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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I've never played a single main line Final Fantasy game. Am I a bad person?

What's with all the name changes today?

Yes you are, but for different reasons.

Only two name changes really, and don't ever expect me to change. I am what I am.

@ Cuddles


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-1 point for Kamilla.

You made a spelling mistake: FFis an awesome overrated franchise.

^Not my fault nobody feels like talking!

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Yeah, I'm wondering what happened to Kamilla. Unless we ever go back to Halton and she suddenly remembers us all.

....Or I could take her and screw the group. Because I like doing that.

:mellow: Verry needs to meet her and bring her with her when she joins.

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Yeah, I'm wondering what happened to Kamilla. Unless we ever go back to Halton and she suddenly remembers us all.

....Or I could take her and screw the group. Because I like doing that.

:mellow: Verry needs to meet her and bring her with her when she joins.

Sorry infidel, I was already given Kamilla rights by the Cuddly one. She's mine now, and her fate is decided.

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I'm not a huge player of Final Fantasy,but I heard good things about the game,so I decided to pick it up.


Also .. there's Vanille. I like the way she and Lightning walk. Really model-esque. I also like the placement of Vanille's Fal'Cie tattoo :hat:

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Kamilla is Phoenix's character now, Honestly, I wish this Rp would die in a hole, but I'm not willing to piss Bal, Phoenix and Cynthia off in the process. Giving you Kamilla would probably achieve the latter, and bounce harmlessly off the former, so no deal?


Crappy = Awesome in your head huh Rein, shows you education level, you must be the type that indicate left when turning right :/

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Well then I'd still like to know what happened to her. She sort of was just a loose end we dropped.

But Verry will end up disliking her sisters next plot, and joining after the one after that.

(Note: Depending on the plan, it will either involve torturing Damian, Alf, or, mixing things up with Chase) :awesome:

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Crappy = Awesome in your head huh Rein, shows you education level, you must be the type that indicate left when turning right :/

TBH I don't really like the some of the games in the series much either, but FF13 is certainly pretty good. It's a good series, but I'm personally uninterested in it for the most part.

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Nyeh, I've played 7~9 and didn't understand the hype over them at all, Grandia was better IMO:/ And there's plenty of other games that are similar and are more interesting. X I tried, to start but quickly got bored of, should still be in a cardboard box somewhere :/

Haven't even bothered glancing at FF since, TBH, I miss the PS2 days, games these days have great graphics, and....hefty prices? It's been ages since I saw a game that I actually bothered considering :/


Bit of advice as the former most hated person in the RP. Silence is consent, if they don't reply do whatever you want, if they complain, you can tell them you warned them. If things get tough, discredit Snowy's credibility (he's easier to discredit then even Kai) or try to focus the topic on someone elses shortcomings.

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Last one on the last page. :awesome:

Damian is bath house plan, Alf is mountain inn/desert plan, and Chase's scenario I have yet to come up with. Personally, I'd prefer it to be either Damian or Chase, because then I can lock up Viveka or Aiya as leverage.


If I don't tell people they get angry. So I end up having too. -_-

Edited by psychout50
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So,you plan on sending the mage sisters to torture Damian...in a bath house? :blink:

This is a horrible plan on so many levels that I can assure you atleast one of them will die(NPC's,so no plot invincibility),even if i have to resort to a Gae-Borg rage to make it happen.And if it comes to that,you are likely to lose 2-3 of them,instead of one.

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If it involves capturing/torturing Chase I'm denying permission to do that.

Could you work on your plot's actual relevance to anyone except the mage sisters? From what I can see, there is none.

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Yes, but not kill them, only wound them. I would have to allow you to do so, and I'm not.

They'd lead Damian and Aiya to a special bath, that's really drugged, and Aiya would wake up in a cell, and Damian would be tied to an operating table while they stab him a bunch trying to force the lance out.

They would all live....

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Last one on the last page. :awesome:

Damian is bath house plan, Alf is mountain inn/desert plan, and Chase's scenario I have yet to come up with. Personally, I'd prefer it to be either Damian or Chase, because then I can lock up Viveka or Aiya as leverage.


If I don't tell people they get angry. So I end up having too. -_-

Here's why we get angry. You make bad plans. That's it. You just make bad plans. When you tell us it's a bad plan, we get mad, not because you told us, but because it reeks. If you don't tell us we get mad because you've executed a bad plan and f*cked up a chapter.

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But why? There's no point in doing it except because you want to make your characters who have no real relevance to the plot except that they'll probably end up taking us to the Shoon Islands, dammit?

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