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@ Snowy


*sigh* goodnight -_-


The guys just left me alone with the Rancor and the crappy Narrator Hive Mind.


And the lurkers <.< >.>

... ... ... I personally think the Hive Mind's standards are too high for FE relationships -_-

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Had to take care of something else.

@Phoenix, her standards aren't really high at all, from what I can see she's just opposing the same issue I have, which is the illogical nature of Katie's personality. Which as she said, is possible in some people. But at the very least, if I was in this RP and had say... Aiya's perspective (Female and has been around from the start+Isn't connected to Iso/Katie) I'd probably view Katie as a cheap whore purchased by Isotov. And I'm not saying that out of malice or contempt. That's probably how I genuinely feel about her actions, and it's not just this once (apparently due to drugs).

That's just my personal perspective on the issue, and I'm probably stepping completely over the line there, but I don't see the point of keeping quiet, as I'm not really concerned with insulting anyone.

If Morgan suddenly started fawning over someone else (say Alferis since he just joined). It'd have comedic value at first, but after awhile it'd just seem stupid, even moreso if they were doing obvious things together,"couple things" and then pretending to be completely clueless, it just seems stupid. :/

That's my perspective on the issue. :/

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@ Cuddles

You're not even near the line.

@ Long legs

Is there a girl in the party that doesn't have long legs? :o

@ Katie's personality

Katie's the only woman in the party that is remotely realistic from my perspective. The others seem like sheltered east coast girls.

@ Iso's personality

Iso sees her as a friend right now. He's catching on to her flirtiness but that doesn't make them a couple. They've known each for almost a week, but they aren't a couple yet. PERIOD

@ Morgan

Katie is flirting with Iso. Morgan flirting with anything doesn't make any sense ... and never will.

@ Fantasies

Trust me, this is not my fantasy(my fantasy involves a lot of cooking- F*CK!! >_< ). I think Snowy's just having fun with this.


Also ...

@ Obsessiveness

Maybe I shouldn't have pushed that so hard, but either way, Katie isn't my only favorite. Viveka isn't even that nice and she's up there too ^_^

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I attribute Viveka to you masochistic tendencies then.


We'll see about that, I can sense some negativity heading my way already

@Katie's Peronality

.... Mental Note: Accept Racism, Accept that I don't like America

@Iso's personality

From Isotov's perspective I can understand that, but when looking at it from Katie's or a general perspective, he's either "Dumb as rocks" XD or this is getting ridiculous :P


Hmm, well I don't know, I doubt Cynthia will take things that way but after developing things in that direction (Unlike a certain pairing which skips all the steps) I could see it happening, no really I can :/


Your fantasies probably don't involve burning an inn down, or running across a nation as a wanted criminal, or entering smelly swamps but that's not the point.


I think your biggest issue is claiming that Katie is sexy. (You saw what Katie looks like from Cynthia/my perspective XD) It's a bit narcissistic constantly claiming your own splice is sexy and promoting it, which usually leads to unfavorable comments. But citing a fictitious character is sexy generally doesn't win you any points either :/

@Picking on Katie/Iso

I'm sure that Cynthia's just picking on it due to it be standing out from the RP as something odd, or at least that's what I think, that's my reason anyway. Romances are fine and all, but I get the feeling Ether has a better grasp on that then either you or Snowy, go ask him for lessons in creative softcore porn scripting.

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@ Line

You'll get negativity, but not likely from me.

@ The sprite promotion.

It's not me being obsessive, it's me having fun and throwing pics around while I wait for decent interaction openings. If you guys can have fun with this rp and say and do whatever, then so can I ^_^ (I just choose to wave pics around for reference every now and then)

@ Romances

Katie's actually speeding up a process I thought was going to take until chapter twenty-five or something(addressing the shattered seal). The more she flirts with him, the sooner he has to address it once and for all.

As for lessons from Ether ... I don't think I need to make a fourth character, and Viveka is more likely to get cuddly with Lev or Ivanko than Iso.

As for the speed of their relationship? They have no intimate relationship. In fact, they probably won't be a legitimate couple until Morgan and Cess hit B level support(I'm not exaggerating).

@ Making fun

Do what you want. It hasn't bothered me yet ^_^


I'll address your reply if there is one tomorrow.

Goodnight, Cuddles.

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I think the difference here is how we're interpreting Katie's actions (Isotov's are acceptable for the most part), let's focus on post abduction:

The first thing she does after getting back is starts making him food. Not researching the mesh or anything (her original reason for joining the party and all), but starts making bacon and wondering where Iso is. The guy she knew for like 2 days beforehand who tried to take her sandwiches.

Damian saves her life. First thing she does is runs up and hugs Isotov?

Now the kissing, which may or may not be caused by drugs, but it's there nonetheless.

These actions are really over the top for a guy she can't even plausibly claim to be friends with (they have almost nothing in common as far as I can tell, don't even know each other really). This isn't flirting by my definition, this is something an already established romantic pair does. Calling Katie's personality 'realistic' and the other ladies not seems off to me (not saying Morgan is realistic, she's not to meant to be).

Morgan's not a good example, since flirting would be entirely OOC for her under most circumstances (I'm not even sure how Morgan would flirt really, I imagine she'd just get incredibly awkward). Let's use Tessa as an example, she's pretty well-adjusted by party standards. She doesn't cry out Arrin's name when she gets hit, or tend to his every desire, or embrace him on a regular basis, and Tessa/Arrin know each other better than Isotov and Katie do by this point.

WRT sexy I agree with Nady. It's a nice sprite and all, but stop tooting your own horn so much. If Katie were somehow regarded as more attractive than the other female characters and had men fawning all over her you would actually have a point, but that's not happening so shaddup about it.

I might end up seeming a bit hypocritical as EricxCharlotte develops, but that situation isn't the same. First off, Charlotte is naturally going to cling to the first person who can understand her, since basically all her family and friends are dead. Secondly, despite not knowing each other personally, they have an in-built relationship of sorts, he's fought to defend her now-dead parents and now wants to protect her yadda yadda. He already knows her pretty well to begin with, which helps.

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Not to mention it's called loyalty. Eric's pretty much protecting her because she's the leader of his country. It isn't anything like a relationship... yet.

Anyone else slightly irked by the amount of Sueness in Damian?

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It all makes sense to me now <_<

I have concluded Amari is stupid and that solves everything.

Wait what? (Not offended... where did that come from though?)

AND SUDDENLY DAMIAN WAS THE BEST CHEF IN THE PARTY (insert joke about winning people over with food cough cough) Yeah I don't even know

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Yes, but that dish isn't exactly something your every day chef would know. Plus, the ingredients shouldn't be at hand for a soldier. I just find it implausible that he can offer to make something like that all of a sudden.

Edit: Alch, there you go.

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Damian's teacher was one of those High class guys,that's why he was never accepting of Damian's work,it wasn't good enough for him(think royal chef or something like that)

As for the ingredients,he is assuming there is a market around,since so long as the food isn't preprepared,it should be okay,in theory.

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Damian's teacher was one of those High class guys,that's why he was never accepting of Damian's work,it wasn't good enough for him(think royal chef or something like that)

As for the ingredients,he is assuming there is a market around,since so long as the food isn't preprepared,it should be okay,in theory.

Remember, this is druggie land. The ingredients would be laced with stuff. But, the point is moot, as Charlotte just blew you off.

Now, what to do with Dani, while I wait...

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I dont agree with what Eric said. Hellsety shouldnt heal by a staff. If it was Elwind i could understand but it is a CW. I dont think anyone else in the group had been hit by one. Should i do a temporary possession to explain?

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Tessa healed Eric in chapter 7, IIRC, after taking a hit from a CW. I don't see the problem.

Also, Eric is not a third circle female thunder mage, IIRC.

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I'm going to call bs here. I dunno if you're trying to make her suffer or what, but Calamity has been healed perfectly fine in the past. It's never "too soon to be healed".

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Calamity is weak? <_<


I'll drop it for now. If he brings it up again im giving it some sort of curse after affect.

No one interested in what i had to say about a possession

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No people, that's not a ninja. That's my speed cap right there.

Anyways, needs moar activity.

Edit: Go for the possession.

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