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They are NPC's,Psych.They don't have plot protection like PC's do.If I land a mortal wound,then mage sister #whatever dies.She's not wounded,she dies.I can stab her in the heart,and it's not an illegal move if it's reasonable.Also,that will most certainly start a Gae-Borg rage if you try it.

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Well, I'll think of something to have them live.

This time it'd be Verry relevant in more ways than one.

Damian plot:

Damian might lose control of the lance and go berserk, leading to happy fun times, as well as Esphyr saving him.

Aiya would be trapped, leading to Damian to have to save her.

There's a second half to this plan, that would involve the rest of the group, potentially related to Alf, but I'm keeping this shadowed in the event it goes through.

Alf plot:

Alf gets tortured, and saved by either Reika or Esphyr, either of whom's weapon goes out of control/gains new power.

Shadowed part from above.

Maybe have a flashback.

Another shadowed part, that would require finding a master sage or something, furthering plot.

Chase plot:

Ditto with torture, involving either Chase's weapon or Conrad's.

Viveka saving/flashback to her dragon attack.

Shadowed part.

Final shadowed part, would involve going into some mountain caves or things.


They all build backstory, as well as give the group a next destination. Plus, the torture causes Verry to resent her sisters, making it important.

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Mage trio have as much protection a soldier A or city Guard B. Or Inn A

Even if they have a name, you need to plan their actions out rather carefully if you don't want them skewered.

Also, I haven't been reading, but wouldn't Damian recognize the girls?

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@ Psych

Listen well.

If you made better plans and didn't just try to pass off bad ones, we'd have no problem. You don't even ask for permission until we tell you we won't give it to you. You're doing everything in the wrong order.


Contact the people involved


There's no step 2.


Get approval after working out a reasonable scenario. Be reasonable ... REASONABLE ... not PUSHY.



You do this sh*t in the wrong order.

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Um, probably not.

Alf and Charlotte are the only person to have fought them twice. Dani and Eric didn't participate the first time, and Rita just met them.

I'm helping people show back story, creating new drama, making a place for the plot to move, giving us exp, and yet you still don't like it, and I don't know why. -_-


Ether said no, Lightning said no, and I can guess Sage's reaction. But if Lightning changes his mind, can I capture Viveka? Just throw her in a cell, not kidnap.

Edited by psychout50
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@ Psych

Listen well.

If you made better plans and didn't just try to pass off bad ones, we'd have no problem. You don't even ask for permission until we tell you we won't give it to you. You're doing everything in the wrong order.


Contact the people involved


There's no step 2.


Get approval after working out a reasonable scenario. Be reasonable ... REASONABLE ... not PUSHY.



You do this sh*t in the wrong order.

@ Psych

Read that again.

I'm helping people show back story, creating new drama, making a place for the plot to move, giving us exp, and yet you still don't like it, and I don't know why. -_-


Ether said no, Lightning said no, and I can guess Sage's reaction. But if Lightning changes his mind, can I capture Viveka? Just throw her in a cell, not kidnap.

The reason people still don't like it is because you're trying to buy them off with things instead of actually cooperating.


Hasn't she been beaten up enough for four chapters? She's already been knocked out about three times since she joined the group. Come up with a better plan in cooperation. Don't just come up with a plan and ask at the last minute. That's a good way to get a "no".

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Well, how do you suggest they attack Ether?

This plan is actually very good. But in the different cases, they only require 1-2 people's imput.


Ether, for Damian and Aiya


Sage, for Alf and maybe Reika

Snowy, if Sage says no to Reika

(In this case, I'm not throwing Reika or Esphyr into a jail, they just have to save him)


Lightning, for Chase and Conrad

Phoenix, for Viveka


This involves the mages, and 1-3 random characters. Unless I recruit a one-shot enemy (which actually I had planned on happening, which was my idea for Sage to control) I don't need anyone else's imput, besides those characters.

They weren't even going to attack her, just hold her as bait.

Edited by psychout50
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Missing the point, Psych.

You form these plans without consent, and then ask for permission. You're doing it backwards. You ask people for consent, and then work with them on the plan. Don't come up with it all yourself and then force it with god modding.

You're like and insanely retarded version of me back when I was on my npc power trip. Except I wasn't trying to f*ck people over just to make Ivanko or Ixion important.

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I'm not necessarily completely opposed to it.I'd need to be more informed of what you are trying to do,and if I am reading to right,things will not go nearly as smoothly as you want them to.

Also,drugged pool water?They aren't going to be drinking it...

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You do realize that Verry's recruitment will be torn to shreds right? I mean, I certainly would if I was still in this.

1: The cold hearted assholes, they like their little friendship network, and aren't interested in anything else. They don't help with assimilating the character into the group.

2: Verry is an enemy. Looking at the groups attitude, they don't like their enemies, Reika was accepted solely due to her holding the Crimson daggers. Honestly I'd be surprised if someone didn't attack Verry the moment she approached the group.

3: Why is Verry joining the group? She doesn't like her sisters... okay, that doesn't connect to joining the group, best way you could make her join is via becoming the groups slave. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused, let me make it up to you by being your underling" is the only way to go, I want to help and be friends.... well it probably won't get to that stage see 2.

4:You're disliked at the moment by the majority, you've got too much attention on you and even if you do try to play it through, anyone can intervene, hell, I'll make random NPC soldiers and intervene if everyone else is too chicken.

Regardless chances of Lightning, or Ether changing their minds in pretty much zero, as is Sage accepting.

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@Ether (I'm phasing Phoenix out right now)

The water would have a muscle relaxer/knock out agent in it while they soak.

I had planned for them to stab him enough, so his lance craves enough and he can't control it, that he can't hold it back, then expose him to Aiya. They'd warp out then. The point is to try and make him lose control. He's also the one with the weakest hold, I think. They're trying to get it to overwhelm his soul, and lose his mind.


I have that handled. It will work, as long as the HM doesn't reach the group first.

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@Ether (I'm phasing Phoenix out right now)


I have that handled. It will work, as long as the HM doesn't reach the group first.

Dumbass ...

@ HM

She could reach the group at virtually any time. You haven't thought a thing through have you? XD

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Ah sorry, missed the spoiler.

-Excuse name spellings

-I could do a direct translation, but I'll just cover the meaming.

戦いの後、 姿を消したエストを



After the battle, he/she'd follow Est who had quietly(unnoticedly? (Not a word)) left the kingdom.

Where he/she went after that is not known.

戦いの後、 オレルアンへ去る。



After the battle he/she'd leave for Oreruruan(?)

As if seeking a place where he/she could die.

He continued to throw his life into vicious battles.

Thanks, Kanami. It is the ending for Abel and Wolf in the new FE game, FE12. Looks like Abel got the same ending from FE3.

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Again, taken care of. Just because I don't tell you, doesn't mean I don't have a back up plan.

It'll still work regardless.

Verry can reach the group quicker than the HM anyway.

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Again, taken care of. Just because I don't tell you, doesn't mean I don't have a back up plan.

It'll still work regardless.

Verry can reach the group quicker than the HM anyway.

Let's try it this way.

Verry shows up. Survives the first nineteen attempts on her life. Says she wants to join. Somehow convinces them even though they might still kill her but for some reason don't. HM returns ... and she for some reason doesn't want to maim the shadow girl? What the f*ck will work about this? Stop ignoring plausibility.

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Tch tch tch.

Who's to say the group will be the first to see her? You know nothing of my plan, and thus, not how to stop it. You're thinking she's going to ask the group to join, and simply not tag along, or (secret plan not yet going to be revealed).

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I'd actually be willing to give it a shot if you can

1) Fill me in.

2) Let me have a say in it.

3) There is no 3. It'd feel like a kinda lame list otherwise though.

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Stop ignoring plausibility.

I would have loved to have heard you say that back when I was constantly questioning the groups actions and its plausibility. :/

I mean hey, they might not act logically, and the HM might give Verry hugs and kisses :/ And Damian could take a liking to Verry and add her to his harem. And no one messes with Damian, he's the father of all Sue's.

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OK Sage is here and is seriously pissed off at you. Did you not listen to us?

Actually I can use this as an excuse to basically ROFL stomp your mages, considering how it's, you know, not going to work. Also, wouldn't Alf recognize them? Why would they want to torture him? Basically your plans aren't just bad. They are an insult to logic and sink like rocks. Though that's an insult to rocks.

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Tch tch tch.

Who's to say the group will be the first to see her? You know nothing of my plan, and thus, not how to stop it. You're thinking she's going to ask the group to join, and simply not tag along, or (secret plan not yet going to be revealed).

You can drop the "I've got it all figured out" act now.

@ Cuddles

I'm a mean Phoenix now. The old days are dead and gone.

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