on; certainly no way to begin a relationship that will work out well. Iso doesn't actually compare Katie to Miranda, though I won't argue that subconsciously, she's definitely a breath of fresh air for him. He didn't lose emotional awareness until after Miranda died and the seal in his head shattered. He sees her as one of only three people he can safely interact with. Haven't you ever made a fast friend simply because you were alone? It's not like at some outing with your friends where there's so many people to talk to that you have to ration yourself out to everyone.

I've got to act with Iso's psychological mindset present, and as weird as it seems, it's necessary to portray it like this. Maybe if people would stop complaining about fire, Iso would be more inclined to venture beyond Katie's glorious bosom? :/ :P

How many guards?

... ... ... enough for a stat battle I suppose -_-

@ Snike

Hi Snike :)

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Suicide would be difficult.

Hmm... Let's make a list of theme songs our characters would have!

Chase- Escala: Palladio

Helios- FE10 Wheeling Corby seems fitting















Try not to suggest a theme song for your own character unless you think it fits extremely well.

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I wouldn't mind it so much if Iso's reasons for associating with certain people weren't entirely arbitrary. How did he even determine 'friends and foes'?

It's not as if Kelas and Katie were particularly inviting or anything. How are they friends, but Isotov can never be friends with Arrin, or Mark, or any number of people he never interacted with? I can see him not wanting to talk to Morgan or some other characters who were unpleasant towards him, but more than those 3 people have been nice/neutral towards him.

It's as if you picked 2 names out of a hat (and Irina, which was planned from the start) and decided Isotov would form emotional bonds with them. I guess it isn't *wrong* persay, but it comes off as very forced and unnatural. Perhaps it's part of you making lots of plans and thus being unable to go with the flow.

Isotov both has uninhibited emotions, yet isn't aware of them? That seems contradictory to me.

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