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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Kai, I assume that's directed at me, but I'm not sure what you mean.

Are you asking why was Reika being so hostile in Darien?

If so read profile, or just remember her hatred towards Halton, and Damian leading the group back then.

If you're asking something else, please be more clear.

@Rein: I'm listening :P *Acting as detterent*

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Yes it was directed at you

And if i remember correctly she said something about corrupt Halton soldiers ruining her life

Thing is i know that why

Helios doesn't

Edited by Kai-Sama
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You wouldnt have wonCess is on a higher Tier then HeliosUnder Morgan i guess

Yeah I realize that. Thought would it just be because she went first?

And um....how?

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I suppose I might as well update this for teh lulz.

Lord of Azure Flame Tier list

-No arguing your own guys.

-No flaming

-Join time is irrelevant: it's based on a percentage of usefulness

Top tier:




High tier:




Mid tier:






Low tier:




Bottom tier:


Edited by Lightning
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I don't understand why Helios needs to know :/

I had an idea that would remove the uselessness of B and S supports (statwise). Currently C has the same bonuses as B and A has the same bonuses as S. So I had an idea- what if at C and A levels you only got your bonus? Let's take, for example, a Wind/Ice support.

C support: Wind affinity person gets +1 hit, Ice affinity person gets +1 def.

B support: Both people get +1 hit and def.

A support: Wind affinity person gets +2 hit and 1 def, Ice affinity person gets +1 hit and 2 def.

S support: Both people get +2 hit and def.

Sounds good, no?

I'll discuss this here, since I really want to avoid making too many posts in feedback since SFStaff have indicated they want Feedback to be used mainly for *Non-Rp'er Feedback*

I think it's the closest thing we've got to a workable system at the moment, a mixture of current suggestions and one that works. I like it, but would like to make an enquiry regarding stacking support stats. And how this would handle that.

@Tiers: While I don't mind (due to not seeing a point in the tier list) May I ask why Reika is on bottom tier?

Edited by Kanami
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I mean he is going to ask Isotov about that letter

@ Tier list: I am going argue Arrin down. His two speed isnt helping him double

Edited by Kai-Sama
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You get support bonuses from all your partners.

I guess this system works, but I would still like to drop the level of the Damian/Aiya support.

Esphyr is missing.

I'm assuming because she's a negative to the group due to attacking them. Although that really should take her off the list entirely IMO. Replace her with Katie?

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Kamilla was supposed to be high tier

Esphyr was higher then Helios on mid tier

Reika can easily make high tier for her 9 evade

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Kai <_< You're not making any sense, Reika and Isotov's letter have no connection whatsoever. Therefore the letter is not an adequate response, and if Helios is curious as to Reika's past, then what's the point in asking me "what the deal is" in OoC, reminding me you know her past, then telling me Helios doesn't?

If Helios is curious, might as well just ask her in the RP? Though being on hostile terms with Helios (more so then others) she's unlikely to answer


Dropping Damian/Aiya isn't something I can argue any further, it's clear it unbalancing the characters, and I'd like it reduced to a "C", at the very least a "B" :/

I've pestered you and Snowy enough I think, and if you two (or Snowy) is refusing, there's not much else I can do regarding the matter.

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@ Nady: She said something about it before. Helios tried getting more out of her but she attacked. And i never said anything about the letter and Reika having any connection. It was to support the fact that he is nosy and often interferes with other peoples business

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Then i think it is time to establish a magic triangle

I propose

Wind > Fire

Fire > Thunder

Thunder > Wind

Dark > All Anima

Light < All Anima

Light > Dark

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:/ Try Rp'ing that instead of telling us that. From my perspective he's not nosy at all, and seems content in doing his own little thing away from the group. I do recall that conversation, but considering that ended with her being knocked out I doubt she's in a mood to continue talking to you where she left off.

In any case, he doesn't seem very nosy if he's just saying "fool" every few lines and then walking off :/

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Then i think it is time to establish a magic triangle

I propose

Wind < Fire

Fire < Thunder

Thunder < Wind

Dark < All Anima

Light < All Anima

Light < Dark

If Snowy hasnt made one yet i propose this


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Kamilla was supposed to be high tier

Esphyr was higher then Helios on mid tier

Reika can easily make high tier for her 9 evade

Kamilla doesn't participate in most battles so that drops her.


Lolno. She hurts the group much much more than she actually helps.

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If Snowy hasnt made one yet i propose this Thoughts?

I dont recall Snowy ever making oneRegardless light fails against Anima

I swear I saw that as Light > Anima. Oh well. Then okay I guess.

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