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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Other thing you called them that I can't spell

Let's just go with those evil women that make people like you look bad.

@ Daycare

Raise your f*cking kids!!

I have mixed feelings on that, but I probably should have phrased it as "daycare overrelying-". I just don't like it when people do that to their kids even when they do have the time to be with them and stuff.

@ Snowy


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I have a rather big problem with the notion that women have some moral obligation stay home and raise the kids rather than work. Just because biology dictates us to be the one to care for the kid before it's born, doesn't mean that we should have to sacrifice all of our own life for it after it is. Anyone can have their passion, their dream, the work they want to throw their life into; why should half the population be denied that if they happen to end up with kids? I'm not saying that kids aren't important; of course they are, if you chose to have them, but at the same time, they don't automatically negate everything else that's important.

Of course, daycare for the sake of mere convenience is obnoxious. Daycare for the sake of necessity (both parents work) is not.

...And with that rant I think I have killed the thread for the night. See y'all later.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Not really disagreeing with any of that, but at the same time, I feel that people who can't handle both their dreams and children really shouldn't have had children in the first place.

Simple solution: Stop sleeping around

Anyway, I was gone playing FFXIII and now Vanille's about to call down our last summon via guilt. Ah guilt. We can always count on you to spur up confessions and Eidolons. So yeah Imma get back to that for a bit.

Goodnight, Kiryn ^_^

Goodnight, others.

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While I agree that a woman shouldn't be forced to stay at home when she has children, I believe that BOTH parents should be heavily involved in their raising or else not have them. Plus, one thing that annoys me about modern feminists is that quite a few don't get that staying home and tending to the kids sometimes is what the woman chose of her on free will.

Edit: Just popping in before church.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Feminism actually just means equal rights for men and women. A lot of feminists are...extreme though. And Esphyr is a pretty bad feminist FMPOV, or at least inconsistent. I won't get into the childcare/career discussion as I think it will go poorly.

I said "tomorrow at the soonest", not necessarily meaning today, though it seems to e next on the agenda.

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Did you see how the faggot started to troll and then pin it on me? If i wasnt new to the site, i would have been better off. The faggot pinned others on me to. What the fuck is up with these idiots? These fucking cowards cant even handle a debate without having anyone else enter in between.

Says the one who joined FES pretty much just to troll me when I feel like going there... *facedesk*

I wouldn't use the word "FAIL". More like ... one step forward, and three steps to the side to avoid being shot.

Profile paging this.

Also, back.

... as soon as I say I'm back I remember this is Sunday and I can't be on. Baiii.

Edited by Sirius
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Stat fight? Doesn't have to be today. Just know that we won't make it through Giver's canyon without running into the two fliers, a ballista(possibly stat ballista if Luna likes my idea), and a bunch of mooks.

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Yes, I believe it was established that Directus is after Giver's Canyon.

And rocks fall, NPCs die sounds like a fair plan to me, if Script thinks it's fine. His NPCs after all.

Oh yes, perfectly fine with me for the dear fodder. Though I do hope Fargo gets a giant ballista bolt through the heart, just seems fitting for some reason.

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I'd actually wonder if they should all die except Fargo, because he's turning into a Captain Travis dark horse. >_>

Where is Travis? Or Synt?

Planplanplan plotplotplot.....I have 3 new ideas....1 of which....IS NOT JOAN RIVERS!

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