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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Hmm so the caps got abolished? Very well, I don't want to hear complaints when no one can land a hit on Reika later on in PvP. Since you people had your chance.

If people are going to argue "I don't see why we should follow varying caps an archer should be as fast as a myrm" then I don't see the need for secondary weapons and will re-establish their demolition. They're not necessary, the weapon triangle seldom comes into effect. (And when it does it 1extra dmg boohoo).

I've noticed pretty much everyone complaining the issue in regards to Evade <_< And Nady is demanding enemies henceforth have at least 5 HIT, to compensate for characters who have ridiculously high Evade when their class really shouldn't have.

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I also agree we should abolish secondary weapons. It makes it way too easy to get out of WTD if you control anything more than 1 weapon type (cough Helios and Mark having multiple weapon types cough).

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Might as well Third the motion. My characters don't suffer. I'll just make Derek a Merc.

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Yeah,secondary weapons are kinda useless.

If given precedent,some people might still be able to have them. Nomadic tribes have a natural affinity with blades in FE lore,and Kelas has a potential teacher,one of the mages who is closeish to Tessa(most likely Morgan),may learn to use staves,but no one needs crazy amounts of extra weapons,and most people don't have any reason to pick one up.

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I have a feeling they'd be used more for plot purposes than anything, which I guess I'm fine with. If Kelas wants to spend her free time pretending to be a clumsy swordswoman I don't really care.

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Technically no, as you didn't third it. You just said you agreed with it.

Edit: Tessa keeps her sword though. Not keeping it would be ridiculous, unless it's forgone for light magic.

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Well,atleast Morgan can back up that Ice Magic!Damian was a demon,and summoning Gae-Borg is all Damian needs to do to show he is the real deal.

That atleast,is something Shanice can't copy.Atleast,he can't make the actual weapon,only a replica at best,which would be recognized as fake by any other wielder worth their salt.

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Well,atleast Morgan can back up that Ice Magic!Damian was a demon,and summoning Gae-Borg is all Damian needs to do to show he is the real deal.

That atleast,is something Shanice can't copy.Atleast,he can't make the actual weapon,only a replica at best,which would be recognized as fake by any other wielder worth their salt.

Lightning, may want to have your vision checked. See bold.

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Kai has mentioned he'll change Helios to a wind mage, and Mark no longer exists so it shouldn't be an issue.


I don't even see why you were complaining about stat caps for Speed.

Chase Archer: 4

Viveka Pegasi: 5

Damian Soldier: 4

Aiya: 4

So technically, your speed wouldn't even be affected by a new speed caps.

@Rein: I might be misunderstanding your posts, but from what I see you seem to be under the false impression I am.

You do know that Chase can't have 5spd until he reaches level 3 right? He's stuck on 4 (Max speed) even if he does reach level 2.

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@ Secondaries

Aside from how weird it's going to look that Irina can only use lances, while any NPC wyvern lord can use axes, I don't see a problem with getting rid of them. I don't support it, but I won't argue against it because I don't have a reason to right now.

@ Damian vs Shanice

That is most likely the first and last time Shanice will find Damian an appropriate person to mimic. He wouldn't dare use it to try to fool Aiya, and it would only come in handy in very specific situations that will most likely never come about.

@ Cuddles

I never complained about the damn caps. I couldn't care less. I was telling Cynthia that I don't like nerfing the speed bonus and the way speed points were counted. That's all. The caps were perfectly fine and reasonable.

Edited by Phoenix
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@Rein: I might be misunderstanding your posts, but from what I see you seem to be under the false impression I am.

You do know that Chase can't have 5spd until he reaches level 3 right? He's stuck on 4 (Max speed) even if he does reach level 2.

The point was with the new caps, Chase couldn't have anything more than 4 speed at all because of being stuck with Archer caps.

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The point was with the new caps, Chase couldn't have anything more than 4 speed at all because of being stuck with Archer caps.

You're stuck with default caps now which won't allow you to have anymore speed then 4 :/

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I guess the point is that there would be other PCs that could exceed 4.

Personally I be more upset that almost the entire army was as fast as me than being outsped by the myrmidon, but to each their own.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I guess the point is that there would be other PCs that could exceed 4.

Personally I be more upset that almost the entire army was as fast as me than being outsped by the myrmidon, but to each their own.

I'm upset that a Shaman can keep up with me. -_-;

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If I ever make a third character I'm gonna have a Armored Knight with 2Spd who'll up to 4 spd at level up! :D Now you all run as slow as armored knights XD Oh god it'd be fun to watch the reaction to that.

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I guess there is the caveat in the OP that says your stats should fit the character, but that's pretty open to debate. The caps would have actually enforced this, but ah well.

Gatrie pretty much does that for most of FE10, so there is precedent.

'Hi! I outspeed the warrior, the valkyrie, the mage, and the priest!" Wtf Gatrie?

Sorry Snike, too much bitching overall about them. You can hurt the generals now, but they can't be doubled!

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Just for the record:

I oppose nerfing speed bonus and flattening speed to 1=1 without compensation.

I support new stat caps.(the ones posted earlier)

I am neutral on secondary weapons.

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:/ So who was the half-wit against new stat caps? Oh right Ether <_<

Rein from what I can tell is under the impression I was yesterday and most likely thinks the 4max stats in any category is a Signup Max, and not a class max. Since the new stat caps don't affect his characters SPD at all :/

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I just don't think that we should change it at this point,and I have no problem with them being introduced in T2,it just seems weird to implement them now,especially when caps are the same in T1 in the games for the most part.

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