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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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She's also following strong swordfighters (Eric) with the promise of more (Esphyr and Derek). She wouldn't have any ill will towards the group, at least not visibly, so there's not a real negative reason.

And once the groups meet up she'll meet Cess before anyone can say no, so that'll fix that.

Basically, diamonds that are worthless to the island dwellers, but worth fortunes everywhere else. Easy plot money for my characters sorta....

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Shoon diamonds. Are shiny, act as money.

It's best to just ignore a lot of the recruitment logic, because a lot of the characters we have really don't have very good reasons to tag along. It happens in RPs a lot.

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I swear Chat takes longer to catch up on than the actual RP does >.< Almost caught up though.

Eric/Dani/Alferis/Charlotte are heading to Altia (capital of Halton), Everyone else is heading to Septimus.

Septimus is seeming more German than anything else, and plus that makes historical sense for them to have issues with the country that's like France.

I used to take German, and Heinz's name is German XD

Watched From Paris with Love last night.

So Septimus is GermanKoreanJapan-esque? Okay >_>'

Somewhat, although I'll probably take out the Japan and go with German/Korean

Pretty sure the main group is not in Septimus yet, probably a day+ away.

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Eh. She's not super-smart. Just hyper-klepto and fast. If someone wants to corner her and point it out, they are welcome to, if she can be cornered.

Also, child Helenos is fun to write for! So young and childish, it's fun!

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...XD with the Tessa thing, I'm reminded of that one scene from Azumanga Daioh... Nyamo gets drunk and goes on a rant about sex, and then the next day Chiyo-chan's like "Teacher, what does it mean when [REDACTED]" and Nyamo's all "...Who the heck told you that?!" and Yukari comes in: "You did."

Good times. (Dunno if anyone here's actually seen Azumanga Daioh though.)

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I've seen the show a few times. <3 Sakaki.

So, basically, Naelia's stalking the second, unrelated group, just 'cuz she can? Umm... Does that mean Percy's smarter than her?

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I can't decide if Tessa should be indignant and be like, "I know what that means. It means *wrong* and *wrong*", or if one of the other ideas floating around is better.

*stews on ideas a bit longer*

Edited by Balcerzak
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Yeah, Basically. And, Heinz sold out our group, and it looks like there's a stat battle coming in the morning. >.>

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Erk. I might not be on till late tomorrow. If that's the case, just have Snike take Rita in the case that that group battles, and basically if she need to RP, make her kinda air-headed and focused on fighting. I need to write CC's for her.

And in the case Snowy's group is attacked, have Cynthia take Pary and Cess I suppose. Since Charlotte left though, Pary's Charisma will effect Morgan and I guess Arrin.

I'm still on for a couple minutes, just wanted to get that out of the way.

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I know...but I probably can't stand it if we end up with 4 wyvern riders. :facepalm:

And other than Berry, Helios is the only Wind mage we've seen. Verry uses fire, but she's not changing heart for another couple chapters. I need a new plan for them too since kidnapping failed. They might make Septimus a bit more hellish for everyone....

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