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No one calculates gold though, not that I'm aware of, I decided to impose upon the group scrapping gold until a better system was established, and now that it has, well I guess it's not a bad idea to re-introduce it. Though people will most likely need to keep track of their own gold.

I suggested making an item shop earlier but no one would contribute :/ (ages ago)

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Heading for the kitchen now, are they? Hmm... NPCs with skillets...

(How are they not exhausted, anyway?)

Or I could just start making threats about crack pairings again, I suppose.

@Shop: Yeah, it's a good idea. Specifically: Vulneraries are a good idea.

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(We have someone who suffers from fatigue, at least... Hey Nady! I'm being realistic! Do I get bonus points or something?)

^Elixir's are for late game only man!

Edited by Lightning
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The problem with items is that we haven't really made any sort of funds total for anyone, so some characters are going to ahve very high amounts of money.

Some people just refuse to sleep apparently.

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I'm not sure how most of them are still up, Kamilla rested before the bandit appeared, and went to sleep upstairs right after, so she's had a good few hours of sleep. The rest..... well I'm going to assume they're going to say something along the lines of sleeping alot the day before (afternoon-midnight) so they don't need to sleep, which most likely means they'll either fall asleep in the afternoon, or are going to come up with the "My character is used to not sleeping" excuse.

Katie, I don't know, but Isotov/Damian/Irina and Aiya should be relatively tired. Stephanie likewise was asleep most of the time.

Helios, and any others..... well they're also super humans. *Shrugs*

@Rein: Good boy? *Pats rein on the head awkwardly, now here's a bone, go fetch.

@Gold, I'd just suggesting scrapping all items held onto and old gold and starting new.

Edited by Kanami
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Please tell me we aren't going to start with S Drinks and fatigue (battle style fatigue) , cause then it's a long slippery slope to capturing, and maybe weird status staves like Berserk and Stone.

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Eric has 5-10 Gold, and a red gem, but the latter's plot money.

Also, he slept... sort of.

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Iso is tired, but that's never stopped him from doing stuff. Irina got knocked out for nearly two hours so she's tired, though not as tired as Iso is. they'll probably hit the hay after succeeding or failing at a bacon cooking fest.

@ Store

Cuddles suggested one before? Well ... I would bring up the collab issue again, but her statement kind of proved the entire point for me.

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We have the amount of gold we entered with plus three for the people who fought in the first bandit skirmish

FYI they were








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@Psych, not bloody likely :/

I'm against anything that seems to complicate the battle system anymore then it already is, and even items are a stretch for me. But I'm willig to see what people can come up with.

Kamilla and Reika have whatever they started with since I haven't used any items. But the latter was robbed by a certai shamaness XD

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Regarding the Bacon, Kamilla's ran off, and I'll promise to make her not remember it until out next inn stop, so can you please try to not stretch TISME's reasonability any further then giving us free lodging? Free access to the kitchen (most likely full of chefs or students) and them providing free food is.... starting to irk me, and Lacuna has a valid point on everyone's fatigue levels.

Timeskip to afternoon, then we can go deal with Mesh.

-Deal with other crap

-Deal with bacon/cake.

EDIT: Double posted >_< Need to stop doing that XD

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*waits for Snowy to come back*

So, uh, if we're reintroducing items, would it just be consumables?

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@Items: Regarding non-consumables, I'd prefer they be excluded with the exception of plot stuff like the whatever dolls that Cess has, which should just be given to him on default, unless they do something specific.

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Yeah. Skill scrolls and any stat-boosters should be out, as well. That wouldn't be fair to the skill-users/non skill-users, at all.

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