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It's said one blow from his tomahawk equals certain death.

What happened in Chapter 12, again?

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I think it's more like, Eric is either really lucky, or really unlucky. I love how everything tries to kill him, but fails to do so.

Edit: I was being sarcastic, anyways.

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Ivanko's Tomahawk:

A magically imbued hand axe with overhwleming striking power. The axe is incredibly dense and can transfer a lot of kinetic energy to its targets. The blades are sharp enough to cut through other metals.

Against an armored target, this usually shatters bones. Against an unarmored target, this usually severs limbs.

Victor vs Tomahawk:

Victor has been fatally wounded by Ivanko using just the tomahawk on numerous occasions. When Victor is wearing aero armor, Ivanko uses the "Ringing Bell" technique to disable the wyvern through sheer annoyance. The resonating vibrations of metal on metal after impact going off so close to his head is crippling, but only the tomahawk can deliver the blow at the right frequency to totally disable the wyvern.

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I left it vague. You can place your characters wherever really. I didn't say which inn they were or weren't staying at. I also didn't say that Isotov, Irina, Levski, and Katie are in the same in as Viveka and Jasmine. I left it as open as possible.

LOL sweat drop wyvern face

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IDK where Derek is right now, but he's getting a new horse, once I post. And he's ditching the coat, for cav armor.

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I left it vague. You can place your characters wherever really. I didn't say which inn they were or weren't staying at. I also didn't say that Isotov, Irina, Levski, and Katie are in the same in as Viveka and Jasmine. I left it as open as possible.

so people who are definitely in same place:

Kelas, Tessa, Esphyr, Arrin, Cess

Isotov, Irina, Lev, Katie

Viveka, Jasmine

everyone else

and any of them may actually be in the same place as another listed group. Yes?

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@ Groups


@ Musical Attack Immunity


@ Derek's Coat

Viveka likes coat. Can she have it?

@ Posting in the music topic

Don't do it again until Psych forgets the songs he wanted to post.

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@ Coat: Sure. I guess that means he's in the same inn as them. He'll just pass by, then.

@Musical Attack: I counter with Indignation.

Edit: Yeah, **** Odin. OK, so, backtrack and wreck the enemy groups a bit, and, when you feel ready, go try to fight him again. Alternate between Slash and Burn, and War & Peace, depending on when he hits Hope/Lightning. You could also just stay War & Peace, and combo the gauge up, but that risks running out of time.

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Ivanko sounds incredibly overpowered. Why is his axe so damn strong? Where'd he get it?

This was probably mentioned before somewhere but Ivanko is a third tier unit(third tier stats at the least=Wyvern Rider-->Wyvern Lord-->Wyvern Master/Wyvern Something). The tomahawk is his primary weapon, and his favorite(versatile). The axe was made with Ixion's help(the high density offsets magical imbuement erosion effects).

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