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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Do not rule-bounce Snike. It's poor in sportsmanship and does not get you a sympathetic ear at all.

Was this directed at me?

If so, I just posted my thoughts. I also said to go through with the solution.

If not, I'll just step out of here, quickly.

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You're late.

Unlike you, I do this thing called "sleep" :/


Kamilla got more then her share of hositility :/ I mean before the mind wipe no one was willing to talk to her. Afterwards she sort of forced herself on everyone, but even then, only Tessa would say more then a few words to her.

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Which hey, they were losing evil-ness! Verry would have basically been neutral, maybe followed us by now. >_>

I told you it was happening quickly.


Eh. Appearently she knows these two random people, and is stuck at the top of a tower right now. >_>

Edited by Psych
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I should have just gotten Kamilla. Then I an do evil stuff, and you can't get mad at me. >_>

Problem: I didn't like the idea of Kamilla in the first place and would still get mad at you.

^^Also this.

^Mage Girls were bad and you should feel bad.

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Probably best not to mention or defend the mage sisters Psych. I think people would cite them as one of the biggest mistakes in this RP Right after letting me join. Though partial blame with the mage trio lies with Snowy for making a stupid alteration/suggestion.


I didn't like Conrad either :P

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Unlike you, I do this thing called "sleep" :/


Kamilla got more then her share of hositility :/ I mean before the mind wipe no one was willing to talk to her. Afterwards she sort of forced herself on everyone, but even then, only Tessa would say more then a few words to her.

False. Random fail-swordsmen were willing to talk with her.

@ Mages: Unfortunately, they crossed the line. End of Story.

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@ Cuddles

I sleep. Not always willingly but I do.

@ Kamilla

It's the Reika contrast. The only people who were in a position to befriend Kamilla were Bal and Snike. Viv and Kami may have gotten along well enough, but she left right before Viv joined, so we'll never know. Kamilla was around in the early chapters were it was either love or hate toward just about everyone. Can't exactly call those the good old days.

@ Psych

What made you think no one got mad at Cuddles for what she use to do with her characters?

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Regarding the rule: There was also provision made for retaliation (i.e. "this character mauled mine, thus mine can try to maul them"). Now, when I was writing it up, I was mainly focused on one-on-one interactions (and mostly physical fights; "incapacitation" was meant in the physical, injured sense), not really thinking about NPCs, but I think it follows that imprisonment proportionate to crimes actually committed is legitimate under the rule.

This would, of course, have to be ruled or vetoed by a GM.

Edited by Kiryn
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Since I've absolutely no intentions of joining LoAF again, I really don't care what Sage and Phoenix do to Reika and Kamilla. They could have them turn into Aiya/Esphyr like whores for all I care. So being stuck ontop of a tower doesn't bother me.

Though Phoenix asked a good question, what made you think people didn't get mad at me? Everytime I did something Kiryn would go "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" or something akin to that XD


Right, forgot about Eric XD It's been awhile, leave my poor selective memory alone :P


Sleep?..... yeah, kay. And I've never been on the internet before :/


Flexi-rule XD Selective application ftw XD

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It was just an oversight on Kiryn's part. The rule should have applied to this type of thing all along (which it does when the definitions are laxed anyway)

@ Sleep


@ Kamilla

Worst case scenario, she ends up as a back-up lover for Iso, Lev, or Ivanko. Best case scenario, she doesn't get mind wiped again.

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@Oversight: I think maybe it should be a separate rule, just because of the inclusion of NPCs. The rule actually is only meant to apply to PCs and enemies, because there are too many cases to cover for NPCs (and we don't let the usual ridiculous suspects use NPCs anyway.) Alex herself is an NPC, for one thing.

@Worst case scenario: Laughing and facepalming simultaneously.

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Depends on how long ago you're recalling to, It was originally 2PC's only, (Had to discuss it when creating Dalton/Jones+Reika). Which switched to a 3 character for those who'd make enemies. But I won't go into any detail there, Snowy wouldn't have enforced the rule regardless of what it was.

I've whined to Phoenix about this, but what the hell is an NPC in this RP.

PC: Playable character that travels with the group

NPC: Playable character that travels with the group

Enemy: Character that is hostile to the group.

Only difference between a PC and an NPC is one has stats, the other doesn't. And if this is still an RP, RP'ing a characters action and thoughts counts as a "playable" character :/

Edited by Kanami
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Cuddles, the definition of PC and NPC was warped(applied elsewhere).

The definition we've been using is this

PC: Playable character within the party that can directly participate in stat battles, gain exp, and supports(from which characters is still being loosely debated)

NPC: Character(obviously playable or they wouldn't exist) that may or may not travel with the party that cannot actively participate in stat battles (some npcs have stats, most of mine anyway just in case a fight breaks out)

The original definition was from the fire emblem set up where blues are PCs which are controlled by the player directly, greens were npcs who couldn't be controlled directly, and enemies were red. The definition was put onto LoAF the exact same way. Only difference here is that every character is controlled by a player so the definition is screwy.

Getting tired of explaining this

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So pretty much the only difference between a PC and NPC is stat battles, since they seem to be able to manage supports :/ I'm also sure that in FE green units were usually impartial to the group. Or at least not "part" of the group. I'm also wondering if they had names :/

An NPC would be the innkeeper as Istample that I slaughtered. An NPC would be guards you people tricked to get into Ilyphina.

If you want to reference FE, how many NPC's from FE appear again and again throughout the games?


"greens were npcs who couldn't be controlled directly,"

But due to being an RP, they are playable :/ So that's not really a difference.

The question wasn't directed at you, and you're circling around me trying to confuse me and failing miserably, the only valid remark was stats vs non-stats.

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Green units appear throughout the games (FE7 in particular) and even travel with the party. Do Ninian and Nils ring any bells here? Then we have the Uther types who don't do much but appear on rare occasions. The nameless ones seem to be your definition which is probably why the term "Secondary Character" came up elsewhere. I'm fine with that saying personally, but for now just know that that is how we've been defining things.

No one else gets into these PC/NPC debates so directing it at anyone but me is a waste of time til Luna shows up and reads the discussion

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For the intents of purposes of this RP I'd say the main difference between PCs and some NPCs is mere stats; other NPCs fulfil the more traditional role of background characters.

Actually there are only really three that blur the line at the moment by hanging out with the party still too many in my book

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Levski actually kind of stepped on the line by not only having stats, but by being the one character that really ought to be a PC, the only things preventing it being my laziness and his status as a 2nd tier character.

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