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I'm not too worried about Chase. He's not as hopeless(pairing-wise) as he sometimes seems. His age is a sexblock for some women in the group though :/

I mean Viv's nice to him sometimes, Dani is nice to him all the time, Morgan doesn't consider him an idiot, and I'm sure any other new girls who come along will like him :)

Another wyvern incident coming up soon ... just a warning. Katie watch out XD

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Sigurd: Ivanko

Alec: Lev

Arden: Makalov recolor dude

Noish: Ixion

Azel: Iso

Lex: Conrad

Cuan: Damian

Ethlin: Aiya

Finn: Espyr

Midir: Eric

Ayra: Morgan

Aideen: Charlette

Dew: Reika

Jamka: Chase

Lachesis: Meh

Levin: Helios

Fury: Someone that i will make up

Sylvia: Kamilla since she is dead!

Tilyu: Dani

Claude: Pary


Edited by Kai
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... I'm going to guess nobody's noticed the little side not I've had in my sig for 2 weeks or so (as a joke)?

^Lex= Conrad

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Then I'm gonna list the kid's classes going by FE4. Aka daughter is mother's class, son is ideal father's.

Morgan: Son: Shaman, Daughter: Nomad. (Yes Lightning, Nomand)

Aiya: Daughter: Soldier, Son: Wyvern Rider

Esphyr: Son: Mercenary, Daughter: Myrmidon?

Dani: Daughter: Mage, Son:

Charlotte: Daughter: Troubadour, Son: Either Myrmidon, or if we want staff kids, Priest

Tessa: Daughter: Cleric, Son: Mage

Katie: Daughter: Mute Mage, Son: Mage

Irina: Daughter: Let's go cavalier, we have too many wyverns, Son: Wyvern Rider

Kelas: Daughter: Archer, Son: Ice demon Nomad

Viveka: Daughter: Pegasus Knight, Son: Armor knight

Reika: Son: Thief, Daughter: Fighter

???: Daughter: Shaman, Son: Myrmidon

Going by Finn, and Levin, It would make the most sense for Lev and Damian to come back in the second generation. And Brigged (Kelas) could come back too! :awesome: She could be swordmaster.

Plus there'd be other characters like the axe brothers or Oifaye. Katie should be Oiyfe. :/

Edited by psychout50
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I'm not too worried about Chase. He's not as hopeless(pairing-wise) as he sometimes seems. His age is a sexblock for some women in the group though :/

I mean Viv's nice to him sometimes, Dani is nice to him all the time, Morgan doesn't consider him an idiot, and I'm sure any other new girls who come along will like him :)

Another wyvern incident coming up soon ... just a warning. Katie watch out XD

That reminds me, if I was actually confident that I would be online in the RP more often, I was thinking of making a female fire mage character to: 1. Set things on fire and make Heinz angry 2. Disprove the theory that all females (besides Morgan) love Damian, just for entertainment's sake.

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... I'm going to guess nobody's noticed the little side not I've had in my sig for 2 weeks or so (as a joke)?

Expound please?

@ Heinz

It's already proven that not all the girls love Damian:



Charlotte (???)


Half of Tessa

Kelas ( XD )




need I go on?

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Going by Finn, and Levin, It would make the most sense for Lev and Damian to come back in the second generation.

No No No and No

Levin = Helios

Finn = ???

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No one wants to know who the question mark is? :blink:

Regardless of if they're paired or not those should be the kids. :awesome:

@Kai That's weapon wise. Damian could be all cold after Aiya and Esphyr are dead.

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Can I just state the obvious, and veto the idea? I don't feel like whipping up a second set of characters, just on a whim.

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@Whistler Verry is female fire. She's not in love with Damian. (Helios, Iso, Arrin, or Lev)

It's been stated who the ??? is, just not by name. I had her picture in my sig a while ago.

@Snike I came up with their classes for you. :awesome:

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It doesn't work with the plot really. Our characters aren't going to settle down and pop out babies until the LoAF is dead. Maybe if we make a sequel.

Charlotte does not love Damian in the least. Hero's son+ polygamy= big no

Sorry if the Latin translation is wrong, but meh deal with it.

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Man, I should totally be doing something, but I'm just staring at:

"Hmmm, I should have grabbed a spare pair of pants back at the mansion then in addition to the shirts," Tessa mused aloud.

And entirely unable to write anything else. Fail.

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