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Gotta love Invisible Castle. Throwing away bad rolls is impossible due to the fact that the only time you could do it is if you weren't using the sort of information that's exactly needed to provide the legitimacy of a good roll.

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Gotta love Invisible Castle. Throwing away bad rolls is impossible due to the fact that the only time you could do it is if you weren't using the sort of information that's exactly needed to provide the legitimacy of a good roll.

You could just keep hitting the back button and trying again til you get a good roll. Why do I keep incriminating myself? :facepalm:

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You could just keep hitting the back button and trying again til you get a good roll. Why do I keep incriminating myself? :facepalm:

All of your rolls are logged. If you're just skipping over bad rolls, it will be obvious because there will be way too many in the list. Example, your rolls are legit.

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Hmm, due to this interesting find, I'm going to suggest making it compulsory to have a word in the "name" which identifies that it's you. Cause technically, I could type

I win

Beast Roll




For 5 rolls and while it would be suspicious, there's no way to verify it's all done by the same person, furthermore titles like "I AM A MONSTA" are pretty much unnecessary. I probably will find people out either way, but it makes things easier for your defense if the rule is applied.


They're logged, hence the point of a tracker site.

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All of your rolls are logged. If you're just skipping over bad rolls, it will be obvious because there will be way too many in the list. Example, your rolls are legit.

Awesome!! People can trust me now!! B)

I didn't think Invisible Castle would somehow make the rp even more fun! :blink:

@ Cuddles


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I wonder when he will show again.

On another note,maybe Aiya should have gotten a vengeance hit on Reika,as with the same rolls,she would have taken a massive chunk out of her(10 Mt),and gotten *tink*'d in return...

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Double win since the non-cheaters don't have me pointing the finger at them :P And I get convicting evidence of the naughty naughties :P And I'm assuming Kai fled :/ *sigh* Well I guess there isn't anything he could say in his defense. Hmm, retconning it I guess. :/

@Phoenix, any chance I can get a simplifed stat on Iso and Irina?

I can try figuring out Irina, but Iso has 0 Mag according to your stat sheet :/

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Wouldn't he have been KO'd by the counter,though.

I told him that,and it is probably why he did it,sorry guys.Of course,this assumes he didn't plan on it anyway.

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@Phoenix, any chance I can get a simplifed stat on Iso and Irina?

I can try figuring out Irina, but Iso has 0 Mag according to your stat sheet :/

I goofed when I made Iso's statsheet and didn't bother correcting it until a later date.

Irina's Stats: HP:4 STR: 3+1 MAG: 0 SKL: 3+1 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 3 RES 0

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 3+1 Hit: 3+1 Evade: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 0

Isotov's Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 4+1 SKL: 3+1 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 1 Res: 4

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 4+1 Hit: 3+1 Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 4

Everything in order?

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Helios apparently has 6 evade, so Reika's counter would have missed I think. I'll admit that Kai got lucky with his role, but that was after cheating XD

Was planning on attacking Iso/Irina, but their stats are vague <_<

Iso has no Mag

And Irina's application stat sheet is crazy.

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I made a few roles for Chase but I remembered he couldn't attack (the rolls also messed up by accident). So you guys can just ignore those if you see them.

EDIT: Wait, so Kai cheated? That's lame. He should get no EXP for that attack either because cheating just ruins the fun.

Edited by Lightning
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Well, if we're retconning things, and Helios got knocked out. I guess I heal Esphyr instead?

*waits for confirmation before going to edit*

Heal Irina, dammit! Please? ;_;

@ Cuddles

Go to previous page for stats.

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Irina's hurt too? Sorry, I had to mod for my mafia game and only skimmed the enemy phase rolls for candidates. I'll look at the rest of them now too.

Edit: 1/9 is more pressing than 6/12. Even if that means Esphyr is still liable to be one-shotted, in-character Tessa will go for the most badly wounded as priority.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Speaking of why Reika's attack missing, why double me anyway? :/

Ah well, lost my Reika roll (Pretty sure it was a miss from both Helios and Reika)

Then after that I'm going to have to calc battles <_<

I hate this part of the battle XD

EDIT: Found it

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@ Cuddles

Ignore HP 9+1. It's actually HP 9, and MAG 4+1

@ Bal

Darn it, Esphyr! I have to make Irina take her last vul so she doesn't get Reikafied! >_<

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Even if I could, I've got no reason to post. Irina is out cold, and Iso is useless with half hp. *sigh* This is why I like having two healers around Priscilla can always pick up Serra's slack, and usually does.

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My time is running thin...

If in 40 mins the combat isn't decided,you guys can use Damian/Aiya for combat.Considering half the party is out cold,you may need them.

Actually,how is the party status,and who is left of the enemies?

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