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Ask Kai. >.> I just asked for a TS, and he did this.

Also, uh, the border shouldn't be too far, considering that the town we rested at the night before was recently annexed.

Edit: But, but he's a necromancer! D:

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Ether, I'm sorry if I sounded harsh, but this just bugs me a lot.

It's not that he had sex a lot that bothers us, it's that you play it up to the point that it takes over most of his character. Read my thing of Aiya on the Character Rankings forum and on reason number 4, you'll see why people are all over on your case and call your characters sues.

And you how dare you insult my character that way.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Ask Kai. >.> I just asked for a TS, and he did this.

It doesnt take much to just say we are not bandits. Then they would have asked for a small toll/tip and they would have let you in.

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Keep in mind, he's a Jerdonian, and the cavs are evidently lying. No way in hell they're paying a toll to get in.

Edit: Kai, stat battle FTL. I'm doing one in the morning, RP time.

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It's the guards' fault for being idiots. Now they get stomped. He warned them.

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Dudes, it's way too early for us to just insta-warp to Septimus.

@ Sage

Lucille was killed by Shanice. This isn't the age of DNA sampling, but Shanice does leave traces of himself on things. What he really wants is Shanice himself.

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The reason why it keeps being brought up is that people never let it go.Whenever anyone mentions Damian nowadays,they throw in a crack about his relationship,or whatever.The sex-in-school thing was brought up here,because you yourself asked why the princess would hear about him in school,and that is why.

I don't want it to be a major point in his character at all,but everyone refuses to drop it,so I try to explain it,and people keep going on because I keep bringing it up like it's important.When I first mentioned it in his interaction with Esphyr,it was just a thing to give a bit of insight to his past,yes,he was a player in school.it was all it was intended to be,but people just don't let it go.

As for Gae-Borg,how many times do I have to tell you that it is not designed to make him more impressive or anything of the sort?How many times do i have to say that a permanent curse is an inherently bad thing?It res'd him once,okay?I don't plan on having it happen again(if he gets possessed again,expect full health,and either a plot or a stat battle,depending on the circumstance).As for Halton,polygamy is a part of history,and it makes sense that it would be in practice atleast somewhere on the continent,as it was fairly common in the time period FE is based on.

All I want is for people to drop the shit,and stop attacking everything I do,or try to do,just because of some little thing or another.Example:As soon as I bring up a potential Halton royal,it is assumed that she is either in love with him,or will be within a matter of minutes,just because I was the one who brought her up.Then people go into Damian's sex life,and I'm blamed because I make it too much of his character.

I'll repeat.Please,do not blow things out of proportion.if you attack me every time I open my mouth,sooner or later,I'm going to start creating NPC's out of nowhere to fawn over him,because that's what you expect me to do,and I'll be too damn tired to bother trying to defend myself anymore.I'm nearing that point already.

EDIT:IIRC,the town that was annexed was on the other end of Halton from Septimus...we are a long way away from the border.

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Why does Ixion care about getting the body of some red shirt?

Technically a green shirt. Red shirts are enemies.

... I think.

Also, Chase just went in. Woot.

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... And the guards got stomped. >.>

BTW, Alex'll probably confront them outside of town, if not in the town.

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Did no one go check? ;_;


Can the non-Septimus group at least TS?

Rita's friendships will be:

Mistake Kelas for a dude, and total have the hots for him her.

BFFs with Cess and Dani.

Rival with Eric, slight crush.

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