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And,as Damian is a foot soldier,this matters why?

Who says that he can't extend his lance?All of it's abilities haven't been revealed yet.

Can't wait to see this unfold, and Cuddle's following rampage.

It doesn't matter that he'd be a crappy cavalier ... other than the fact that he's not good at riding things XD (just messing around, I've read the equestrian bit already)

@ Alakazam: Letter


@ Snowy

Esphyr needs an Iso to keep her informed.

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That was before i knew that Isotov didnt know of its existence.

Forget about it

If Iso had read the letter before, he would have eventually come to accept Proxima as a part of himself rather than pulling an Esphyr and trying to get rid of it.

@ Snowy

Horse hooves? Is she serious?

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So what's the plan on Viveka/Conrad? Are we going to leave them behind for now and come back later (to Elysimma) for them? Or can we drop them off as random NPC's? XD Since if we set out of Ilyphina, I doubt we'll have much, if any interaction with them unless we re-enter Elysimma. :/

Mental note: Katie is a jokes.


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We'll probably end up leaving them behind for now. So we won't see them again for a while, but that's your own fault (random bandits that made big explosion was not a very good first impression for the group. Even if they didn't do it).

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Viveka's memories have been scrapped. Ixion only erased her memories of the group, but she's still partially linked to Chase through his name which she does remember. If she talks to Conrad, he'll think she's crazy for a minute, and then he'll probably give her enough info to want to seek out the group again. If Kamilla leads her to the group, she'll come on unusually peaceful terms, and you guys could set up a meeting.

If not, whatever.

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Fault? You mean credit?

And you seem to constantly forget that, you've been killing Elysimman soldiers a long time before I bothered to make an explosion (Explosion idea was also Snowy's not mine) They're still guilty for every charge laid against them, though Viveka not remembering Selizara might incriminate them for that as well.

Furthermore you have no one but yourself for making a character that's sworn allegiance to a hostile force.

Hmmm, Rein's incompetent, so I guess I should either discuss Kamilla's next action with either Phoenix or Cynthia :/ Though Viveka's been rendered to be a dumb blonde now, so I guess I'll do my own little thing and then launch an attack later.

Plus, why should I work together with Phoenix on my plots, when he labels me useless and refuses to reveal his own XD Nyahaha

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If Viveka's going to come after us with intention of incarcerating us again, it's probably just going to lead to another fight.

I'm still not sure why we have to find Esphyr, since she was there for the original conversation between Morgan and Damian.

Morgan: We should leave

Damian: Give 'em time

Esphyr: I'd like to leave too

Damian: Let's fight the mesh

Morgan: 'K let's all meet outside in an hour

Which Esphyr somehow interpreted as a 'special meeting' between Morgan and Damian and her being left out. Hence, dumb as rocks.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Discussing it with Cynthia is like discussing healthcare reform with a conservative -_-

Viv's unlikely to come at them with her weapons drawn because she's got a headache that would leave anyone else bedridden.

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Not seeing how Kamilla going down to the military base should affect much

1. She acts like she's 5, they ignore her.

2. She mentions how the Crimson weapon wielders + others (probably extremely vague descriptions) might have done some stuff. They should already know this, it's not as if Ixion wiped Conrad's memory.

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Perhaps, but that's just Viveka (plus 2). I find Viveka's report dodgy anyway.

Viveka: "We defeated the ones responsible, a good chunk of my memory is gone, but I did my job"

Conrad: "Yep, not going to ask for proof, not going to ask anything about procedure, I'll take you and your (just as confused) 2 friends word on it. Screw Chase, I was obsessed with him only a few hours ago, but I don't care about him anymore."

And if someone handed in a report about the group still being alive, I doubt he'd send Viveka to lead the troupe in her current stage. Unless of course, Conrad's an idiot (which he most likely is). Hence the reason I might need to go create another random generic enemy guard.

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@Cynthia, how about this, I know where you are? And due to several conversation, know that you're heading out of Ilyphina. Should make it easier to find the group. Also, it might be a bit hard to discern she's acting like a 5 year old in the span of one quick report. And even if they could. If a kid reported seeing men that looked like bandits on the outskirts of town, they'd most likely at least check it out.

@Rein: Right, I'll leave it to you and make this end the same way the Cobalt caves, and Kamilla's vial did. At present I'm more willing to trust Kai with the job then you. And either way, you and Phoenix would most likely turn it into a friendly chat attempted recruitment thing.

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@Kai: I'd say the same, but...

If we're leaving, we could just put him out of the picture for a while. At the time that would probably be the most reasonable course of action anyways.

@Nady: Don't pretend your plans have all gone off without any problems. And there was so much opportunity to bring it up. Since Chase isn't quite as clueless as you're making him out to be, he would, you know, notice that Kamilla has something seriously wrong with her, so it would be pretty stupid to bring it up. I also have all of his stuff written down, and that list does, in fact, include the vial.

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