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No, Ether's just lucky. Back on track... Why do I feel the bandits are going to own the soldiers?

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It happens everywhere in the modern world.

Well,atleast in North America,I've heard tell of it in Europe,but i cannot confirm that.Either way,look at the media and you will see how idealized sex is.

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I'm assuming Lacuna's rampaging NPC, and Kamilla telling Tessa (which will most likely lead to her wanting to go see Morgan due to Kamilla implying injury) should be enough reason for Tessa to go, which in turn should help Arrin and anyone else who cares about Tessa, leading to Kelas, leading to Kelas's acquaintances. etc.

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So,whoever walks in on Damian's position,I wonder how that'll work out...

For non-retcon purposes,Damian woke up during the night,around when this is happening,I never did say when he woke up,afterall.

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Like I said,he is figuratively tethered to the bed,and doesn't know what's going on outside.

Someone has to find him,or Esphyr needs to wake up,before he and Aiya are awake and ready.

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When Cynthia feels like it :/ If she doesn't do it soon, I'll stat them and make them Lightning style XD

Just to make things clear, the bandits aren't attacking TISME, nor are they standing around infront of the gate (seiging) They've already gotten into the city. So while running to a watchtower is all nice and well, expect a good portion of mages to get slaughtered, since they're going to lose their range factor if they come across a group when heading to the watchtowers. (Which I'm assuming are on the gates and not random towers dotted throughout the capitol.

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Looks like the bandit raid is postponing that.

If you want to take part in what looks like it'll be an RP battle,then Esphyr can wake up and we can notice the commotion,if not,it seems the others have forgotten our existence.

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Preview, banzai. Saved myself from having to slight recon.

In other news...

Someone poke him with a stick or something

Or better yet send Tessa there

That will turn him on and then he will get up

Lol...I can imagine Tessa walking in on them sleeping like that,and having absolutely no idea what is going on,what to do,what to say,etc.

...That's crazy enough it just might work, though, to be fair, Tessa honestly has no idea which room you all are in and probably isn't in the mood to be banging down doors all night looking for you. Maybe we can work something out, regardless, though...

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Sorry Naddy, it dun work like that. Namely; because the mages aren't part of the military, and thusly are not stationed on the watch towers. HOWEVER, Percy might be... And... well... He got WAY better.

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I was thinking she just notices something about one room and decides to take a look,thinking a little help would be nice,then BAM!,decent sized chunk of the group get!

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Forgetting their existence is pretty reasonable, since the only thing Damian's done at TISME so far is have alone time with Esphyr joined by Aiya. Morgan/Kelas/etc. could very well not know that he ever returned.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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