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Militaries tend not to take every report they hear to heart, so if Kamilla goes

"Some people did some stuff and are leaving the city. Kamilla want bacon!"

Which would be in line with how she's been acting lately, then I doubt they're going to pay attention.

Also, I bet we'd be out of the city before they mobilized.

I might be biased since this Elysisman solider drama has been boring and I'd like to move on to something else. Your abuse of the no killing PCs (and unwritten must try to recruit people's characters) rule is also getting tiresome, we essentially have to let obvious spies into the group at every turn. It would be nice if people didn't make characters whose goals were opposite from the group at the point of character creation.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Cuddles

More specifically ...

Her memories aren't gone(no time gaps), just replaced with new one and a mind rape headache. She remembers killing the attackers. Ixion erased the part about them possessing crimson weapons. The only thing she remembers directly related to the group is Chase's name(Ixion didn't mess with her past, but he did erase his face from her memories). If she speaks to Conrad about it, things will be confusing as hell for awhile, but Ixion's only goal was to detour her from attacking the group. That was all. Short term plan to give them time to get out of Ilyphina un opposed.

@ Cynthia

Heath and Vaida would like to say hi.

But seriously, there was nothing wrong with the idea of opposed characters until the situation was taken out of our hands. Could we have gone about it better? Sure, but live and learn, and stop complaining about it perhaps?

Edited by Phoenix
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Nady's only ruining the chance of him joining within a reasonable timeframe by now. He might not join at all until demons break completely loose at the rate she's going. I'm not sure if she's missing the point of ulterior motives or what.

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To be honest, you did... he would've joined with several conditions, deals, etcetera, but Nady's making it worse. Probably on purpose by now.

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Hmm? If I remember correctly, the group was supposed to be dangerous enough to send a whole cavalry against :/ And half the cavalry didn't come back, they escaped right outside Ilyphina, and guards are dead all over the place (easy to sneak in). I'd say such a report on a group wanted at the top of their wanted list would warrant some attention. And I can conveniently discard the bacon detail, since Kamilla's more interested in getting revenge on Morgan at the moment.

You might be out of the city, but hiding outside Ilyphina isn't exactly hard :/ And all I need to add is that they're "trying to leave now" and that should speed up the process (though most likely less units)

@Rein, You're an idiot. There's hardly any way I'm going to believe Conrad joining the group unless one of the following things happen.

-He resigns from the military

-Elysimma gets destroyed (in effect removed from military)

-We have a few platoons of soliders travelling with the group.

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Heath would like to say hi.

Heath switches sides as soon as he starts interacting with the group, so his goals are no longer opposed. Bad example.

But seriously, there was nothing wrong with the idea of opposed characters until the situation was taken out of our hands

Yes there was. There's no reason to recruit them in the first place and keeping them around defies in-character logic.

Could we have gone about it better? Sure, but live and learn, and stop complaining about it perhaps?

You're the one complaining that we can't recruit Viveka. I guess I am complaining that we have to haul Kamilla around for entirely OOC reasons. Those who make incogruent character backstories need to learn that those people are going to become NPCs or very implausible PCs.

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@ Cynthia

I also threw Vaida in there as well in the edit. It's not a bad example.

You're the one complaining about characters. I'm only petitioning Cuddles to take it easier on us so we can recruit our characters under reasonable circumstances if at all.

There's no way Viv's becoming an NPC. I'll god mod if Cuddles forces my hand. Right now, I'm being patient -_-

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@Rein, You're an idiot. There's hardly any way I'm going to believe Conrad joining the group unless one of the following things happen.

-He resigns from the military

-Elysimma gets destroyed (in effect removed from military)

-We have a few platoons of soliders travelling with the group.

You're also missing some things.

-Eliyisma is seriously threatened.

-Demons are breaking loose.

-He's ordered to by Harold (unlikely, but still possible if he comes into contact with Katie and figures out what the group's doing)

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Aren't they brown in the mug? Did you just not update it or...?

I don't know how to and can't because, well, I'm on a Mac.

Someone else made it for me and I'd rather not go through the trouble of fixing it. That would be boring.

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@Hauling Kamilla around

The thing is, she's not the only one with crappy reasons for staying with the group. As Morgan says, most of the group that don't have crimson weapons are just excess baggage. I don't want to see a unified hero wannabe troupe running around preaching "We'll all work to defeat the Demon Lord" when there's really no evidence of the demon lord returning. You'd think the Headmaster or other groups (Sages or whatever) would be working to counter such an event and that there'd be alot of movement on the issue.

The fact that you can silence Kamilla with "Oh she just had too much to drink." So other then Damian wanting the weapons for some unknown reason. (Greedy Halton) and Morgan insisting that 2012 is coming there's really no reason to believe that there's a demon lord out there at all.

Damian/Esphyr/Arrin/Helios/Isotov/Morgan/Chase: CW holders

Aiya/Kelas/Irina: Anchored due to family.

Are fine. But,

Conrad/Viveka: Aren't going to get recruited

Katie: Wants to bed Isotov, and be a chef.

Tessa: Has nowhere else to go.

Kamilla: Is forced/tricked into following the group

Eric: Is randomly following the group

Cess/Reika/Heinz: All following the group for their own objectives, and the latter two might drop out at any stage.

So overall, what's the point/objective of the group? There's no clear path, other then "fighting the demon lord" and "collecting the CW"

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@ Kai

Viveka saw the Earthshaker too, and I just think you're trying to can our characters out of spite.

@ Cuddles

I guess I'll just have to throw in a huge catastrophe of some sort. No I don't need your help, I'll discuss it with Snowy and some others a bit later.

Edited by Phoenix
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You're also missing some things.

-Eliyisma is seriously threatened.

-Demons are breaking loose.

-He's ordered to by Harold (unlikely, but still possible if he comes into contact with Katie and figures out what the group's doing)

-What's Elysimma being threatened by? Other then me

-I request citations of such events occuring

-Right, go out, all by yourself and tail this group of wanted criminals. Elysimma has shitloads of generals anyway, we can do without you.

@Kai's idea

Surprisingly, I can agree with this, I refuse to believe the possibility of other magical weapons existing, and can easily see people mistaking Earthshaker as a CW. Furthermore, Rein already has a CW :/

Edited by Kanami
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Gotta catch em all :newyears:

Go Damian

Use Poke on Reika

Damian hits for 200 damage

Reika used flamethrower

Damian was KO'd

Go Helios


Reika has one HP

Kai used a master ball (lol)

Reika was captured

*Pokemon captured music*

Uh what i mean dont pay any mind to me :sweatdrop:

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WRT Vaida 1. Her recruitment doesn't make much sense "You saved Zaphiel so imma join you guys despite working for the Black Fang earlier" Hector/Eliwood: OK? 2. She approaches the group and asks to join, not waiting around for convincing reasons to pick her up.

Cess is interested in the Crimson Weapons, so he makes sense. Tessa really likes to help people, so her randomly joining people to help people makes some sense. Eric wants to travel around to find his friends and we make a convenient protection vehicle or something.

Don't get me started on Katie, and Kamilla's recruitment and reason for staying was pretty non existent (which you could have tried to make easier, for example have her offer to join and be a spy or something). The others haven't actually joined, so meh.

I just think that when you make a character, you should try and think of a reason for them to join and stay with the group, rather than try and have other people think of crappy reasons for you. It ends up breaking in-chracter logic.

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Rule the world?

Purge the land of evil?

Make friends?

I got no clue.

The group aren't going to rule the world, and while fame is a possible reason, I have yet to see 'demons appearing.' And before people start going "Mesh" "Shanice" etc. The mesh could be considered a magical accident, and Shanice has most likely been around doing stuff for the last 25 years. His appearance now doesn't really indicate demons reappearing.

Don't need righteous, "I am JUSTICE" type characters IMO, though a character that plays on that idea to the extreme might be an amusing addition.

Make friends? Well, I suppose that's Chase/Tessa's reasons for joining, but I'm not going to get along with the group considering my personality, and the fact that half the RP'ers have their own personal agenda's against me. That and they ignore Kamilla (and most likely Reika) unless I do something extreme which they have to react to.

I have no clue either :P I'm not a idea creator, I'm a destroyer XD

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Wait a moment Naddy. You mean the group seems like a random hodge-podge of people who have gotten together for various reasons and few of them have clear over-arching goal?


Wait. Haven't I seen this before? In every American-released FE?

Katie did have a reason. The moment it started though, we got caught up in this mess when Iso blew up the inn at which point she got accused along with everyone else. So up till now, she's been a tag-along. Though I suppose she doesn't have an overt reason to continue now that she's cleared... Except now they're finally going after the damned Mesh which she wanted to investigate from the get-go!

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